SUBJECT: SAND MOUNTAIN TALES FILE: UFO1279 NEWS CLIPPING SERVICE DATE OF ARTICLE: March 16, 1989 SOURCE OF ARTICLE: Weekly Post LOCATION: Rainsville, Alabama BYLINE: Ellarie Martin ======================================================== THIS FILE WAS PROVIDED BY THE UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE AND PREPARED BY PARANET ALPHA -- PARANET INFORMATION SERVICE ======================================================== SAND MOUNTAIN TALES By Ellarie Martin Speaking of weirdos, all the excitement about the UFOs reminded me. About eight years ago when we were still in Florida, James and a man he worked with on the ranch were coming into the ranch from the hard road and looked up and saw a huge round 'saucer' just sitting up over the ranch. They sat there and looked at it for a long time before it took off. And shortly after that one evening, I looked up and saw a bright light streaking across the sky in a zigzag pattern that was not like any star or airplane I'd ever seen. About 34 years ago, my sister lived in Pensacola just off the air base where her husband was stationed. She said she woke up one night and saw a bright light that lit up the whole area. Going to the window, she looked up in the sky over the base and saw a cigar shaped UFO with the lights going around it and stood and watched it for a long time before going back to bed. The next night the same thing happened and the third night it happened again. Only that time she woke her husband up and showed it to him. He called the officer of the day and reported it to him and was told there was nothing there to be concerned with, and was later told it was just his imagination. Silly? Yes, but our government has consistently refused to acknowledge the presence of these strange vehicles. I am so interested that I keep hoping one of them will come and ask me to visit with them in their machine. I'd go, buddy!!! I am sorry people want to shoot them down and hurt them. It is the typical reaction to something not understood. ================================================================= ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************