SUBJECT: MINUTS OF THE 4TH QUARTER MUFON-NC MEETING FILE: UFO1435 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 4, 1990 QUARTERLY MEETING 5TH QUARTERLY MEETING - ANNUAL MEETING PFIEFFER COLLEGE - CHARLOTTE CAMPUS The Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc. (MUFON- NC,Inc.) 5th quarter meeting and annual meeting was opened with a word of prayer by our Stare Director George D. Fawcett of Lincolnton. Opening comments by Fawcett included a word of thanks to the host committe members for their excellent work in setting up the meeting. Other brief comments covered door prozes, membership requirements, currwnt projects of various officers and members. George E. Lund III of Charlotte gave a brief report on current lectures, published works, National UFO Information displays in both Charlotte and Durham and the last Field Investigators Seminar conducted by the Greater Charlotte MUFON Investigators, as his Public Relations Directors report. In the absence of Kent Senter of Durham, the Secretary's minutes were read by Fawcett and approved as read. Robert Hair, Assistant State Director from Eden next recognized all new MUFON-NC, Inc. members and then reported on the Nominating Committee's list of officers nominated to serve in 1991. Officers nominated and accepted by acclimination: Robert Hair - Eden - State Director, George E. Lund III - Charlotte - Assistant State Director, William Kent Senter - Durham - Secretary, Natalie Ginger Richardson - Charlotte - Assistant Secretary, Granville Angell - Vale - Treasurer, Jayne Ware - Winston Salem - Historian, George D. Fawcett III - Lincolnton - Public Relations Director. John Feilke of Lincolnton and gave a brief report on his UFO Computer Bulletin Board System, and Danny Barger gave a brief report on the upcoming UFO lecture by Budd Hopkins in Charlotte. Both were congratulated for their efforts to promote MUFON-NC,Inc., and Barger was congratulated for his excellent computer "Carolina UFO Newsletter", which was distributed widely. Gran Angell, MUFON-NC, Inc. Treasurer reported that we had $184.00 on deposit but that this amount did not include any new memberships and donations collected at the Charlotte meeting, nor expenses incurred at the same, as this information was not yet available. In opening the program part of the agenda, State Director Fawcett stated that we had approximately 174 in attendence at the meeting and some had to be turned away due to the crowded meeting room. It was also noted that a PA system was badly needed for future meetings also. The first speaker of the day was Wayne Laporte (Indian Trail) who spoke and showed slides covering the topic "Dimensionalism." Laporte pursued the theory that many (but not all) UFO sightings are triggered by seismic energy created by fault line activity and that such events cound not only cause electromagnetic effects on soil, animals, machines but in some cases can cause hallucinations concerning occupant encounters. The second speaker was George Fawcett III (Lincolnton) who gave an update on recent and upcoming books, T.V. documentaries, symposiums, movies, ect. Fawcett chose for his topic "An Update on England's Crop Circles" where he outlined some of the morepuzzeling ones of over 800 found in England in recent years. He also noted that similiar reports recently have come from Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada, Kansas, Florida and North Carolina. Some involved UFO's. Intermission came next with a selection of good food and light drinks and was highlighted by a presentation of a MUFON-NC, Inc. "First Anniversary" cake provided by Gail Feilke, who designed and baked it for the meeting. Following the intermission period, a large number of door prizes were given to the lucky persons, whose names were drawn. A large number of printed handouts, which included book lists, meeting notices, resource listings, questionars, membership forms, UFO quizes, officer listings were also distributed. Fawcett next thanked Robert Hair for his presentation of a MUFON-NC, Inc. gavel to the organization and passed around the engraved gavel to the audience to inspect. The thisd speaker of the day was Ginger Richardson (Charlotte) whose topic "The John Lear Story, The Greys, Us and Alien Bases" proved to be both interesting and controversial. Richardson covered the hypothesis that our government has agreements withe creatures from outer space. Our government allegedly gets advances technical knowledge in exchange for harmless medical experiments on humans. The USA-ALIEN pact apparently has been violated by these creatures, who have proceeded to abduct humans for food and impregnate women to create hybrid offspring, ect. The fourth speaker was Mark Blashar (MUFON-Va. State Director from Manakin-Sabot) who told of "Updated UFO Events From Virginia." Blashar noted an increase of reports in Virginia and told of auto chases, occupant encounters, missing time experiences, radar interferences. These cases involved domed discs, manta ray, and diamond-shaped objects. The fifth speaker was Dr. Steven Greer (Ashville) who feels there is a real chance for bilateral exchange (communications). Dr. Greers thesis and talk "The CE5 Initative" was well received also. He feels that humans must extinguish destructive behavior like war, before alien contacts can begin. They are seeing such contacts themselves, but are cautious of their oun security as well. Case in point: Father Gill "waving hands" contact in New Guinea, also car "blinking lights" responses elsewhere. A reminder by Fawcett that after the meeting, members and guests would ajourn and meet at a nearby Shoney's for food and further questions came next. The five hour meeting came to an end after the showing of a 52 minute video film entilted "UFOs: A Scientific Enigma", produced by the MUFON-Mass. organization and provided by Danny Barger of Lincolnton. Respectifully submitted, George D. Fawcett III (Acting Secretary) MUFON-NC,Inc. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************