SUBJECT: PENSACOLA, FLORIDA SIGHTING REPORT FILE: UFO1335 Mutual UFO Network - Sighting Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Log #900818 - Event 4/18/90, near Milton, Florida. Investigator Terri Kussart. A man was driving when he noticed what at first appeared as a spherical object near the ground a quarter-mile away. It was described as dull white and 20-45 feet in diameter, with numerous bluish, aquamarine and white lights on the surface. As he chased the object along the winding road, it seemed to transform into first a bell shape, then a disc-like oval. The driver followed the anomaly to Pensacola. Upon approaching the I-10 (Escambia Bay) bridge, the object stopped and hovered, then dove under the bridge and was not seen again. Photos attempted while en route were blank after processing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************