SUBJECT: RECENT ALA. CATTLE MUTILATIONS: ODYSSEY NET FILE: UFO2144 Odyssey News Wire-- *** Classification *** ÚÄż ł ł Space/Astronomy/UFO/Astral Events ĂÄ´ ł ł Monsters/Strange Creatures ĂÄ´ ł*ł Unknown Happenings/Paranormal/Psychic Events ŔÄŮ * This article may be crossposted in FREE echoes. ÚÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄż łoł łoł łołThe Decatur Daily łoł łołFebruary 21, 1993 łoł łoł łoł łołALBERTVILL- At least 12 animals have been mysteriously łoł łołkilled and mutilated since October. Cattle farmers, łoł łołincluding Albertville chief detective Tony Cole, have łoł łołreported dead bloodless, mutilated animals - cows, łoł łołgoats and at least one dog. The animals were found in łoł łołpastures with no traces of auto mobile tracks, łoł łołfootprints or blood. łoł łoł "On Jan. 9, I went to feed my steers and realized I łoł łołwas one short. The sexual organs and rectum was removed łoł łołand the biood was gone," Cole said. łoł łoł His animal was killed amid his investigations into łoł łołthe mysterious case. łoł łoł All of the killings, including the latest - a łoł łołcalf found near Arab Tuesday morning - have formed a łoł łołthree or four mile ring around Albertville. łoł łoł "They take tongues, eyes, ears, hearts. Sometimes they łoł łołtake the blood," Cole said. There are no suspects in łoł łołthe case. łoł łoł Cattle mutilations are not entirely uncommon in this łoł łołSand Mountain area - and residents remember some from łoł łoł1986, 1989 and 1991. One farmer said he was hit a few łoł łołyears ago and then hit again a few mornings ago. Cattle łoł łołowners from Browns Valley and Brindlee Mountain have łoł łołreported similar mutilations. łoł łoł Most of the animals are worth about $800 łoł łołand many of them are not insured, Cole said. The łoł łołkillings are apparently happening at night. All of the łoł łołanimals have been found within 150 feet of power lines. łoł łołSpeculation about who could be doing the killing ranges łoł łołfrom aliens to satanic worshipers to people in łoł łołhelicopters and on foot. łoł łoł Marshall County authorities are aware of łoł łołtwo black county helicopters, one blue and łoł łołwhite Tennessee Valley Authority chopper and several łoł łołmilitary helicopters that fly through the area łoł łołfollowing flight paths. łoł łoł "A TVA helicopter is not a possibility. I łoł łołdon't think ther're involved at all. Absolutely not," łoł łołCole said. łoł łoł Most of the decomposed cows are buried hours after łoł łołthey are found but three were found in time to send łoł łołfor autopsies. łoł łoł "It's crazy. It's sick," John Strawn said. The łoł łołcattlemen and finance manager at Gilbert and Baker Ford łoł łołInc. lost one of his animals to the mysterious łoł łołmurderers. He said a state animal laboratory could not łoł łołdetermine the cause of death. "No one knows what's łoł łołkilling the animals," Cole said. He said he's formed a łoł łołnetwork with victims of the crime. On Tuesday night, łoł łołseveral people called the sheriffs department to report łoł łołmysterious helicopters flying over pastures near łoł łołAlbertville. The county pilot, Jim Pickett, said he and łoł łołnight supervisor deputy Bob Norwood went up in the łoł łołcounty chopper to see if they could locate another łoł łołhelicopter. Norwood said he had already been to the farm łoł łołand heard a helicopter with a turbine engine. He said łoł łołthe Huntsville Aviation Tower could not detect movement łoł łołon their screens and was unaware of flight Plans for łoł łołthat area that night. The The chopper was reported near łoł łołMartling. Pickett and Norwood went about 2,500 feet up łoł łołwith running lights. They were communicating with łoł łołdispatchers and receiving reports for sighting of the łoł łołother helicopter, which they said they tried to follow łoł łołbut never found. łoł łoł We kept getting reports of a helicopter flying at łoł łołtree-top level with "no lights," he said. The sheriffs łoł łołhelicopter, which is black was not flying at tree- łoł łołtop level and had lights on at all times. łoł łołWhile searching for the second helicopter, shots were łoł łołfired from the ground at the sheriffs helicopter. łoł łołNo one was hurt. Also, Norwood said a car signaled the łoł łołchopper by flashing lights off and on. The helicopter łoł łołflew close enough to the car to see that it was parked łoł łołunder power lines. łoł łoł "People were trying to lure us into high tension łoł łołwires. I don't think it was purposely for us," he łoł łołsaid. łoł łoł Both agreed they had low visibility and needed łoł łołmore light then what they had to adequately see what łoł łołthey were doing. łoł łoł We Would need infrared equipment if there was łoł łołanother chopper," Norwood said. The pair didn't see łoł łołanother helicopter but said it would have been łoł łołextremely difficult because of the darkness-and because łoł łołthe alleged chopper was running without lights.. łoł łoł łoł łoł ALBERTVILLE- Doug Segers said he saw a helicopter łoł łołforcing his herd of 42 cattle into a corner in his łoł łołpasture. He said he felt the wind and heard the engine. łoł łoł "The copter was behind my back with a spotlight." Of łoł łołcourse, I had a 30-30 r@fle over my shoulder. They saw łoł łołme run to my truck " he said. łoł łoł "The cows were scared to death. One cow is real gentle łoł łołand we couldn't even get around her." łoł łoł A neighbor called the Marshall County Sheriff's łoł łołDepartment. The excitement scared the helicopter away, łoł łołSegers said. He said he saw what looked like red, łoł łołgreen, blue and white lights but couldn't make out the łoł łołcolor of the chopper. He said he also saw the sheriffs łoł łołhelicopter much higher. The alleged mysterious łoł łołhelicopter barely cleared power lines before getting łoł łołlower. łoł łoł "I wasn't scared, I was mad. They łoł łołwould have gotten (a cow) that night" he said, łoł łoł"The farmers, all of us, are going to have to pull łoł łołtogether and help one another out and do what we can to łoł łołhelp." łoł łoł Segers owns a slaughterhouse and said they kill łoł łołanimals every day for people. łoł łoł "I don't see how in the world can they do it this łoł łołway," he said. łoł łoł Some farmers are using spotlights and patrolling łoł łołtheir land, he said. łoł łoł The animals weigh about 1,000 pounds and hold about 40 łoł łołpounds - or five gallons - of blood. Some residents say łoł łołhelicopters make sense because it would give the killers łoł łołlifting abilities and would make it easier to take heavy łoł łołblood animal parts and cutting and pumping equipment łoł łoławay from the scene. łoł łoł Resident and victim Jole Strawn said he has seen łoł łołhelicopters land in cow pastures at night. He said he łoł łołhas 30 head or about $12,000 in animals. łoł łoł He organized a network of victims and farmers and said łoł łołthe group has been able to identify three turbine łoł łołhelicopters in the area: łoł łoł> Light blue and white with a big orange sun; łoł łoł> dark blue; łoł łoł> black łoł łoł "I think they're coming in from away from here," he łoł łołsaid. łoł łoł He also said he spotted a helicopter flying about 75 łoł łołfeet above the Ford dealership in the fog. łoł łoł "Some of this stuff is real bizarre," he said. Some of łoł łołthe animals were found with no rigor mortis and with łoł łołlimber joints. łoł łoł According to mortician, J. Hammond Martin, animals and łoł łołhumans are not stiff right after death but become stiff łoł łołlater and then begin detcriorating - once again without łoł łołstifftness. łoł łoł Mr. and Mrs. James Denney lost two cows in 1991. They łoł łołsaid they believe satanic worshippers could be łoł łołresponsible for the killing. The cows were worth about łoł łoł$800 each and not insured. łoł łoł "We bought them on a Wednesday, they were killed the łoł łołnext Sunday," Mrs. Denney said. One of the animals was łoł łołstill warm and the calf was not hurt. łoł łoł The only known helicopters in Marshall County are the łoł łołtwo black county choppers, a blue and white Tennessee łoł łołValley Authority helicopter and several helicopters łoł łołthat fly military flights through the county. łoł łoł "I think whoever is doing this is doing it for a łoł łołparty with mystique," deputy Bob Norwood said. He łoł łołdoesn't think it would involve a true cult. "The true łoł łołmeaning of the word cult is hidden. They don't want the łoł łołpublicity. It's their own little party." łoł łołDozens of residents have spotted helicopters from about łoł łoł8 p.m. to midnight near pastures. łoł łoł "They're going to protect their property," Norwood said łoł łołof the farmers. A lot of the farmers in the area also łoł łołare hunters and know how to use guns. łoł łoł Marshall County Sheriffs department pilot Jim Pickett łoł łołsaid minimum cost for a manufactured helicopter is about łoł łoł$175,000. He said night vision equipment and a turbine łoł łołengine would cost about $200,000 more. He also said it łoł łołcould cost about $300 an hour to operate. łoł łoł Pickett said it would be difflcult to determine łoł łołwhether a helicopter had landed on hard, dry packed łoł łołland. łoł łołIt could be a helicopter pilot and two ground people. łoł łołThe helicopter doesn't have to land," he said. łoł łoł "They want people to be scared of them," Norwood said. łoł łoł They said while the helicopter theory is possible, the łoł łołsame thing could be done on foot - without all the łoł łołcost. Helicopters have the danger of night, the łoł łołpossibility of air and noise scaring the cattle and huge łoł łołcosts. łoł łoł Martin, who has been a mortician since 1939, said there łoł łołis a wide technical range of equipment used to pump łoł łołblood out of human bodies. He said the equipment could łoł łołeasily be used on cattle - and without leaving a trace łoł łołof blood on the ground. łoł łoł "We used to do it by hand, using a bowl and gravity. łoł łołNow it's a machine," he said. He said morticians often łoł łołuse a fluid to push the blood out of a body but said the łoł łołcow killers wouldn't need to do that. He also said the łoł łołequipment could easily be carried. łoł łoł "They could drain it and not leave a drop of blood," łoł łołhe said. łoł łoł łoł łoł łoł łoł łoł ŔÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄŮ ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************