SUBJECT: BACKGROUND OF MARS ET HYPOTHESIS FILE: UFO1741 Background information handy to evaluating the martian intelligence hypothesis' Martian data () Viking analysis revealed a mars possessing all the elements of life: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen () Viking analysis also confirmed an earlier epoch in martian history when life could have originated () Viking data and current evolutionary theory revealed that, though long enough to create martian microorganisms, that "benign epoch" would have been too short -- ^rby billions of years^r -- to have permitted its evolution into intelligence, certainly not human-looking intelligence Therefore . . . If the "anomalies" detected in the viking images are artifacts, the "face" is a specific signal to us, -- and the artifacts are product of an intelligence that did not originate on mars General physics () Thirty years of scientific discussion and observation has led to a general scientific expectation of a universe filled with life. () In those thirty years, the consensus has been that extraterrestrial civilizations wishing to contact neighboring civilizations would "phone home" -- use interstellar radio transmissions () Recent reappraisals of terrestrial technological capabilities in the next century, however, indicate that sub-light travel between stars -- though extremely expensive and difficult by current engineering standards -- is not physically impossible () Thus, recent authors on "et"s in the scientific literature have rightly asked: "why not look for et-generated physical evidence^r on near-by satellites and planets?" For these reasons . . . There is nothing "unscientific" in suggesting that the cydonia objects viking photographed -- including "the face" -- could be "extraterrestrially-generated artifacts," placed in an environment proven (by viking) suitable for colonization by an advanced civilization Facts supporting the martian 'intelligence hypothesis' "Intelligent life on earth first reveals itself through the geometrical regularity of its constructions." -- Carl sagan, cosmos Qualitative observations () Discovery of bilaterally symmetric humanoid "face" in region called cydonia () Discovery of "pyramids" and other "architectural" objects nearby suggesting the presence of a "city" Geometrical and mathematical analysis () Discovery of geometrical relationships linking all relevant objects at cydonia -- including "face" -- into one "complex": the "relationship model" () Discovery of fundamental mathematical constants -- including "e" and "pi" -- expressed geometrically in one key object: a bilaterally symmetric, five-sided "pyramid" () Discovery of identical mathematics -- including "e" and "pi" -- in geometry linking entire "complex": elegent validation of "relationship model" () Discovery of direct mathematical connection between siting of "cydonia complex" on planet -- specific latitude -- and "e/pi" constants expressed geometrically in "complex": hardly explanable other than by intelligent design Computer analysis () Sophisticated computer-graphics analysis and modeling of three-dimensional structure of "face," proves underlying form is not dismissable as "trick of light and shadow" () Computer-graphics reconstruction of resulting three-d "face" proves facial resemblance persists at all viewing and illumination angles () State-of-the-art fractal analysis of cydonia (computerized surface pattern-recognition), demonstrates that "face" and "city" possess unique "non-natural" surface texture patterns, compared to surrounding natural mountains Conclusions of all analyses: Significant evidence, from variety of disciplines, points strongly to artificial origin . . . ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************