SUBJECT: INFO ON BENNEWITZ AND OTHERS FILE: UFO1813 FROM: Allen Benz We have gathered some information regarding the individuals mentioned in the letter of December 18, 1989 from ***************************. Throughout this report we will refer to two different individuals as SOURCE 1 and SOURCE 2. These individuals are in a position to give as accurate information as is currently possible. They have not given us permission to use their names; therefore, we are referring to them by the above mentioned codes. PAUL BENNEWITZ - Source 1 states that Bennewitz is 62 years old. In October, 1989, Source accompanied by another person found Bennewitz' residence. From the tone of the conversation with Source, I got the impression that Bennewitz lived on or near a country club in the Albuquerque area. They knocked on the door several times, but were not allowed to enter. Source indicated that Bennewitz did come to the window. Source and companion tried to communicate with Bennewitz through the glass window. Source indicated that Bennewitz looked poorly. Source is not medically trained, but rendered the opinion that Bennewitz appeared to be very dysfunctional. He seemed to be lucid one moment and out of it the next. Source and companion stated that there was another person in the house with Bennewitz at the time of their encounter with him. They did not indicate any other information about this individual. Source indicated that after they left the premises a person ( no other information available ) came out and took down their license plate number. 3. ARNOLD ARIAS - There is no information available at this time regarding this individual. 4. GABE VALDEZ - According to the information we have Source 1 has talked to Valdez on several occasions. Source indicated that Valdez says he has validated approximately 70-80% of Bennewitz' material. Source says that Valdez is a family oriented individual. He is married and his wife thinks that the Dulce UFOs are demonic rather than extraterrestrial. Source 1 says that Valdez is rather reticent about talking about UFOs at this time. Information gained from Source 2 may help explain this reticence. According to Source 2, Valdez was transferred from Dulce to Albuquerque and was told by the Governor of New Mexico, through the Superintendent of the New Mexico Highway Patrol, that if he (Valdez) wanted to remain with the Highway Patrol he needed to keep his mouth shut about the UFO subject. FOUNDATION FOR UFO RESEARCH The UFO Information People ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************