SUBJECT: INCIDENT REPORT ON COOPER BY BILL ENGLISH FILE: UFO1783 CONFIDENTIAL Bill Cooper Incident Report The following is a report of the circumstances that have taken place leading to legal action against Milton William Cooper, by William S. English. BACKGROUND In July of 1989, Milton William Cooper began to call various people to include Leonard Stringfield and relate to them that I had been on my way back from the 1989 MUFON conference that took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, and that someone tried to shoot at me. I first learned of this when John Reynolds, a UFO Investigator in Massachusetts, wrote me a letter where he expressed concerns about my well being. I thought this to be an odd comment from John and called him to inquire as to what would prompt such concern. John informed me that he had spoken to Len Stringfield, and that Len had told him that he had been informed that someone tried to kill me on my return trip form Las Vegas. I then called Len, and asked where he had heard such a thing. Len replied that Bill Cooper had called him in the middle of the night and told him the story of how I had been shot at while driving back from the conference. It was at this point that I determined that this along with several other incidents that took place at the conference with Mr. Cooper, was cause to remove Mr. Cooper From the UFINET Board of Review. For several reasons, but the first and foremost being that since UFINET had been founded on the principals of honesty and integrity that this kind of activity would be detrimental to the organization. Cooper was removed and informed of that removal. I would point out that Cooper was aware of his membership to the Board of Review, and did take full advantage of the privileges of that membership. It was shortly after this removal that he contacted me at my home and denied having ever made such a statement to Stringfield. It is my estimation that Len Stringfield had no reason to lie to me about some as ridiculous as that. During the following several months, Cooper made several public appearances in which I learned that he made reference to my having viewed the same document that he had. Based on further information about Cooper I have severe doubts about his claims, but I did not say anything publicly, opting instead to announce that Mr. Cooper and I had no association with each other. I made several announcements to this effect in both "THE PEGASUS" Newsletter, published by UFINET News and INformation Service, and finally one in UFO Magazine, which in effect said that Mr. Cooper and I were not associated with one another and that I doubted his claims to having seen the same material that I had, and also that I objected to his taking peoples hard earned money by spreading horseshit as factual information. THE INCIDENT During an appearance on the Bill Goodman radio show, "The Happening", Bill Cooper had the occasion to answer a question by one of those calling in. The caller asked Cooper about the most recent disclaimer I had placed in the January edition of UFO Magazine. Cooper asked the caller to read the add, after which he said that he was aware of the announcement, but wanted the listeners to know that he was forthright, honest, man. He then proceeded into a long diatribe about myself. During the course of this diatribe, Cooper claimed that I had called him in a drunken state for which I kept apologizing, and told him that someone tried to kill me on my return from Las Vegas. He went on to say that I admitted to him that I had a drinking problem and that I had been drinking heavily during the period before and after the conference due to my fears. He further stated that I was an alcoholic. Learning about the radio broadcast from a source in Los Angeles, I made arrangements for a tape of that particular broadcast to be sent to me. When I listened to the broadcast tape I became extremely angry about the comments that had been made by Cooper and immediately contacted a lawyer here in Alamogordo to begin legal proceedings. During the course of this I appeared on a radio show in Los Angeles called "Adventure Radio" hosted and produced by Ken Hudnell, and announced that I was filing legal action against Milton William Cooper for the amount of one million dollars for slander. this was on a friday, the 26th of January. I was scheduled to appear again on the following monday, the 30th of January. It was toward the end of this broadcast that Milton William Cooper called into the show. Mr. Cooper made the statement that he was tired of having his good name dragged through the mud. He went on to say that he had a tape of a phone conversation between him and myself that would substantiate everything that he had said during the course of the Billy Goodman radio show, and that if I were to send him a release he would play the tape. At this point I said o.k. The following morning I fax'ed a release in care of Ron Feryanitz, co-host to the Adventure Radio Show, giving Cooper permission to play the tape providing it was of the conversation where I supposedly was drunk and told him that some one tried to kill me on my return from Las Vegas. I also placed the stipulation on it that the tape be delivered into the hands of either Ron Feryanitz or Ken Hudnell at the studios where the Radio show originated and that it was not to be played on the phone from Cooper's home. This in part because there was no telling what kind of tape Cooper would try to fob off as having come from me. I then spoke with both Ron and Ken and they felt that the release was fair and certainly above board. That night Cooper was to appear with me once again of Adventure Radio to play the tape. Prior to the broadcast Ken Hudnell apparently called Cooper and told him to bring the tape and they would play it on the air. Hudnell went on to read the release to Cooper. Cooper then made the statement that he would not bring the tape to Hudnell and that he would not agree to the provision that the tape not be played on the phone line to the studio. He went on to state that he would only play the tape if I were to sign an agreement written up by his attorney, and refused to appear on the radio show that night. When I appeared I made the comment that the reason why Bill Cooper was not there and there was no tape was because no such conversation between him and I took place. I also made the remark to the effect of "Where's the Beef Bill??" In short Bill Cooper was told to put up or shut up. CONCLUSION At this point I am still finalizing the legal action and waiting to see what takes place with Cooper. I am aware of Cooper's situation and know that he does not have one million dollars. But I am willing to accept a public apology from Cooper and his leaving UFOlogy permanently, and turning over the amount of funds he received for his appearances in Hollywood, and in Las Vegas. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************