SUBJECT: SAUCERS SPOTTED IN 36 STATES FILE: UFO1391 From the Las Vegas Review-Journal, July 7, 1947 FLYING SAUCERS HAVE U.S. "NUTS" SEEN EVERYWHERE SAN FRANCISCO, July 7 (AP) - From one end of the country to the other, new reports of disc-like "flying saucers" skimming through the skies today added to the mystery which has baffeled the nation since June 25. There were no satisfactory explaination of the phenomenon. The saucers were first reported seen in the state of Washington on June 25. Then persons in other western states said they had seen them. The peak came over the July 4 holiday, when they were first reported seen east of the Mississippi. The latest tabulation showed the mystery objects had been reported seen in 36 states, the District of Columbia and in Canada. Yesterday they were reported seen in more than a dozen states and in south-western Ontario. An aerial patrol by the Oregon National Guard failed to sight one of the objects. The guard planned to send a plane today to a spot near St. Maries, Idaho, where a woman said 10 persons saw eight of the discs disappear in timber on July 3. Kenneth Arnold, businessman-pilot of Boise, Idaho, first reported seeing the discs. He said he saw 9 flying in formation at 1,200 miles an hour over the Cascade mountains. Other observers have given the objects varing speeds. In at least one case they seemed to be suspended in the air. KNOCKS ONE DOWN BOZEMAN Mont., July 7 (UP) - A P-38 pilot reported today that he knocked down a "flying saucer" - he called it a "flying yoyo" - yesterday over the Tobacco Root mountains in Western Montana. Vernon Baird, Los Angeles, pilot for the Fairchild Photo- grammetric Engineer's company, said he tangled with the "yoyo" while flying a P-38 for the firm. The company is mapping the area between Helena and Yellowstone Park for the reclamation bureau. Baird said he and his photographer, George Suttin, Los Angeles were flying 360 miles an hour at 32,400 feet when he turned to check an oil distribution mechanism. "There about 100 yards behind me was the yoyo," Baird said. "It was a pearl-gray clam-shaped airplane, with a plexiglass dome on top. It was about 15 feet in diameter and about 4 feet thick". The curious yoyo overhauled the P-38 and Baird took evasive action. "The yoyo got caught in my propwash and the thing came apart like a clamshell. The two pieces spiraled down somewhere in the Madison Range. Baird said that after the yoyo fell apart he looked around and saw several of them darting around "like a batch of molecules doing the rumba." Baird said he was too busy handeling his plane to notice if there was a man inside the gadget. His photographer didn't think about his camera until it was too late to get a picture, Baird said. PORT COSTA, Calif., July 7 (AP) - The phenomenon of the flying saucers may be linked in some mysterious manner with the economic trend, Ralph Dinsmore reported today. Soberly, he noted that he had observed a formation of flying saucers in the vicinity of Mt. Diablo: "The middle saucer seemed to have an object on it that looked like a cup of coffee. Traveling behind the one with the coffee was another with a sign that said 5 cents. As I watched, the 5 cent sign seemed to give way to a 10 cent figure and at the same time the amount of coffee in the saucer cup grew considerably less. The sugar shrank noticably and the cream disappeared entirely." Three San Leandro policemen said they saw a flying saucer last night. It approached from the west, they related, hovered over San Leandro at a height of 10,000 feet for half an hour, then disappeared. Oakland and San Leandro police received several telephone calls during this period from residents who declared, they too, had seen the flying aerial platter. Private First Class Robert O'Hara of Hamilton Field, Marin County said he saw a 40 foot disc over the field. He estimated it's altitude at 6,000 feet. Frank Tylman, a construction engineer and WWI flyer, said he and his son, Danny, 9, saw a saucer at 8:20 a.m., Sunday, 2 miles west of Pittsburg, Contra Costa County. "It was shooting towards Mt. Diablo," Tyman stated. "It revolved in a counter-clockwise direction, as he viewed it.It was probably 3,000 feet up and appeared to move faster than a jet plane. It might have had the span of a P-80, was silver in color, circular in shape, and had difinite thickness, being curved outward on both upper and lower surfaces. It left no smoke or vapor behind it." BY UNITED PRESS Army pilots went aloft today for another search for the mysterious "flying saucers" now reported seen in 31 states and parts of Canada. Equiped with telescopic cameras, 11 army planes searched the Pacific Northwest yesterday without finding any trace of the flying discs which had been reported over scores of communities the preceding two days. REDWOOD CITY, Calif., July 4 (AP) - A flight of about 30 flying saucers was observed at 10:35 a.m. (PST) today over the San Carlos area, Stanley Miramon and his mother, Mrs. Marie Maranta reported. Miramon said the group circled over one spot northeast of San Carlos, at an altitude of 2,000 feet. They were round, silvery in color, and "about the size of an automobile." He said a two engine transport plane was in the same general area and it appeared the pilot saw the "things" and headed toward them. Miramon said he ran into the house to telephone a newspaper, and by the time he returned to the street the objects were gone. NEW TWIST PALMDALE, Calif. July 7 (UP) - Mrs. Amy Herdliska reported a new twist on the nation's mysterious "flying saucers" today. She told the sheriff's office she saw a "parent disc" leading five smaller discs over the mountains. The smaller ones, she said seemed to fly away from the larger disc then return and seemed to be absorbed by it. Like baby chicks hiding under a mother hen's wings. SONOMA, Calif., July 7 (UP) - General H. H. (Hap) Arnold, head of the army air forces during WWII, said today the discs could be a development of United States scientisits not yet perfected. He also speculated that they could be the development of some foreign scientists and were operating out of control. The general's third guess was just plain jet fighting planes. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************