SUBJECT: A NEST OF INFO ON GULFBREEZE UFOs FILE: UFO1652 PART 38 Date: 11-02-91 21:22 From: John Powell Subj: MUFON Meeting I just attended a Maryland MUFON meeting, (I guess you could call it a meeting but it seemed more like a mini-convention to me), and l heard some interesting stuff: [Disclaimer: I have great sympathy for reporters. It is _darn_ hard to listen and think _and_ take legible notes! ] Maccabee: -+------- Said he knows, by name, 12 other people who have clearly seen the UFO/Ed-craft. Showed a bunch of Red-light UFO videotape. Several different sequences where something is seen falling/dropping/lowered from the object. When analyzed, he said the odd thing about the 'light' that is 'dropped' is that it shows no detectable signs of acceleration - so whatever it is that's happenning isn't simply a dropped light/flare/etc... [Newton would be alarmed... ] He mentioned a significant GB sighting on 10/30 that was witnessed by many people and lasted 9 minutes. Because of the duration and the number of witnesses he suggested that there could be other implications. He stated again that he thinks GB, including Ed, is real and 'the most important event in UFOlogy today...' [That's not a direct quote.] He also mentioned that there have been several times when witnesses have seen kites and balloons with flares but these were infrequent and easily spotted. He mentioned a sneaky radar confirmation where a MUFON investigator, I think he said it was Morrison, witnessed a Red-light UFO, called an Air Traffic Controller at one of the Naval Air Stations in Gulf Breeze and claimed to be on a boat and 'saw something weird.' The Controller said they had spotted it too, had no idea what it was, but were already checking into it... In a next-day official inquiry the NAS said they tracked nothing... ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************