SUBJECT: FOIA: GULFBREEZE UFO ENCOUNTER BY USAF FILE: UFO1721 Message number 18778 in "Alabama UFO Echo" Date: 09-05-91 14:42 From: Jerry Woody To: All Subj: ** TOP SECRET FLORIDA *** The following is a Secret Air force document received from UFO Filter service which they received from Ethan Rich of Colorado MUFON, the document was secured by Ed Witkowski of Vero Beach, Florida. Copy 1 of 2 4 February 1990 C/C AFSC INTEL.DIV "AQUA BLUE" scramble incident Copy 1 of 2 Attch 1 Grumman Aerospace Corp. Radar/Targeting Telemetry/Tracking Office 1) Request data review and interpretation of aquired information concerning unknown track. 2) At approx. 1540 hrs on 04 Febuary, 1990 an unknown aircraft entered military restricted airspace on range site 2-i1a over gulf ACMI training area. Four F-15C aircraft asigned to the 33rd tactical Fighter Wing were scrambled to intercept and identify object. 3) Unknown would not respond to transmitted requests for identification and no IFF/transponder frequencies were identified. 4) Pilot debriefing reviews concluded the following: the aircraft once visually sighted, appeared to have no surface features, giving an unsure depth of field appearance. General shape and configuration suggested having a lifting body design. Aircraft would appear on sweep radar at intermitant intervals, suggesting some stealth capabilities. Pilots reported crafts flight profile was not within any known envelope. Aircraft displayed advanced maneuver capabilities, at times out turn and out accellerating chase aircraft. YE2 speed and thrust to weight suggested a high end ratio. 5) After a 22 minute engagement and multiple attempts at intercept the craft entered the verticle and displayed constant accelleration in the verticle until out of sight. At no time were any aggressive maneuvers noted. AFSC confirmed that no testing was performed at this time in that area. 6) Latest intellegence reports add that no Eastern D100 country nor known Soviet Aircraft have the capabilities displayed by the unkknown. At time of this dispatch incident is classified sensitive. End of Report. SECRET --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I thought of hatching this out over the BAMA tic, but in my evaluation it was too significant to not be sent via BAMA, especially n the mist of the Gulf Breeze Bashing going on. Moderator ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************