SUBJECT: THE TRUTH ABOUT ALTERNATIVE 3 ? FILE: UFO2193 During the 1970s the BBC, on their SCIENCE show, screened a film called Alternative 3. This film was about a small team of researchers who initially decided to interview some of the British scientists who took up residence and work overseas during the great "Brain Drain". They found to their surprise that many of the scientists had 'disappeared'. Relatives in the UK were still recieving mail, but from non-existent addresses. A remarkable series of events led to a team of researchers to uncover a massive conspiracy - one involving an elite cabal of behind-the-scenes power brokers, and the use of a technology which would seem science fiction to us. The resources available to this elite group appeared to be unlimited, and the brain drain obviously gave them access to top scientists needed on secret projects. This group had discovered that the Earth was about to overheat through what was termed "The Greenhouse Effect", and they sort solutions to the problem. Their first idea was to punch 'holes' in the atmosphere layers at strategic spots, so as to let the 'heat' out. The second idea was to create a super-underground city, where the chosen few could live out the Earth's transition above, in the safety of being miles underground. Finally, they decided on the third alternative, hence the name "Alternative Three". This was to set up a whole new civilisation on another planet. By this stage the secret cabal had perfected anti-gravity and faster-than-light technology, so there wasn't much stopping them. Mars was the chosen planet, with the dark side of the Moon being their base for the project. Large numbers of people were literally kidnapped, and through the use of mind control technology were made into mindless 'zombie' workers if they did not co-operate willingly. Thus we have a secret base on the dark side of the moon, an elite group of conspirators manipulating the world governments to their whim, the use of super hi-tech technology, a greenhouse effect, mind control technology and an eager team of gallant researchers piecing it together. The minor detail of Mars not having an atmosphere was overcome by detonating a series of nuclear bombs over the surface of the planet. This liberated the gasses trapped in the soil, which in turn formed a breathable atmosphere. The film winds up after showing this, with the crucial evidence: a piece of video tape smuggled out of the moon base, which showed Russian and US astronauts first testing the newly breathable Martian atmosphere. The date announced on the secret video tape was May 22, 1965. The reaction from the British public to 'Alternative 3' was enormous! Many people believed it outright and demanded it to be re-run, and many thought it outright rubbish. The book, 'Alternative 3', was published by Sphere Books, UK, in 1978, and also proved to be extremely popular. For some reason there were few, if any, reprints , which is suprising considering the pre-publicity. Today the book is out of print, and a few pirate copies, albeit shoddy quality, of the original 'Science Report' programme pop up from time to time. This following article was taken from the 'Windwords' newsletter (address not available). *In our June issue, we told you about the controversial book 'Alternative 3', by author Leslie Watkins. In our attempt to find out if the shocking theories in the book were true , we called Avon Books, the American publisher; they said the book was out of prints in the States. *We called Penguin Books in London and found that it was listed on their non-fiction list. A senior editor there told us that it was officially classified as FICTION BASED ON FACT. *The author's agent told us it was most definately fiction. *We wrote to the author himself to try to get the real story, and here is the letter he sent us: "Dear Ms Dittrich, Thank you for your letter, which reached me today. Naturally, I am delighted by your interest in 'Alternative 3' and by the fact that you plan to sell it in the Windwords bookstore. I will certainly cooperate in any way I can. The correct description of 'Alternative 3' was given by the representative from Penguin Books. The book is based on fact, but uses that fact as a launch pad for a HIGH DIVE INTO FICTION. In answer to your specific questions: (1) There is no Astronaut named Grodin. (2) There is no Sceptre Television, and the reported Benson is also fictional. (3) There is no Dr Gerstein. (4) Yes, a 'documentary' was televised in June 1977 on Anglia Television, which went out to the entire national network in Britain. It was called 'Alternative 3' and was written by David Ambrose and produced by Christopher Miles (whose names were on the book for contractual reasons). This original TV version, which I EXPANDED IMMENSELY for the book,was ACTUALLY A HOAX which had been scheduled for transmission on April Fools' Day. Because of certain problems finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed. The TV program did cause a tremendous uproar because viewers refused to believe it was fiction! I initially took the view that the basic premise was so way out, particularly the way I aimed to present it in the book, that no one would regard it as non-fiction. Immediately after publication, I realised I was totally wrong. In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world - including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility - convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths. Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON - FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years ago when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after 'Alternative 3' was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts, who were experienced in such matters, were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much. So, summing up, the book is FICTION BASED ON FACT. But I now feel that I inadvertently got VERY CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH. I hope this is of some help to you and I look forward to hearing from you again. With best wishes Leslie Watkins " (Source: Placed in the public domain from VANGARD SCIENCES archives on October 28, 1989. Their mailing address is PO BOX 1031, Mesquite, TX 75150.) "I think it the phrase rhymes with clucking bell." - Edmund Blackadder ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************