SUBJECT: W. VA. NEWSLETTER FILE: UFO2186 The following is taken from: The SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA UFO GROUP newsletter, VOL. XII, December 1989. Danny Gordon - P.O. Box 834 - Wytheville, VA. 24382 - Phone 703-228-7890. ............................................................................... HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO YOU ALL! AS 1989 COMES TO A VERY QUICK END, IT HAS BEEN A YEAR OF COUNTLESS SURPRISES AND FLAPS INVOLVING UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS AROUND THE WORLD. AND THE COMING YEAR WILL PROBABLY PROVIDE MORE OF THE SAME, ALONG WITH SOME UNFORESEEN DEVELOPMENTS. THE BIGGEST RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN THE UFO FIELD INVOLVES THE WORK OF TONY GONZALES IN REGARD TO THE B-2 BOMBER, "THE AMERICAN MADE UFO." AS AN END TO THE 1989 VERSION OF THE SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA UFO GROUP NEWSLETTER, I AM PROVIDING SOME EXCERTS FROM GANZALES' MOST RECENT PAPER. IT INCLUDES SOME MOST REVEALING COMMENTS FROM A CONVERSTAION HE HAD RECENTLY WITH WALT ANDRUS, THE INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR FOR THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK. THE B-2, THE REAL STORY Tony Gonsalves, East Providence, RI. I have ALWAYS believed we got the technology from RECOVERED UFOs THAT HAVE CRASHED! More specifically, I have believed all along that the ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO UFO was the primary source of the technology. This crash (and subse- quent recovery by the military) is the one most famous and well known to the most UFO investigators. It is one case where numerous key people have come for- ward with their testimony that they themselves participated in the recovery (and subsequent cover-up) of this particular UFO. These events occured in 1947. Also, I have believed all along the way that there was a DIRECT LINK be- tween the YB-49 Flying Wing of 1948-1952 and the Roswell UFO. Coming this dir- ection in time, I have believed there exists a DIRECT LINK between the YB-49 and the B-2 Bomber (Hudson Valley version). In order, the sequence went: Roswell UFO, YB-49, HUDSON VALLEY UFO/B-2. My thoughts seemed to flow, at least according to what little information I had to go on, in a way that seemed consistently logical. I felt that the YB-49 was a `radical' departure in aircraft design that followed closely a `radical' event (the Roswell recovery). Also, I couldn't help but notice, that geographically, they BOTH occured pretty close to one another! Then, I found it STRANGE that in 1952 the Air Force ordered ALL YB-49's destroyed because, they claimed, the aircraft was unsafe. That seemed to be a VERY radical order! My experience has taught me that the military just DOESN'T do things like that- not normally. What they usually do is park the experimental planes behind some hangar or put them in moth balls or even air museums-but NOT order them ALL destroyed! Their thinking, usually, is that they may want to retrieve parts for `other' experimental planes, or wan the planes for future study, or even to re- activate the program at a later date. But NO, in the case of the YB-49, ALL THE PLANES WERE ORDERED DESTROYED! I got to thinking, "Why would they do this?" Then I came across an `uncanny' coincidence-one too remarkable to dismiss! I noticed that the YB-49 had the IDENTICAL WINGSPAN as the B-2 STEALTH BOMBER-AND BOTH WERE FLYING WINGS! It was at this time, many months agao, that I created a possible scenario that had a logical and smooth continuity (at least in my way of thinking). I figured that the YB-49 was a `test plane' for the recovered Roswell UFO technology. This seemed to be supported by the fact that during the life-span of the YB-49 (1948-1952) there were numerous west coast reports of `boomerang shaped' UFO's. I felt certain we acquired the `gross' technology (as a friend recently put it) back then, but lacked the `computer' technology to literally `fly' the sys- tem. In other words, our computers, at that time, were far too big to ever con- sider getting them aboard a plane. Surely, it seemed, the necessary computer could possibly exceed the YB-49 (in size) by as much as ten-fold. So then it seemed the Air Force probably HAD to fly their new found technology `by the seat of their pants' with NO computers! Thus they found the YB-49 to be `UN- SAFE'! The next logical conclusion I came to was that, in the 1970's, computer technology had not only become very sophisticated, but also the computers be- came compacted into small enough sizes to fit planes with NO difficulty at all. This, I hypothesized, caused the Air Force to reactivate their `flying wing'- but THIS time with the benefit of `refined' computer technology. It seemed that OUR technology had `caught-up' with the UFO TECHNOLOGY! THUS THE HUDSON VALLEY B-2/UFO WAS BORN-PROBABLY IN THE MID 1970'S! I telephoned Mr. Andrus (Walt Andrus is the director of the Texas based Mutual UFO Network aka MUFON.- BB) to bring him up to date on this project and some of my tentative plans for the upcoming months. Things have been happening so fast that I felt a phone call was the fastest way to get the information to him. I started to tell him about the `new evidence' that I had concerneing a `direct link' between the Hudson Valley UFO and the B-2 Stealth Bomber. He in- terrupted me to tell me that "he was CERTAIN THAT THE HUDSON VALLEY UFO WAS NOT A B-2 BOMBER because the B-2 has JET ENGINES and it is NOT a UFO! I tried desperately to get him to understand that I wasn't trying to say the Hudson Valley UFO was `jet' powered-but that I was trying to say IT IS IN FACT, A B-2 OF A DIFFERENT KIND-WITH SOME OTHER KIND OF POWER! He countered with his CER- TAINTY that it is NOT ANY KIND OF B-2 THAT EYEWITNESSES HAVE BEEN SEEING-THAT I8T WAS IMPOSSIBLE! He then asked me what I thought the Hudson Valley UFO had for power. I told him I DID NOT KNOW AND DID NOT CARE TO SPECULATE-that I would leave that for other to determine-perhaps from his organization. I mentioned that whatever powered the Roswell New Mexico UFO was probably the same as what- ever THIS one has for power. AGAIN he voiced his REFUSAL TO TAKE SERIOUS WHAT HE CALLED A `CRAZY' NOTION LIKE THAT! I sighted the numerous eye-witnesses that are ALL claiming that they are SEEING FIRST HAND what they are CERTAIN IS A B-2 - BUT NOT A JET POWERED B-2! I sighted what my most recent caller - a woman - had reported seeing 6 weeks ago. He then said something that put me in shock! Mr. Andrus said, "YOU'RE HEARING ALL THIS B-2 NONSENSE FROM A WOMAN AND WHAT DO WOMEN KNOW ABOUT AIR- PLANES?" I then said, "Walt, there are THOUSANDS of people seeing this thing and describing EXACTLY what a B-2 looks like. Surely you can't ignore all these people-especially when NEARLY ALL eye-witnesses (since the introduction of the B-2) are claiming they are CERTAIN they are seeing a B-2!" He asked me to give hime examples as to where and by whom. I then sighted western Connecticut, Hudson Valley, Wytheville, Virginia and Ohio. I sighted Mr. Dan Gordon the News & Sports Director for station WYVE in Wytheville who was recently written up in OMNI Magazine for his belief that he, and about 3,000 other people in his area have seen what they believe to be a B-2 (not jet powered) flying around there for the past few years. Mr. Andrus then made another statement I feel is down- right despicable. He said, "THEY'RE A BUNCH OF HICKS AND FARMERS IN WYTHEVILLE, WHAT COULD THEY POSSIBLY KNOW ABOUT WHAT AN AIRPLANE IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE!" I sighted to Mr. Andrus that another organization, The J. Allen Hynek Cen- ter for UFO Studies,(CUFOS - Chicago, IL.- BB) was starting, becuase of mount- ing evidence, to lean toward my position and asked why HIS organization could- not at least take an OPEN position on the matter. He said to me, "WHO IN THAT ORGANIZATION KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT UFOS?" My response to Mr. Andrus was that I would not allow him to draw me into `organizational politics'. I tried desperately to get Mr. Andrus to listen to reason and to at least have an open mind to this matter because I had spoken directly to many of these people and that THEY ARE NOT BLIND OR CRAZY!" End of Gonsalves report. THAT'S ALL FOLKS. THE 1989 EDITION OF THE SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA UFO GROUP NEWS- LETTER IS HISTORY. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP IN CONTINUING MY EFFORTS TO GET TO THE TRUTH IN THE UFO MYSTERY AND LOOK FORWARD TO PROVIDING MORE INFORMATION ON THE SUBJECT IN 1990. - DG ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************