SUBJECT: MUFON 1990 A ORGANIZATION AT RISK FILE: UFO1668 107/125 24 Jul 90 10:36:00 From: Jim Speiser To: All Subj: Christensen Article (1/3) Attr: ------------------------------------------------ MUFON, 1990 - An Organization At Risk by Marge Christensen The Gulf Breeze case has recently come crashing down around the investigators and proponents of the case, and when the aftershocks cease and all of the pieces settle, there is a good chance that many of the fragments will have MUFON written on them. For the past three years, this case has torn Ufologists and UFO organizations apart, and it is likely that the damage will not be repaired in the near future, if ever. Can MUFON survive this crisis and salvage any semblance of credibility or is this the beginning of the end for MUFON? Let's examine the facts. In May, 1988, Walt Andrus stated (concerning the Gulf Breeze case) in the MUFON UFO JOURNAL, "...if the investigation discloses that a hoax has been perpetrated upon the UFO community, MUFON will be the first to acknowledge and announce this revelation." Then, in the August, 1988 MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Walt Andrus announced that it was no longer necessary to preface the Gulf Breeze Case with a disclaimer that it is either one of the most incredible cases in UFO history or a fantastically orchestrated hoax. Andrus concluded, "The overwhelming evidence is in. Gulf Breeze is indeed one of the most incredible cases in modern UFO history." He further commented, "Gulf Breeze is a solid case and you read it first in the MUFON UFO JOURNAL." At that time, in response to statements such as those quoted above, various persons in MUFON leadership positions, including this author, spoke out and called for a much more cautious and objective stand on the part of MUFON in regard to the Gulf Breeze case, at least until all of the evidence was in. In the December, 1988 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal, Richard Hall warned that Walt Andrus, Budd Hopkins, and Bruce Maccabee had apparently already had their minds made up and were helping Ed Walters to write a book. Hall pointed out, rightly so, that their approach "departs drastically from long-established scientific procedure (including published MUFON procedure)." At that time, I voiced similar objections to both Walt Andrus and Don Ware to no avail. Both of them responded that they felt that these sightings were proof of extraterrestrial visitation. They accused me of being too conservative, and Walt Andrus then announced the appointment of a new Director of Public Relations to replace me. Even more damaging comments are found in Ed and Frances Walters' book, THE GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS, published this year by William Morrow & Co., Inc. In the chapter, "Investigation and Photo Analysis," Dr. Bruce Maccabee, optical physicist, writes: "Having studied these sightings `every which way' for more than a year I have concluded that they are proof of the existence of UFOs." Dr. Maccabee adds that UFO sightings have been reported for over 40 years but have been ignored or publicly disputed because of a lack of thoroughly convincing proof that UFOs are actually flying in our skies. Now, he adds, "that proof is here." [continued] --- FD 1.99c * Origin: -==- ParaNet[sm] Zeta-Reticuli Scottsdale AZ (1:114/37) 108/125 24 Jul 90 10:37:00 From: Jim Speiser To: All Subj: Christensen Article (2/3) Attr: ------------------------------------------------ In Appendix 3 of the book, Walt Andrus speculates on the solution to the UFO enigma occurring in Gulf Breeze and paints a possible scenario that might be unfolding. That scenario includes Ed Walters, "successful businessman and civic citizen was probably selected for the ultimate disclosure so that the events and evidence would be thoroughly investigated and hopefully accepted by the scientific community as factual and not easily ignored as an obvious hoax." Perhaps the most farfetched claim of all, though, is that of Donald Ware, MUFON State Director for Florida and Eastern States Director for MUFON. Ware's position statement on the Gulf Breeze sightings, published in Appendix 3 of Walters' book, reads as follows: "I am convinced that these sightings are proof of alien visitation. The level of technology demonstrated indicates they can come and go at will and can reside in a variety of places: the bottoms of our oceans, inside major high-altitude ice fields, in earth orbit, on the moon, on Mars, etc..." Ware adds that the feels that the UFOs deliberately allowed Ed to have 18 photographic sessions because the aliens want people to see the photographs. Clearly the statements above are not based on any scientific principles and are in direct contradiction to the MUFON policy page included in each year's MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings. This policy page states that MUFON is "an international scientific organization composed of people seriously interested in studying and researching the UFO phenomenon..." It goes on to hail the MUFON Board of Consultants which is comprised mostly of PhDs and MDs in a wide variety of areas of expertise. It continues, "In order that only qualified, competent and sincere people may become involved, membership in MUFON is by invitation only." The statements of persons discussed above make a mockery of published MUFON policy and of all that MUFON claims to stand for. Furthermore, in light of the recent revelations regarding the hoax behind the Gulf Breeze case, the implications of these three individuals' statements are even more damaging to the credibility of the MUFON organization. In my opinion, it is bad enough that trained investigators, including a respected optical physicist and photoanalysis expert, and a former USAF Col. were totally deceived by a con-man such as Ed Walters. However, it is worse yet that these same trained investigators rushed to judgement and made such rash claims not only publicly, but in print. Moreover, these statements were made by these persons not merely as individuals, but as MUFON officers and investigators. Is this serious, scientific investigative methodology? Hardly. Furthermore, making these statements as MUFON representatives is a direct violation of the MUFON public information policy guidelines. In short, _the party's over and it's time for the charade to end._ [continued] --- FD 1.99c * Origin: -==- ParaNet[sm] Zeta-Reticuli Scottsdale AZ (1:114/37) 109/125 24 Jul 90 10:37:00 From: Jim Speiser To: All Subj: Christensen Article (3/3) Attr: ------------------------------------------------ Let's face the facts. MUFON is _not_ a serious, scientific research organization. Rather it has become nothing but a pop club for people with the mutual interest in reading good stories about UFO cases. In my opinion, it will not be possible for MUFON to be in reality a serious, scientific research organization unless there is new leadership of the organization. Since that appears to be extremely unlikely, I see no alternative but to resign from the MUFON Board of Directors and to resign the post of Director of Public Education at this time. Interestingly, at the 1988 MUFON Symposium at the University of Nebraska, in my paper, entitled "Hynek's Last Wish for Ufology," I suggested that the goal for ufologists to strive for in 1988 should be _professionalism_. I pointed out that the major UFO organizations do have established statements of values, standards, goals and objectives, but in many cases, the membership does not take them seriously. I further added that it isn't enough to pay lip service to these statements or to make the organizations appear scientific and professional on paper. We must make that commitment to put those statements and values into action in our work in the UFO field. Although I received a great deal of positive feedback on my paper from those in attendance, it is obvious that while MUFON leaders approved of the talk, to them it was just that -- talk. Unfortunately, there was no real commitment of action to back up the philosophy expressed in that paper. A highly respected colleague recently commented that MUFON is much more than these few individuals who have been acting in an unscientific manner. There are many people who are doing good work for us. The question now is: Are there enough good people in the organization to put MUFON back on course to renewed credibility and continued existence? -end- --- FD 1.99c * Origin: -==- ParaNet[sm] Zeta-Reticuli Scottsdale AZ (1:114/37) ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************