SUBJECT: TRUE MAGAZINE SAYS SAUCERS ARE FROM SPACE FILE: UFO1415 From the Las Vegas Review-Journal, December 27, 1949 "INTERPLANETARY SAUCERS" BOSH, SAYS AAF NEW YORK, Dec. 27 (UP) - True magazine said today that "informed authorities" believed that "flying saucers" are "interplanetary vehicles" manned by spacemen from a distanr civilization more advanced than on earth. Concluding without reservation that "flying saucers are real," True said it learned that "a rocket authority stationed at Wright Field, Ohio has told ...(air force) personnel flatly that the saucers are interplanetary and that no other conclusion is possible." Wright Field officials, however, did not support this view. "The air force material command has been working very closely with intelligence on the whole matter of flying saucers," a spokesman said. "We probably have the most complete file on saucers anywhere." ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************