SUBJECT: UFO TRIVIA TEST #2 FILE: UFO1610 UFO TRIVIA QUIZ - 2 Freshman Level: 1. What makes the New Zealand UFO film so unique? 2. Who theorizes that UFO sightings on the same day are often arranged along a straight line? 3. Which society was founded as a result of the publicizing of the book LO? 4. What is the month and year of Project Bluebook's termination? 5. The Air Force claimed that the Portage County, Ohio police chased what two identifiable objects? Graduate Level: 1. In what year was the word "saucer" first used to describe Unidentified Aerial Objects? 2. Who was the only scientist at he Colorado Project to dismiss UFO's as representing a legitimate physical phenomena? 3. What agency on October 1, 1947, was authorized to investigate UFO reports? 4. In 1917, where did 100,000 people witness a large silvery disc perform incredible maneuvers? 5. In 1967, which law enforcement officer was called "Watchman" by the entities who abducted him? Ph.D. Level: 1. Who, after clashes with Richard Nixon, twice had his security clearance revoked? 2. What is the closest stellar system to our sun? 3. What were six hairy dwarf-type entities doing in Valencia, Venezuela in 1954 before paralyzing Jose Parra? 4. What two countries printed Apollo 11 UFO postage stamps? 5. In which country and year was the first UFO photograph taken? Adapted from UFO TRIVIA by James Melesciuc, 1985 (V. Tilly, '89) ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************