SUBJECT: Are Black Holes the way to do it? FILE: UFO2089 You cannot go faster than the speed of light - by any technology known to mankind at the present time, but both space and time can be distorted by gravity. Carl Sagan says that a helpful way to understand black holes is to think about the curvature of space. Consider a flat flexible lined 2 dimensional surface, like a piece of graph paper made of rubber. If we drop a small mass the surface is deformed or puckered. A marble rolls around the pucker like the earth orbiting the sun. In this interpretation which we owe to EINSTEIN, gravity is a distortion in the fabric of space. If you fall into a black hole (powerful gravity) those watching you from the outside would see you take an infinite amount of time to fall in - because all your clocks - mechanical and physical would be perceived from the outside to have stopped. From your point of view they would not have stopped. Sagan then concludes that gravity tunnels may provide a type of interstellar subway. So if you travelled by manipulating gravity you could cheat space and not necessarily arrive back home in the future. Travel to earth by aliens may not be as difficult as we think if they can create gravity worm holes. A supposed gravity propulsion system has been described by Robert Lazaar in the United States in a UK book by Timothy Good called 'Alien Liason'. This has some clues as to the fate of the crashed spacecraft and their propulsion systems. It's all heady stuff and I'm not a physics buff but I can see that at least this UFO stuff is possible. Steve ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************