SUBJECT: UFO INTELLIGENCE NEWSLETTER, SEPTEMBER 1990 FILE: UFO1609 MUFONET-BBS Network - Mutual UFO Network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTRIBUTOR: FRAN RIDGE, EDITOR. MUFON State Director UFO FILTER CENTER / 618 DAVIS DR. / MT. VERNON, IN. Subscription information: Published monthly. $12.00 a yr. 4 pages. 8.5 x 11. 1 side. 1 page of text, three of UFO sighting info. ************ UFO INTELLIGENCE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NUMBER 26, SEPTEMBER 1990 ************ EVIDENTLY NO LULL Based on one indicator, Indiana sightings (Indiana being on the `Top Ten'), during the last eight months reported events a little over 60% of last years total. Based on this more immediate information, and the fact that we are 60% through 1990, we are pretty close to the same numbers for this time of year. Also, input from other sources has resumed and the data appears to be pretty consistent with that projection. As you may be aware, other input for June, July & August is not yet showing up, but will within 30-60 days. I would not be surpised NOT to see a dramatic increase in significant sightings for August-on, especially in the area of the Middle East, in light of information that we have on file. However, this too, wouldn't show up until October or November, except for some types of media coverage. Why an increase? In the fall of 1973 we experienced a major world-wide UFO wave, the largets concentration of sightings since 1952. It is quite interesting when you look at the graphs which help illustrate the beginning, intensity, and end of the wave. At that time we were not collecting information on the total U.S. but merely our region. According to research done by Richard Hall (`Uninvited Guests'), in 1973 we had the OPEC oil embargo, a petroleum crisis and political turmoil in the U.S., the Agnew resignation, and the last but probably the important timely item, the Israeli-Arab war (Oct. 6-21). Our six state regional data showed a concentration of sightings which started on October 5th & began to taper off on the 23rd. According to other sources this pattern actually extended all over the country. The correlation appears very suspicious at first glance. It seems to be meaningful when you consider that four of our six states should be `rainguages' or `activity indicators' since they are all on the top in the nation. Ohio ranks in 2nd place in UFO activity, being 6th in population. Illinois ranks 6th, being 5th in population. Indiana ranks, 8th, being in 11th palce in population. And Missouri ranks 9th, although 13th in population. Then according to Hall's research, in 1978 we had the continuing Middle East Crisis, a petroleum shortage and an OPEC price increase. 1978 was another peak year for UFO sightings, although not publicized. The wave occured between October and December and was most intense in the Middle East, itself, and in AUSTRALASIA! This includes Arab nations and an oil field landing at Kuwait. When the regional graphs were checked to see if there was an increase in our area, we were astonished to see that 1978 was another peak year. This time, however, the sightings were spread out over the whole period. But it does appear that multiple nation-threatening turmoil is the concern of ETI, especially when it involves the Middle East. Their interest in our dependence on fossil fuel is evidenced in the data. In the next few months it will be interesting to see if there are any cor- relations with the current crisis, and especially if there is any UFO activity reported in the Saudi Arabia/Iraq area. The big difference between older events and the present situation, however, is that at press time we are not at war, nor is anyone in that area. I just received the July/August 1990 issue of IUR by CUFOS and there was yet another mention of interest. I.Scott, in his article `UFO Studies In The Scientific Literature', mentioned: `I found significant relationships between UFO activity and (a) sunspot activity, (b) power failures, (c) Israel military activity. Nonsignificant relationships included war nerves, studied as years of American wars and as years of American nuclear bomb testing...' I thought this was an interesting independent comment and, also, an interesting observation, since I had been thinking about the `war nerves' thing myself, in the last few weeks in regard to other active periods. END. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************