SUBJECT: 02/87 SIGHTING IN GLEASON, PA. FILE: UFO1375 Report #: 223 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 04-22-1987 Subject: GLEASON, WI CASE TYPE: LRS DATE: 3 FEBRUARY 1987 TIME: 18:45 HOURS CFN#: 0345 DURATION: UNKNOWN WITNESSES: THREE SOURCE: JOURNAL, ANTIGO ---------------------------------------------- Another in a series of recent UFO unidentified flying object sightings was reported in the Gleason area Thesday night. Three sister, Rhonda Chapman, 13, Rebecca Chapman, 10, and Tara Chapman, 9, of N8196 Highway H., Gleason, reported to Lincoln County sheriff's department that they spotted a UFO in the sky near their home about 6:45 P.M. The information was relayed to the Langlade County sheriff's department. The girls said they saw a large round object that was first yellow and white in color, and later changed to blue with red flashing lights. Sparks emitted from the object, the girls reported. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************