SUBJECT: UFO NATTERING AND SUCH FILE: UFO1407 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || || || A Plan for Sharing and Growing || || ANTAHKARANA, || || THE STAR PEOPLE CONNECTION || || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| In the year of 1984, a group energy concept called Antahkarana was given to the planet. In the ensuing years many phases of the Star People Connection have been pursued to the present moment. Now the plans for expansion are appropriate. We wish to present the following plan for your consideration. A headquarters for national growth and development will be located in Seattle, Washington. We are accepting applications for Coordinators of other major areas within your state and Network Coordinators in outlying areas connected to the nearest branch. The Seattle Branch will serve as a template for the further expansion to other major cities in neighboring states. Those combined energies will be designated regions and our plan is to ultimately connect with each other through the National Headquarters. The purpose of a branch is to offer the higher, appropriate energies a focus through which the plan for the further spiritual development can manifest. Antahkarana is a group of "DO IT" people whose purpose is to bring forth the energies of the Three Fold Flame. The Three Fold Flame is represented as that which is focused through the Heart chakra of Love, Wisdom, and Power. The aforementioned energies are focused through three identified, out of body, groups: The Angelic Kingdom, The Masters of the Planetary Hierarchy, and the Intergalactic Confederation of Space Brotherhood. These three paths are honored individually although a particular group or individual may have a particular focus. The major purpose on the Earth plane is to offer mutual support to Star People/Light Workers to pursue their individual path of spiritual growth while cooperating with the Greater Plan of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Let it be known that we believe this evolvement is happening throughout the omniverse. An emphasis is on the development of the Star Person/Light Worker through cooperation with their greater self and other aspects sometimes referred to as starseeds or walk-ins. A spirit of cooperation is to be fostered on all levels and the art of negotiation with spirit to perform the appropriate bridging between all levels and dimensions. The participants in Antahkarana, The Star People connection, are taught the Top Down View, "A Unifying Perspective of the Visitor Experience," dealing with discernment of the various energies contacting the earth plane individuals and groups. The most important idea is to honor all paths. A spirit of cooperation with other Light Groups is fostered and participation in Antahkarana is available to those who resonate with the aims and purposes as published in the statement of purpose. The overlying emphasis is on creating a strong spirit of unity rather than separation. The individual is honored and taught how to integrate into the grater whole. Bridging on all levels, both vertical and horizontal, is promoted. We are seeking Light Workers who have a strong sense of dedication and commitment to their path with a great sense of the evolving events happening on the planet and with the aim of assisting the higher realms to manifest that plan on Earth. The individual is able to maximize his need for spiritual growth while simultaneously participating in the greater good for all. In every sense of the usage, Antahkarana: The Star People Connection, is about building bridges and coming from the heart. The original Sanskrit work means "The Bridge" and is the esoteric word for the bridge between the heart and head and the bridge between Heaven and Earth. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ANTAHKARANA is for YOU. It is to assist you in becoming all that you have chosen to be. We offer you the following opportunities to experience: o Something that will bring joy to your spiritual body and expand awareness of your greater self. o A challenge for your mental body by assisting you to get a top down view and a unifying perspective of the mass of material regarding the visitor experience. o Fun for your emotional body, support and fellowship. Balance to your physical body as it enters into its full potential as a light body/upper dimensional being of divine origin. o Wonderful opportunities for networking and support with your individual path through such activities as our "Ambassadors from the Stars Talent Bank," a newsletter and a monthly networking conclave potluck. We have enjoyed meeting you in the past. We send you our love and goodwill. We hope to see you again. As we close all of our activities by saying, so also will we close this letter: "In Love we come together, in Love we serve together, in Love we share together and in Love we shall come together again." PEACE, LOVE, AND LIGHT ARASIA Coordinator, Antahkarana International 501 N. 36th St., #140, Seattle, WA 98103 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ANTAHKARANA IS: o For Star People who want to come out of the closet. o For Star People who want to stand up and be counted. o For those who want to reach up and reach out. o For Star People who want to remember their heritage and accept their destiny. o A "Do it" group that believes just knowing is not doing. o A belief that no one is perfect or has to have all the answers before he/she starts. o A belief in love, support and fellowship. o A belief that spirituality can be fun. So -- If you believe you may also be on "Earth Assignment", come and check us out! If you are interested in joining a group of Antahkarana or starting your own branch, or if you have any questions in general, feel free to contact Arasia at the above address or e-mail me at the address below. Together, we will bridge between Heaven and Earth! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || Walter D "Arbaline" Pullen || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************