SUBJECT: U.K. Close Encounters of the Third Kind No 6. FILE: UFO2082 Maria's story Maria Ward will never forget the night of Nov 21 1990. She was abducted as she slept in her own bed, abused and violated. Doctors were appalled by her injuries and implored her to contact the Police. But Maria didn't dare for she believes her terrifying ordeal was carried out by Aliens. Maria is just one of thousands of men and women in Britain who claim to have been snatched by visitors from outer space and subjected to strange experiments. Most remain silent for fear of ridicule and live in a dark world of terror and shame unable to reach out for help. But now Maria has broken her silence in a bid to help fellow victims and, she say's force the Government to admit they are hiding the truth about aliens. UFO experts estimate that up to 1 in 50 people in Britain have endured abduction experiences. Maria was kidnapped from her bed by alien beings then she was subject to a sickening ordeal which left her bleeding and battered from harrowing injuries. "I can remember having something done in my womb I could feel something moving around inside me" Said Maria, 33 I felt so disgusted guilty and ashamed. Maria dared not tell her own doctor of her ordeal but went to her local hospital for treatment. Medical staff there urged her to tell police. An official hospital report reveals that she suffered a catalogue of injuries. And later examinations also showed that Maria had suffered a bruising to her cervix."I knew I'd been violated. I was sore and had a wound around my navel," she said. "The doctors asked if I wanted to see a crisis counselor and said I should call the police. "I just looked at them and said 'you'll never catch who did this to me'". Maria, who lives with her husband and teenage son near Dartford, Kent is convinced her injuries were caused by aliens. "My husband was away on business and I remember being woken by this intense light outside the bed room window." I got up and looked at my alarm clock which was flashing at 3:17. I panicked and ran on to the landing and the light went out. "Then suddenly this ray of light appeared on the wall and a voice started saying 'Follow the light'. "I was overwhelmed and then remember this sensation of being lifted up. I can remember looking down at my feet and seeing the tree in the garden and the rooftops. "I was paralyzed, I couldn't move it was awful. My next recollection was of standing in a corridor and the sound of shuffling feet "Three little beings appeared in front of me. They looked like under developed children and stood about three or four feet tall. "They moved in unison and had big heads, no nose and a thin opening were a mouth would be. Their tan colored bodies were hairless and naked. "They then grabbed me by the elbows and led me along a corridor to a room and I was placed on a metal like table. My overwhelming memory was of a musty smell like rotting leaves." Maria who now stays up all night watching TV rather than sleep alone when her husband is away says the beings carried out experiments on her before being joined by another taller alien. "They were prodding and poking me, very quickly. Then another being appeared."It was taller, about 5ft tall and of a milky white color.Its eyes were boring into me and I could feel in it my brain, reading my thoughts. It forced me to relive memories. It was like it was reading everything stored in my mind, including emotions." The aliens then held her down and inserted probes into her nose and head. "Two of the smaller creatures held my head and a third put a triangular shaped probe with a light on the end into my head behind the ear. "The pain was excruciating, I thought I was going to die. Then I remember having something done to my womb. When she regained consciousness she was lying in her own bed, covered in blood. "My feet were dirty and there was blood on the pillow and my nightdress. "My nose was bleeding and there was bruising around my thighs. Then I looked at my stomach and there was a circular wound around my navel which was seeping blood". Maria rushed to her local hospital and was treated by doctors in accident and emergency. An official report details bruising, hair pulled from the roots and serious injuries to other parts of her body.A doctor's note commented. "I have never seen these type of injuries and can find no logical cause for them". Maria, who dismisses suggestions that it was all a bad dream said "The doctors said I had been raped but how could I possibly tell them the truth? "I know it really happened to me. "People say it must be a fantasy but how do you explain all the thousands of other abductions?" "I felt alone but I was determined to confront it otherwise I would have lost control. "That's why I'm speaking out to show other victims they are not alone and that it doesn't mean an end to their lives." from The People 20/02/94 Lie Test Maria Ward has proved her story in front of millions on TV. Maria, whose amazing story you have just read was challenged to appear on Central Weekend and take a lie detector test. And yesterday show producer Doug Carnegie admitted "We were stunned. She passed the test with flying colors. Central Television was far from convinced and challenged her to appear in front of a studio audience, Maria duly obliged and told her story to two million viewers. Doug said:"The audience was very skeptical at first but she won them over and had them believing her story." A show insider told the People:"It went out on Friday night and to be frank everyone expected to expose this woman as a con artist. "But she was hooked up to the lie detector machine and sailed through the tests." From The People 27/02/94 (I wonder if you saw this program and what you thought of it?) ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************