SUBJECT: DIRECTIONS TO AREA-51 FILE: UFO1807 Date: 10-20-91 18:57 From: Steve Jones To: Pete Porro Subj: Re: GROOM LAKE AREA Greetings Pete- The directions to get to the Tonopah Test Range, aka. Groom Lake Test Site, Dreamland, The Ranch, S-4 or Area 51, are as follows. Drive east out of Las Vegas like you are going to Salt Lake City on Interstae 15 until you come to the junction with Highway 93 at Moapa. Turn North on this highway until you get to the junction of Highway 23 which turns to the West towards Tonapah. The road will bear to the southwest and cross over a mountain range that is the Pahranagat Range and after it crosses this mountain range it will bear to the Northwest. You will now be in the northestern rim of the Tikaboo Valley. Just as you start to bear to the north east you will see a mountain to the immediate west. This mountian is Bald Mountain and is the peak that Cooper says that he crossed to film video of the facility, which lies approximetely 12 miles to the south by southwest of this peak. If you stop on the road or keep a lookout along this road to the west you will see what appear to be major dirt roads. These are not your normal Nevada dirt roads, but 25 foot to 30 foot wide dirt roads, and they look very heavily driven (which they are). To the south of Bald Mountain are the Jumbled Hills over which these roads go to get to the site. Pete, it is very unlikely that you will get very far on these roads, as test site police patrol them regularly. Until recently, the property to the west of the Jumbled Hills was public land and because of all the interested bystanders that were constantly getting over the Jumbled Hills or the Bald Mountain Range, they Air Force pressured the State of Nevada to sell over the over 80,000 acres to the east of the Jumbled Hills to add security to the site. In addition to possible scout ship sightings, which I suspect are being flown by our people, there is the outside chance that you might catch a glimce of Aurora, the 7,000 mile per hour replacement for the Blackbird. Have funa dntake lots of videos and pictures. You may get very lucky!! ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************