SUBJECT: LAWYER'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH W. SMITH FILE: UFO1685 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Leslie J. Lott & Associates PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION May 24, 1989 Mr. Willy Smith CERTIFIED MAIL 1200 Murcott Court -------------- Longwood, Florida 32779 RETURN RECEIPT -------------- Dear Mr. Smith: I am an attorney representing Mr. Edward Walters of Gulf Breeze, Florida. I am advised that you are in possession of certain photographs which were taken by my client and which are protected under Title 17 of the United States Code (The Copyright Act). These photographs are the subject of Copyright Registration No. VA 126 238, issued on January 15, 1988. You are hereby placed on notice that any unauthorized reproduction or use of these photographs without my client's express written permission is a violation of his rights under copyright law, and will be addressed by appropriate action. Please govern yourself accordingly. Very truly yours, (signed) Leslie J. Lott Leslie J. Lott LJL/ae cc: Mr. Edward Walters ATTORNEYS AT LAW TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT, AND PATENT RELATED MATTERS 338 MINORCA AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 post marked May 30, 1989 305/448-7089, FAX 305/446-6191 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leslie J. Lott & Associates PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION July 5, 1989 Dr. Willy Smith UNICAT Project 1200 Murcott Court Longwood, FL 32779 Dear Dr. Smith: This office no longer represents Mr. Edward Walters. Accordingly, your letter of June 29, 1989 has been referred directly to Mr. Walters himself for response. Very truly yours, (signed) Leslie J. Lott Leslie J. Lott LJL/sk cc: Mr. Edward Walters ATTORNEYS AT LAW TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT, AND PATENT RELATED MATTERS 338 MINORCA AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 305/448-7089, FAX 305/446-6191 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************