SUBJECT: THE MASS ABDUCTION OF DECEMBER 8, 1992 FILE: UFO2211 By Dale Musser Forward This special report is presented with great delight as well as concern. This event represents 28 years of investigation concerning an event which occurred when I was 17 years old. That event terminated my abductions and I was left with a strange object and many questions. Now a more current set of events has opened a Pandora's box. For the abductees in the study, I feared I had opened up much additional pain and grief to their already frightened lives and for this I was really concerned. However, the abductees assure me that I am doing the right thing in using this event and, in effect, using them as pawns in this game of intrigue, mystery and synchronicity. The abductees' trust is very important to me and I intend to continue to earn that trust. Being a Certified Master Hypnotherapist has been useful in this work, however, we are thankful to have an ever-growing staff of consultants including mental health professionals, medical doctors, diagnosticians, etc. Our approach has been somewhat different from the conventional methods, however. It is our opinion that, for the last 40 years or so, UFO investigations in general have apparently given us little more than larger file cabinets. One of my definitions of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results." "Sameness" only produces "sameness." The history of all genius, growth and change lies in "difference." And so, with some new techniques, we found ways of obtaining information regarding "aliens" never before discovered (as far as we know). We found "loops" in the aliens' thought processes and profoundly simple errors on their part. We were successful in creating techniques for the abductees to use; in one case, an abductee thwarted an abduction attempt. Then, along came Dale Musser (the writer of this report) and I learned much more, as he is a vast resource of skill and knowledge. No one will solve the alien mystery alone. We must cooperate and are prepared to do so. It has been two years since I began to work with my colleagues at the Houston UFO Network (HUFON). That group now consists of Patrice Eldridge, Dale Musser, Jana Collins and many other fine individuals who have contributed so much. Up until now, we have kept this information "under wraps" as to not influence others' work or be influenced by others' discoveries. Now that this report is complete, we are ready to cooperate with other serious non-partisan researchers and organizations that may find our work of interest. If you should find yourself as one of these individuals and/or find our report useful, feel free to contact us at the address at the end of this document. DERREL SIMS Chief Abductions Investigator The Mass Abduction Event of December 8, 1992 Note: In the following report, the term "alien(s)" is used generically to denote the abducting entities, and does not presuppose an extraterrestrial origin for them. Throughout this report we will be referring to the event as the "December 8 Event." The truth, however, is that the event really began early in the spring of 1992. Derrel Sims (chief investigator for abductions) had been working with several people with histories of multiple abductions occurring at regular intervals. Mr. Sims contrived a scheme to be able to use these periodic abductions as a means to establish a dialogue with the abductors and to create a situation which he hoped would provide more information about the abduction phenomenon. The essence of the plan was to establish post-hypnotic suggestions that would activate during an abduction, causing the abductee to behave in certain fashions, ask questions, or make comments which could evoke reactions or dialogue from the aliens. Throughout the summer of 1992, Mr. Sims implanted several different hypnotic suggestions with a few select abductees. The first abduction of an implanted subject was partially successful, the abductee reacted to the implanted message as suggested during the abduction. It did not, however, produce any significant results. The second abduction with another subject and a different implanted suggestion resulted in a reaction that we believe to be the reason for the December 8 event. In November of 1992, subject DS92007PH was abducted. The subject maintained conscious memory for a fair amount of time into the abduction before the aliens were able to "zap" the subject (place the subject in a mental state where they no longer have conscious memories of the event). At the beginning of the abduction, the subject was able to communicate with the aliens, although they did not appear to be terribly inclined to communicate or reveal much information. As the aliens were completing their preparations for their examination, the subject felt herself losing mental control. The aliens began to reinforce their efforts to "zap" her. In one last effort to maintain consciousness and communication for as long as possible she blurted out "We know what you're doing... We know about..." (topic still under investigation). This statement seemed to evoke a reaction on the part of the aliens and appears to have predicated the events that followed. Starting December 8, 1992, just prior to the HUFON meeting "Alien Abductions: Working with Abductees," several of the group were abducted in a single event. This abduction was not realized at the time, but over the next few days, many of the abductees began suffering PAS (Post Abduction Syndrome). At this time, the abductees were not in communication with each other. Subject DS92002DM reported that he thought he had experienced a dream or possible flashback of an earlier abduction when he began having PAS and other physical manifestations that accompanied his earlier abductions. He began to suspect that an abduction had taken place. Subjects DM92003JA, DS92034LC & DS92017RP also reported dreams with possible abduction signs. In addition, a number of the abductees reported having nose bleeds and/or sinus pains. On Thursday, December 10, at the monthly HUFON meeting, a number of the abductees were questioned by the audience about their abductions. Although most of the abductees were very uncomfortable and felt they "...shouldn't be talking about (their) abductions," the meeting went quite well. On Friday morning, December 11, many of the abductees (most of whom were on the panel the night before), awoke to find they had nose bleeds during the night. Almost all had sinus pains and within a day or two almost all had head colds and flu like symptoms. Subject DS92009LT awoke on the 11th with an irritation in one eye. While rubbing her eye, a small object (about the size of a mustard seed) came out . The subject called Derrel Sims and turned the object over to him. This object has been photographed and is currently undergoing analysis. The object appears to be made out of a flesh-colored plastic. It is hollow and somewhat egg-shaped, with the narrow end open. Also on December 11, subject DS92002DM awoke to discover that he had a nose bleed (the first in over 20 years). He called Derrel Sims to make immediate arrangements for a hypnosis session. On Sunday, December 20, 1992, DS92002DM was hypnotically regressed to his latest encounter with aliens. The event occurred the night of December 10, the night of the HUFON meeting. Sometime after the subject went to sleep for the night, he was awakened by aliens--who in a very quick procedure, removed a nasal implant from the subject in his bedroom and immediately left (later, under hypnosis, a number of other abductees reported similar events). Mr. Sims then regressed the subject to the next-earliest abduction (December 8). On December 8, DS92002DM awoke and observed a bright flash of light (there was no sound of thunder following). The subject rolled over and noticed a small gray alien "wearing a harness/utility belt." He was instructed to follow the alien outside, where a blue/white light was shining on a spot on the ground. The subject was instructed to stand in the light and, an instant later, found himself in a large circular room about the size of a high school gymnasium. The subject was instructed to disrobe and was led out of the room and through a series of corridors and passageways. Part of the time they walked, but mostly they were transported by a means unknown to the subject (floated or on a conveyor). Eventually, they arrived at a small room where several other aliens were present. A quick physical examination was given and then a human-appearing individual entered the room (in prior abductions the subject had never encountered a humanoid). The human asked several questions as to how and why the abductee knew he had been abducted before. The subject was asked how abductees knew about other abductees and why were they meeting together. A model of the human brain was shown to the subject and he was asked to indicate where the "subconscious mind was located." When the subject was unable to indicate a location, he received a mental image of another abductee (DS92007PH) in a state of suspended animation. He had the impression that she was being asked the same question. The humanoid then left the room and the subject was moved to another room. This room appeared to be some type of meeting or conference room. It also was round but the lighting and the furnishings were different. A number of different alien life forms entered the room, the last being the one with human appearance. The small gray aliens left the room, but two of the taller brown aliens stayed. (The description of the other life forms is being withheld pending further investigation). The subject was again questioned as to the nature of the subconscious mind and of his knowledge of his abductions and other abductees. After each question the subject perceived images of DS92008DT, DS92009LT, DS92017RP, and DS92034LC and felt there were other abductees present as well. He could see them in a room together. They were all nude and seemed to be unaware of the presence of each other. Each appeared to be in a hallucinative state and behaved as if acting out a part. He sensed they were being "accessed" by the aliens by some means and were being asked many of the same questions as himself. The subject also sensed DS92007PH, who was in a different location . He could "feel" the aliens trying to "access" her mind to retrieve information. A debate seemed to be taking place among the aliens as to whether the "experiment/project" should be allowed to continue or if it had been compromised by the recent events (abductees knowing of their abductions and meeting together). Accusations were made about "improper procedures being followed by the "Grays" and "Browns." At one point, when DS92002DM "sensed/saw" the other abductees as they were being accessed by the aliens, he had the thought that the other abductees "don't know there are others there." This thought caught the attention of the humanoid, who seemed surprised that the subject was picking-up on their activities. Immediately, two "Grays" entered the room and took hold of the subject's hands; he was unable to "pick up anything further of the alien thoughts or questioning." One of the more interesting aspects of this case that is still being investigated pertains to a question asked of subject DS92002DM by the aliens. At one point, he was asked what he knew about a government program called "Project Prometheus." The subject responded that he had no knowledge of such a project. We have found a reference to a "Project Prometheus" which was proposed by the U.S. government and that it did relate to UFOs. However, other than a brief mention of said project, we have so far been unable to find any other information concerning the disposition of the project. As the meeting seemed to be ending the humanoid asked the subject what he "would like to do," to which the subject responded he "would like to go with them" (a suggestion even he finds bizarre). The subject was told that this was "impossible" as he was "contaminated" (the subject did not feel this implied physically). The humanoid then took him into a side room where he was shown a "strange sort of chart or diagram" which he did not understand and was unlike any he'd ever seen before. He then was led by the two "Browns" through several other rooms to another examination room/laboratory, where an implant was placed up his nostril. The subject was then given his pajamas, told to dress, and was returned to his home and bed. Subjects DS92009LT and DM92003JA were also hypnotically regressed and questioned about the event. They reported being abducted on December 8, and being in a room with others. Subject DS92034LC had conscious memories of being in the room on that night. All three of these subjects have independently described the room, its appearance, and individuals in the room. All of the subjects' descriptions are similar and details of the room match, including several unique aspects not reported in other cases. It is interesting to note that all of the abductees in the "group room experiences" perceived events differently, although parallel. One believed she had died and was with her dead brother (who had strange eyes). One thought she was with God, whose face she couldn't see because of a fog that only allowed her to see his shape. All of the individuals reported themselves and others in the room as being nude. One abductee who felt hungry was told that they would be fed and was handed silverware as if they were about to be served food. When she was told to look at the silverware during hypnosis, it was not silverware at all, but some strange objects she could not identify. Each of the abductees in the "group room experience" seemed to be in a drugged and/or hallucinative state. This condition seemed to alleviate when they were taken to another room for examinations and nasal and ocular implants. Other abductees also have reported supporting events and experiences. The total number of abductees involved in the event is not known for sure. Great care was taken in the early stages of investigation to ensure that the subjects were unaware of the others' events. It was only after hypnosis, with similar descriptions of events and locations by five different individuals, each unaware of any other abductee reporting anything, that information concerning the event was released. Numerous descriptions and minute details have been deliberately left out of this report as investigations are still ongoing. The significance of this event cannot be overlooked. It would appear that the implants were deliberately placed in the abductees before the HUFON meeting featuring a panel of abductees and removed the day after. Whether the aliens knew about the meeting or had simply implanted the abductees with the intent of monitoring a "gathering of abductees" is unknown. However, it has been noted in preparing this data that only those abductees who sat on the HUFON panel were given implants. For the first time within the literature of the abduction phenomenon, the actions by abductees seem to have triggered a response by their abductors. Although we do not know the ultimate outcome of these events, we hope that it may lead to a breakthrough in communication, and an improvement in the relationship with the abducting entities. The reports and diagrams which follow are a summary of the reports and data involved. At the time of this report, over ten hours of taped sessions with abductees are being transcribed. Original notes, diagrams, abductees' journals and letters are being compiled for a extensive report to be made available to other investigators. In addition, the subject DS92007PH, who has not been told anything concerning this event and knows only of her part in the event, will be undergoing hypnosis to hopefully recover even more data. It is hoped DS92004DK will also have undergone hypnosis before this report is made public. CASE STUDIES Subject DS92002DM It was through this subject that the events of December 8, 1992, were first brought to light. On December 9, the subject reported that he thought he had experienced a flashback memory or dream of an earlier encounter. According to the subject, he was awakened on the night of December 8, by a flash of light ("like lightning") and a popping sound ("not like thunder, softer and close"). The subject turned over and opened his eyes and closed them again, then realized he thought he saw "a small gray alien" wearing what looked like a utility belt or harness standing by the bed. The subject opened his eyes again but there was nothing there. He looked at the clock, noted the time as 3:38am (this would actually have been the morning of December 9), and went back to sleep. On Thursday, December 10, the subject was one of several abductees participating in a panel discussion entitled "Abductions Research: Working with Abductees" at the monthly HUFON (Houston UFO Network) meeting. On December 11, the subject awoke in the morning to find that he had a slight nose bleed, the first in over 20 years. Over the next several days, he began to notice several symptoms which he had experienced with previous abductions. The subject contacted Mr. Sims to inform him of the events and to set-up a schedule for a hypnosis session to determine if an abduction had actually occurred. On December 20, the subject was hypnotically regressed to the night of December 8. Under hypnosis, he recounted being awakened by a flash of light and a "popping sound." The subject arose and saw a "small Gray alien that appeared to be wearing what looked like a utility belt or harness." It was communicated to the subject that he should rise and go outside. The subject proceeded down the hall and to the front corner of the house by the driveway. At this location, a beam of light shone on him from directly above and he instantly found himself inside a "large circular room" that reminded the subject of a "hanger bay." The area was "dark and in shadows around the sides but brightly lit in the middle." Two small "Gray" aliens met the subject. He was instructed to disrobe. Each of the aliens took hold of his hands and led him out a door and into a "curved corridor with (a) ribbed or corrugated texture." Both of the "Gray" aliens continued to look up at his face the entire time they were walking, never looking where they were going. After walking a distance, the subject was led through a door (which he later referred to as a "light portal") and into a side corridor that "went up at an angle." At the end of the incline the subject was met by a third alien, a "Brown" (being like the small "Grays" but taller, with a very pale brown or yellowish color). The subject identified this alien as the same one that was "always there" when he was abducted. At this point, the subject and the aliens were in a much larger and very straight corridor. They moved (the subject is not sure by what means, but thinks they may have "floated") at a very rapid speed along the corridor for a great distance, "not sure, about three quarters of a mile." There were numerous corridors going off to the sides that appeared to be curved. Eventually they stopped and the subject was taken into a room with curved walls. There were two other "Brown" aliens and an entity that "looked like a cross between a cockroach and a praying mantis." The subject also thought there was a another presence in the room but "back in the shadows, looks like it's wearing a hood like a monk." The subject was given a brief physical examination and then interrogated on a number of subjects. The subject was asked how he knew about his abduction, how abductees identified each other and why they were meeting together. The subject tried to explain that a number of abductees experienced missing time or PAS (Post Abduction Syndrome) and that, under hypnosis, these memories were brought to the surface from the subconscious mind. The aliens then produced a "three dimensional image of the human brain" and asked the subject to locate the position of the subconscious mind. When the subject was unable to provide the information he "saw images" of other abductees that were "at a different location." The subject related that he was seeing these images through the aliens' minds as "they accessed" these individuals. He was able to describe the room they were in as he could see them "through the eyes of the alien in the room with them." The aliens seemed to be quite upset by his information and in doubt of the existence of the subconscious mind. At this point a "tall human-looking, muscular individual" entered the room. He placed his hands on both sides of the subject's head and "looked back and forth" between both eyes. He stated to the others in the room that the subject was telling the truth (the subject did not know if this applied to his claim of the existence of the subconscious mind or of his honest statements about his beliefs). A period of discussion and accusation took place among the aliens as to "who's fault it was that humans were finding out about their abductions." The bulk of the blame being centered on the "Browns" for not following procedures. At one point, the aliens became aware of the subject's ability to pick-up on their mental conversations and immediately, a small "Gray" entered the room and took hold of the subject's hand. This seemed to block his ability to pick-up on the alien communications. The subject tried to "mentally command the small Gray to let go." This caused the "Gray" to became visibly upset as the humanoid was commanding it to not let go. The subject stopped his efforts because he felt the small alien was suffering and did not like its distress. This seemed to puzzle the humanoid and he asked the subject why he stopped. The subject replied he "did not like to hurt living things." The human seemed to be impressed by this statement but made no comment or indication how he felt about the statement. The aliens next caused the subject to hallucinate about clouds for a period. When the hallucination ended, the subject found himself inside some type of "compartment in a machine." The subject had no idea how long he had been there. He was then moved through another corridor and "light portal." The subject related that he "felt" as though he had traveled a long distance when he passed through the "light portal" and that the atmosphere of the place was very different from the other side of the portal. He was taken to another room. This room was circular with a domed ceiling and appeared to be a conference room of some sort. The room was about 70 feet in diameter. The walls were a "metallic gray with a power blue tint." There was a raised dais at one end of the room, with large windows "looking out into blackness" (no stars could be seen). There was some type of seating in the room, but the subject was unable to describe it. There was a long table on the dais, but there was no one sitting there. When the subject was taken to the "conference room," he was accompanied by two of the "Brown" aliens, a "Gray," and the "Praying Mantis/Cockroach." Shortly thereafter, a hooded figure whose face could not be seen by the subject entered. He was followed by a tall (7ft to 7ft 6in.) creature that was covered with "black hair and looked like a giant Wookie from Star Wars." Finally, the humanoid entered, and the subject was again asked a series of questions and discussions took place among the aliens. Again, the subject got the impressions of other abductees being "accessed" and asked the same questions "for comparison." More accusations were made about the "Browns" and "Grays" not following proper procedures. At one point, the hooded figure "Watcher" was called upon. This being "played back at incredible speed the events of the abductions" (in a matter of seconds). How this was done was not known by the subject, but it appeared that the aliens all considered the accounts to be factual and accurate. At one point the humanoid stated that the "project is compromised and may have to be terminated." It is important to note that the subject says that he did not actually hear words, but rather, perceived the meaning of the thoughts in his head and applied the nearest words conveying the meaning. Subject DS92007PH has also expressed the same observation. Both of these individuals are "visual thinkers" (think in concepts not in words). It is believed this may be part of the reason they seem to have better communications with aliens. Often they are asked to "visualize" something when in communication with the aliens. The session in the "Conference Room" lasted about 15 to 20 minutes. Finally, the humanoid turned to the subject and in spoken English asked "What would you like to do?" (this is the only time that the subject was ever spoken to verbally). The subject responded he "would like to go with (them)... and help to establish communication and understanding between them and us." (The subject finds this strange, as he is not sure that he really feels this way.) The alien responded that this was impossible, as he (the subject) was contaminated." (The subject has related that he does not understand the meaning of "contamination." He felt this was not in the physical or spiritual sense.) The subject was then asked what he knew about a government program, "Project Prometheus." The subject had no knowledge of such a project. (Note: We have since found some references to a "Project Prometheus" that allegedly pertained to UFOs and alien life forms. However, it is unknown if this project was ever actually implemented, the full extent of its operations, or the government agency involved. The subject was then taken to a smaller side room where the humanoid showed him a "strange sort of chart." The subject said it looked like a "distorted race track." The humanoid explained that the chart represented the progress of their "project" (though no explanation of the project was made or implied). According to the chart as explained by the humanoid, the subject guessed there was between 50 and 100 years left (although he was not sure he understood the chart.) There appeared to be thousand of symbols making up the background of the chart, although the subject thought it might only be a decorative background with no meaning at all. The subject was then accompanied by one of the "Browns" (the one he "always sees") through a side door into a "large room that looked like a exhibition hall." The room was dark and had a number of animals that appeared to be mounted or preserved, and exhibits along the wall. Some where quite large; one creature looked like a cross between a hippopotamus and a elephant. (The creature described appears to be a platybelodon, a prehistoric creature from the Pliocene epoch.) The subject was moved through the room rapidly, then down a dark side corridor, through another brightly lit "light portal" that opened into a equally bright examination/operating room. This room was much brighter than any the subject had been in before. It had more of a laboratory-type feel about it. The room had a curve to it and large windows along the outer wall that also "looked out into blackness." The subject was placed on a "sort of chair/table" and a device with "two cone-like projections" were placed on his temples. This produced a complete numbing sensation throughout his entire body. The "Brown" aliens then inserted an object in the subject's nose. He was given a strange "brownish liquid" to drink and then taken through yet another "light portal" (he was not sure, as it may have been a "regular" door) that returned him to the room where he first arrived. He was told to dress and was returned to his bed, where he looked at the clock, saw the time was 3:38am, and went to sleep. On awaking, all knowledge of the incident was completely erased from his conscious memory. On December 10, the subject sat on a group panel discussion with other abductees at the HUFON monthly meeting "Alien Abductions: Working with Abductees." Of the six abductees on the panel, four had been given implants 44 hours earlier. None were aware of their implants or abductions at the time. That night, after the subject had gone to sleep, two "Brown" aliens entered the subject's room, woke him, removed something from his nose, and left minutes later. Physical Evidence In the home of the subject (built in 1979) nails holding the sheetrock in a stairway were coming out of the wall and through the sheetrock. On the roof of the house at the southwest corner, roofing nails were also working up through the roofing material. In addition, a metal strip holding siding under the lip of the roof had become detached due to the nails working out. (The owner had replaced the strip by the time observation of the roof was made, but nails were still scattered on the roof from its dislodging). The area in the stairway was one that subject claimed he and a "small gray alien wearing a harness/utility belt with pouches on it" had passed on the night of December the 8, 1992. According to the subject, the nails were noticed coming out of the wall shortly thereafter. The area on the roof corresponds to the corner of the house where the subject was standing when he was "beamed up" on December 8, 1992. The Stairway Nails The nails on the interior walls in the stairway were on both sidewalls starting at the bottom of the wall and going up the wall to a height of about 3 feet. No nails were observed above this height, although at one point, the wall reaches a height of 15 feet. There were 15 nails coming out on the south wall of the stairway and 22 nails coming out of the north wall. The movement of the nails had only caused "bumps" on the sheet rock on 34 of the 37 nails. Three of the nails had broken the sheet rock with one that had actually come all the way through the sheetrock. The owner of the home had already pounded the nail back flush into the wall and painted over it ,but it was still clearly visible. None of the nails were removed from the wall, however, photographs of the nails and "bumps" were made. The Roof Nails The nails on the roof were galvanized roofing nails. Of the nails found scattered on the roof, all were extremely rusted (this should not occur with galvanized nails) they had been laying on the roof for about 6 weeks (when the strip came loose). The nails protruding through the roofing material were also heavily rusted. How long these nails were protruding is unknown. The subject said he had not noticed them the year before when he had cleaned pine needles from the roof. Samples of the nails were taken for further study and photographs were taken of the nails on the roof. Subject DM92003JA Journal Entry - December 8 The subject awoke with slight nose bleed from her left nostril. (This event is labeled as December 9, but the subject stated that she thought it was the 8th when she submitted it. The subject was unaware of other events, as nothing had come to light yet, so there is little likelihood of collaboration. Journal Entry - December 14 Subject reported that for several days she had been feeling "panicky" and of being "trapped." She described the feeling as "like in something and can't get out, very scary. Feel I will die." Journal Entry - January 4 Subject reported blood in left nostril. Journal Entry - January 8 Subject reports feeling "spacey" and having "difficulty communicating" at HUFON meeting. Felt she was being watched. Journal Entry - January 14 Subject reports having burning sensation in left eye "upper area under lid," it "hurts like heck." This was prior to going to bed. Before she fell asleep she felt a sting on her right thigh (about midnight). She and her husband looked and could find no insect or any sign of a sting or bite. Journal Entry - January 15 Reports eye still "thumping and in same corner." Complains of being shocked all day when ever she gets close to metal. Journal Entry - January 17 Subject learns for first time about the mass abduction of December 8 Incident. She claims to have had a "gut feeling I was there. I just know it." (Later during hypnosis session, the subject related events experienced and seen by others, but not revealed by investigators to anyone. Hypnosis Session The subject was regressed to her nose bleed on December 9, and then back to the night of December 8. The subject reported going to bed about 10:30 wearing a floral gown. She had no difficulty going to sleep. The subject awoke (time unknown as she did not look at clock). A "short alien" was waiting for her. She was told to undress. The alien took her by the arm and led her "somewhere...up..!" When she arrived at their destination, two small aliens were standing by a door that was open. They left and several "others standing by (a) rail" complained about there being "another one." She was taken to a room where she saw her brother (who died several years before). She was glad to see him and thought she was dead also and had gone to heaven with him. She noticed that he "has strange black eyes" but assumed that is the way people look in heaven as others she saw earlier had strange eyes also. There were other people in the room but she was too consumed with "Roy" (her bother) to pay them any notice. Once she complained of being hungry and was handed silverware by an alien. When she was asked to take a close look at it while under hypnosis, she reported that it was not silverware at all but some strange sort of instrument. The subject described the room as large (20 to 30 feet wide not sure of length). The walls were round. At times she thought one wall was missing or open. At one point she noticed a nude couple sitting against the wall opposite her. She realized that everyone was nude. She saw a small child in the room "playing with a toy." She did not know where he came from or went later. (It might have been a small "Gray;" nobody else reported a child but others did report "Grays" coming and going.) Eventually, she was taken with most of the other abductees to an examination/operating room where she was given a nasal implant. After a period of waiting, she was returned to her home and bed. The subject had vague memories of being interrogated and being told not to communicate with other abductees. Under hypnosis the subject seemed to be blocked when trying to relate certain events. At one point, the subject showed great physical distress while trying to relate an event and ultimately was unable to do so. (Note: There is one other piece of information regarding this case. Shortly after learning of the December 8 event, the subject went to her physician. During the examination a lesion was noted in the nostril (possibly from the removal of the nasal implant). X-rays were taken but nothing was found. A copy of the physician's statement regarding the lesion is on file with the investigative team.) Subject DS92004DK Note: There is some question if this account should be included as a part of this event. The subject, who resides in Arizona, reported this event in late January. According to the subject, the event happened on January 8, 1993, whereas the event involving the previous abductees occurred on December 8, 1992. Additionally there are substantial differences regarding the descriptions of the aliens, dress of both the aliens and the subject. Also, the subject reports everything as being in a fog with no clear details. There was no physical examination or implantation. Additionally, there are some descriptions of objects given by the subject which cast great doubt concerning her association with the December 8 event. Nevertheless, at least one abductee in the December 8 event stated under hypnosis that she "thought she saw (subject)." Also, the questions asked of the subject are identical to those asked of the abductees in the December 8 event. Because of the distance of the subject from Houston and the investigative team, no hypnosis was performed on the subject. It is very possible that much of what the subject has related and remembers could be a screen memory. January 8 (Account taken from letter to Derrel Sims and phone conversations with Dale Musser.) The subject reported being in a large round room. The room was "foggy" and objects were not clearly defined. There were seven humanoid (in appearance) aliens behind a curved conference table near one wall. All of the individuals in the room wore "robes" including the subject. The subject was questioned about her knowledge of her abductions. She was also asked about her relationship to Derrel Sims and the Abduction Support Group in Houston. When asked (by the investigators) about details of the questions asked, the subject was unclear as to the exact questions. Subject DS92007PH This subject was one of the very last interviewed, even though it is thought that her actions may have predicated the event (see "Note" at end). The subject is still undergoing investigation regarding the event. The awareness of this individual's involvement in the case was due to DS92002DM, who "saw her in a remote location in a state of suspended animation" and "being accessed by the aliens concerning technical matters." Because this individual lives several hundred miles from the other subjects, direct contact by the investigators has been delayed. However, the subject was contacted by phone and interviewed by two investigators. The subject was not told of the event but was asked if there had been any "unusual events" since November. The subject related some indications of PAS (Post Abduction Syndrome) at Christmas time and indicated that she felt an event had occurred then. For the period during the first two weeks of December, she had no recollection of anything out of the ordinary. Care was taken so as not to give clues or lead the subject. This made questioning difficult. Had the subject been physically present, hypnosis would have been utilized. After almost an hour of questioning, it was still unclear if the individual had actually been involved in the event. Clearly, she had no conscious memory of this event. It was felt by the investigators that since DS92002DM had reported both he and DS92007PH were questioned about the same material, that perhaps one of the more unusual questions might be recalled by DS92007PH. The subject was asked if the phrase "Project Prometheus" had any meaning for her. The subject reacted immediately and memories of the event began to come forth with some ease. The subject was able to name several of the other abductees involved in the event with great accuracy and named the "prime players" first. Additionally, she revealed through her terminology that her awareness of the event was far greater then her conscious memory. Amazingly, she referred to events in the "conference room" and even used the term "conference" to describe the event. It is important to note that this individual had no contact with any of the individuals involved in this event since its occurrence. Nevertheless, without the use of hypnosis we were unable to obtain very much clear information beyond the fact that the subject was involved. Several times the subject expressed that she felt she was not "supposed to remember" the events, and was having difficulty remembering and relating them. In March, an investigation team will be making a trip to Florida to obtain a more detailed report from the subject using hypnosis. As of this writing, the subject still has not been told details of the event or the reports of other abductees. (Note: In November of 1992, subject DS92007PH was abducted. The subject maintained conscious memory for a fair amount of time into the abduction before the aliens were able to "zap" the subject (place the subject in a mental state where she no longer has conscious memories of the event. At the beginning of the abduction, the subject was able to communicate with the aliens although they did not appear to be terribly inclined to communicate or reveal much information. As the aliens were completing their preparations for their examination, the subject felt herself losing mental control. The aliens began to reinforce their efforts to "zap" her. In one last effort to maintain consciousness and communication for as long as possible, she blurted out "We know what your're doing... We know about..." (subject still under investigation). This statement seemed to evoke a reaction on the part of the aliens and appears to have predicated the events of December 8, 1992.) Subject DS92009LT Hypnosis Session - January 21 At approximately midnight on the night of December 8, 1992, the subject and her husband were awakened and taken to a baseball field by their home. They entered a bright beam of light and seconds later found themselves in a round room with dark colored walls with a "woodlike texture" and appearance, "not metal but different than paneling!" The subject observed a table, "wooden and boxlike (in) appearance," and a bench that ran around the wall. She also observed several other persons. Some she recognized from the Abductee Support Group (DS92034LC, DS92017RP and her own husband DS92009DT). There were others she did not recognize, some had their backs to her, some were seated with their heads down. All were nude, as were she and her husband. Off in one end of the room, she saw several beings she believed were crossbreeds between aliens and humans. One was female, "very pale with large eyes" and "blond stringy, plasticlike hair. There were two others, one male and a female with black hair. Two beings entered. One stood in front of her, the other in front of her husband. Both were short, muscular, and bald with large eyes "but not as large as the "Grays" and more inset." She believed these also were some sort of hybrids. She was questioned by the one in front of her. "How do the abductees know they have been abducted?, What do the abductees know (about the aliens)?" They asked her about Derrel Sims (HUFON investigator) and told her she should "not tell him anything." They told her she should not discuss her abductions with anyone and that she should not trust any of the abductees (husband included). She was taken with other abductees to another room. She was placed on a table and they looked at her eyes. They took a "long skinny instrument" with a cuplike end on it. The aliens then performed an operation on the subject's eye. When they finished, she was told to get off the table. She was dizzy and sat on the floor. They picked her up and took her down an illuminated hallway "as long as three houses or longer." Eventually the subject and her husband were returned to their home. December 10 (At home in bed after the HUFON meeting "Working with Abductees" ) The subject heard a sound at the bedroom door. It was her daughter, behind her were several aliens. They took the subject "out and up." Her daughter was crying, and she was taken someplace else. The subject was placed on a table. She saw the long skinny instrument they had used on her eye. The aliens performed some procedure on her eye again (she thinks they removed something). She saw designs on the walls. Again, she was told not to tell anyone anything and was threatened with physical harm if she did. As a means of backing up this threat, they cut off her finger and then reattached it to demonstrate the pain they can inflict. This may have been a mental projection, or real; regardless, the pain the subject felt was the same. (Note: The investigators were very moved by the anguish the subject appeared to be enduring while relating this event and do not doubt she experienced great pain.) The subject and her daughter were then returned to their home. December 11 At work place (morning) The subject suddenly felt an irritation in her eye "that really hurt." Leaning over desk, she rubbed her eye. A small flesh-colored object fell out of her eye and onto her desk. The subject turned the object over to Derrel Sims. Physical Evidence The object is hard, flesh-colored, and about the size of a small mustard seed. It is somewhat egg-shaped with the small end open. (approx 3/32 in. long by 1/16 in wide). The object was examined and photographed from numerous angles and with various magnifications with a microscope. The object appears not to be organic, but seems to be manufactured out of some type of plastic. It is flesh-toned and egg-shaped with the narrow end open with jagged edges like one would find on an egg with the top broken off. At a magnification of 100x the surface appears to be smooth and shiney. There are several small cracks on the surface trailing away from the "broken-off end" similar to those on a broken egg shell. Under higher magnification (300x), a small crystal cube (sodium chloride) could be seen in one of the cracks. This is assumed to have come from salt from a dried tear from the subject's eye. At a magnification of 500x ,the surface of the object appears to be dimpled, but not porous. The inside of the object reveals an interior surface similar to the exterior. One small black filament could be observed inside the object. It is unknown if this was a part of the object, part of its contents, or some foreign material which may have found its way into the object. It was impossible to tell precisely what this object is with any certainty. We are unable to identify it as any natural or man-made object. It would appear that the object was intended to encapsulate or house some other object. One could theorize that its flesh-colored appearance is intended to camouflage its existence. It is possible, if facts related by the subject are correct, that this object was the housing for whatever was implanted in her eye. Several persons have speculated this object could not have been in the subject's eye, as the discomfort would have been extreme. However, if the object were lodged back in the eye socket where there are less surface nerves on the eye, or if the eye were anesthetized by some means, it is not improbable. It is difficult to believe that an object of this size could have gotten into an individual's eye (undetected) by natural means, though it is not impossible. Subject DS92017RP Journal Entry - December 22 The subject said that she had a dream of being in a "big room." There were other people in the room, but she did not pay much attention to them. There was one large (nude) man she thought she recognized (DS92008DT), Subject also claimed to be having "negative dreams about Derrel Sims (chief abduction investigator) and that she should "stay away from him" and "not tell him anything." Subject stated she had been "waking up standing in her den" on several occasion during the week of December 7. This is not where she went to sleep. Hypnosis Session This subject related, under hypnosis, being abducted on December 8, 1992, and being taken by two aliens to a "large round room" wherein other abductees were located. She related that all of the abductees were naked. When asked who she recognized, she reported seeing DS92008DT & DS92009LT, she thought she also saw DS92034LC but was not sure as she only "saw her from the back" and could not see her face. The subject also stated she saw DS92002DM standing behind a podium (this is the position where the other abductees reported seeing the alien, although DS92002DM claims he was never with the other abductees; one other abductee also reported seeing him in the assembly room). The subject wandered around the room which she described as being "whitish-gray" and "sort of like a egg-shell texture" (this also differs from the description of "dark wood-grainlike wall reported by most of the others). At one point the subject reported hitting one of the aliens (small gray) and that her hand sank into it "like a jelly fish." While wandering around the room the subject passed through a door and into another room where she was stopped by a taller ("Brown"?) alien who forcible returned her to the others. The subject reported being taken into a examination/operating room with abductees and given and examination by a taller ("Brown"?) alien who put his hands on her head and looked in her eyes. The subject also reported the aliens as having four fingers, though she was not sure. Also, she thought their fingers looked like suction cups on some but not all of the aliens. Comments On Subject DS92017RP DS92017RP's testimony differs in many respects from the other abductees. Were it not for the fact that several individuals identified her as being in the "assembly room" with them, her testimony would be very questionable. One of the possible explanations may be due to the "hallucinative" conditions in the room. It is possible that the subject saw the room differently where others saw the people differently. Another difference is in the case of the other subjects, each related to receiving a great deal of individual attention, whereas DS92017RP seemed to be left on her own to wander about. Certainly, the descriptions of the sequence of events seem to parallel those of the other abductees in the "assembly room." Another explanation for the differences may be caused by the subjects reluctance to undergo hypnosis. As a result, the subject only entered a very light state of hypnosis that may not have been enough to overcome any hallucinative "screen memory." There are other possible explanations as well. We are not trying to make the story fit nor are we trying to discard it, we are merely looking at the possibilities. Subject: DS92034LC Hypnosis Session-February 11 The information reported on this date had previously been reported to Mr. Musser in the first week of January, about the time the investigative team began to suspect something of importance had occurred. At the time, the subject was completely unaware of any of the happenings or occurrences with the other abductees. The information given on the second telling was consistent with the information given to Mr. Musser on the earlier date and checked out with the notes he had taken on that occasion. The reason for the session on February 11, was to record on tape the subject's telling of the event in her own terms. The individual's memory of the events were very clear and detailed, although seen from the perspective of the screen memory. For reasons we will not relate here, the subject was not regressed in hypnosis, nor do we anticipate doing so in the future. The subject related the event as a dream, though she claimed that the event "felt real." In her dream, she was taken (not sure how) to a large circular room about 20 to 30 feet in diameter (subject related this by comparing with size of the room we were in during the interview). The subject stated that she was nude and vaguely aware of others in the room, but did not pay any attention to them. Though she did not specifically know who or where any of the abductees were, she did (when names of abductees in the Abduction Support Group were given) point out who she thought was there and where they were in relationship to herself. (The persons she indicated were all later identified as persons who have related events in this same room.) The subject stated the walls of the room were a "dark mahogany in color... with a dark grain appearance." They also appeared to be highly polished. The subject did not think they were really wood. Off from the middle of the room, and closer to the far end of the room from the door, was a "a wooden throne" that was connected to both the floor and the ceiling and which the subject claimed to appear to be growing out of both. After about twenty minutes of waiting, a figure appeared and sat in the chair. The subject believed this individual was Christ and was in awe. The figure spoke to her and called her "my child." She was unable to remember what the individual said, but was sure it was good. Shortly thereafter, her memory fades and the subject has no further recollection. Within several days of the second telling of this event, the subject called Mr. Musser to say she was withdrawing from the Abductee Support Group. Feelings of great despair and anguish had come upon her after relating the event and she was "beginning to have horrible memories" (she did not relate). She did state that she had a dream wherein the image of her deceased grandfather came to her and chastised her for her involvement with the Abduction Support Group. Similar stories have been reported by most of the abductees since the December 8 event. Comments on the "Assembly Room Experience" The assembly room sequence as experienced by the subjects is one of the most interesting of the case. There is both a great degree of agreement and disagreement concerning it. All of the individuals involved in the assembly room event described it shape as being round (see figures). Of the five individuals known to have been in the room and the one who "saw" the room through the eyes of the "alien" in the room, four say the walls were of a dark mahogany color and appeared to have a dark heavy wood grain. Two individuals reported the surface as being highly polished, others were unsure. One individual reported the walls as being "whitish" in color and textured "like a egg shell." One abductee was not questioned concerning the room as both he and his wife were in the room together. Since he was present during her hypnotic regression we did not want to risk his information being prejudiced by her account. All of the individuals involved reported that they and all others were nude. Of the six individuals who where in, or saw the room, four said that there were two doors or accesses, and one reported only one (but was not sure if there was another or not). Again, the sixth individual's (the husband) comments have not been taken into account. Of the five persons known to have been in the room, two had pleasant or benign experiences, while three had unpleasant or horrible experiences. Accounts of what happened to each in the room vary greatly. Each perceived the events differently yet parallel. DM92003JA believed she had died and "gone to Heaven" and that she was with her "deceased brother" who had "strange eyes." DS92009LT recounted that she was questioned and "told not to communicate with other abductees" or the investigators. She was also told to avoid her husband (also an abductee). Additionally, she was threatened with physical harm if she did not obey and was given a sample of what they would do to her if she did not cooperate. DS92034LC believed she was with "Christ, who was sitting on a large throne and surrounded by a fog so his image could not be seen." DS92017RP did not seen to know where she was and wandered about, leaving the room at one point to be forcibly returned by the aliens. DS92008DT has not been questioned concerning the event. DS92002DM who was not in the room but "saw it thought the eyes of the alien in the room," claims all the individuals in the room appeared to be in a "drugged hallucinatory state." He also felt the individuals were basically unaware of each other. Of the individuals in the room, three reported receiving implants in another room. The fourth (not questioned) was reported by two individuals as having been seen in the examination room where the implants were given. One abductee may not have received any implant (she has no recall of implantation, nor was she seen in the room were the implants took place. This individual did not sit on the panel discussion at HUFON the following night either, a fact some feel indicates that the implants were intended to monitor the HUFON meeting. Of the seven known persons involved in the December 8 event, only two provided some degree of resistance. A third subject attempted at one point trying to "gain mental control" of the small "Gray" with some minor success before being thwarted. This was accomplished by means of a hypnotic suggestion given to the individual in an earlier session with Derrel Sims. The differences in the accounts describing events in the "Assembly Room" seem to indicate the degree of mental control that was being exerted over the subjects in the room. When subjects were moved to another room, their memories of the event are much clearer and descriptions are more detailed and similar. Individuals in the "Assembly Room" seem to have only been asked questions concerning how they knew about their abductions, and how and why abductees were meeting together. Of the abductees elsewhere (DS92007PH in "stasis" somewhere, and DS92002DM possibly in yet another location) the same questions were asked, but with the addition of numerous technical questions of a scientific / biological nature. Subjects in the "Assembly Room" were not always engaged by the aliens at all times. Whereas the subjects elsewhere seemed to be continuously engaged by the aliens either by questioning or examinations. Remarks and Observations The event on December 8, 1992, has opened a new chapter in abduction investigations. The information we have received has far-reaching implications, the extent of which we have just begun to realize. There is still much to be done. Over ten hours of taped interviews and hypnosis sessions have yet to be transcribed. More regressions with subjects to dig deeper into events and details will be forthcoming. But what we have learned already is a giant step forward. We have learned that it is possible to provoke a response from the aliens. We have determined from their questioning that they do not wish us to know, remember, or discuss our abductions. We have learned that acts of kindness and terror are inflicted by the same aliens, not two different groups as some have theorized. We have discovered that screen memories are not the same for all abductees in an event, though details may be the same. From this we can theorize as to the nature of the screen memories, how these are created and how to "see through" them and possibly prevent them in the future. Prior to this event, we did not know that implants were removed as well as implanted. We can now speculate as to the nature and intent of implants. We can, based on information retrieved from this event, develop a profile to indicate the probabilities of implants, when they occurred and when they may be, or have been, removed. We now have in our possession an object that may be part of an implant. Further analysis of this object may shed further light into the purposes of implants, the technology of the abductors, and a means for the detection of future implants. We have also been alerted to a possible government program "Project Prometheus," a project we were previously ignorant of and which we still know little about. Two months have passed since learning of this project; information concerning it is scant at best. What is this project and why are the aliens interested in this project? Why did they think we might know about it, or were they trying to make us aware of it? What Has Happened Since We cannot end this report without relating events occurring since the event of December 8. Nearly all of the abductees in the Houston support group (there are over forty) have experienced "warnings" not to talk about or reveal information about their abductions. They have been told specifically not to trust Derrel Sims, Dale Musser, Patrice Eldridge, or any of the investigators. They have been bombarded with strange and sudden feelings not to attend meetings, and feelings of depression and despair when they do. These warnings have come in many fashions--mostly in dreams. Usually, a highly respected individual, one of importance in the subject's life, delivers the warning. For many, the feeling of distrust comes on so suddenly and so strong as to be overwhelming to the subject. It is the bizarre nature of these dreams and feelings which tend to strongly contradict the facts that have caused most abductees to reject them. However, this has not been true in all case. Some abductees have dropped out of the support group and investigation program. After hearing their stories, we can understand and sympathize with them and wish them well. We hope that one day circumstances may change and they may once again be able to be in contact and work with us again. Abductee Profiles: DS92002DM Age: 48 Sex: Male Marital Status: Married, one child Ethnic Background: Caucasian, American born German heritage Occupation: Engineering Other Information:Genius level IQ DS92004DK Age: 30's Sex: Female Marital Status: Divorced Ethnic Background: Caucasian, American Indian/Irish heritage Occupation: Clerical Other Information: Account differs from others in numerous areas. Abduction on different date and may not be related to December 8, event. DS92007PH Age: 33 Sex: Female Marital Status: Single Ethnic Background: Caucasian, American Indian/Irish heritage Occupation: Technical Writer Other Information: Individual displays strong psychic ability. Highly intelligent. May have predicated December 8 event by comments made to aliens in earlier abduction. DS92008DT Age: 38 Sex: Male Marital Status: Married, two children Ethnic Background: Caucasian, American Indian/English heritage Occupation: Computer Operator DS92009LT Age: 30's Sex: Female Marital Status: Married, two children Ethnic Background: Caucasian Occupation: Office, Clerical Other Information: Highly reliable on testimony, not one to change story or details to match others. DS92017RP Age: 30's Sex: Female Marital Status: Married Ethnic Background: Caucasian Occupation: Housewife. DM92003JA Age: 30's Sex: Female Marital Status: Married, one child Ethnic Background: Caucasian Occupation: Office, Clerical DS92034LC Age: 50 Sex: Female Marital Status: Married Ethnic Background: Caucasian Occupation: Office, Clerical Other Information: Not swayed by what others say, very detailed. Good memory. End of File ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************