SUBJECT: THE E.T. CONNECTION FILE: UFO2263 GS> Another view! (From): JAL_KAE@GATE.NET (To) : ALL System: SNET Conf. : 0026 - CONSHUS.MYSTICS THE ET CONNECTION or "How is it done?" How do "wake-ups," "walk-ins," "crash-ins," and humans get to planet earth? When we [malenchen and maruna] arrived, we defined ourselves as Walk-Ins; the previous inhabitants of these bodies walked out and we took the wheel. But it didn't feel like we "walked" in. And we still don't feel like it. what seems more accurate is to say that we projected our consciousness into them [the bodies]. We are Project-Ins. Right now, we can "see" ourselves in our energetic form in the seventh dimension. So, for us, we're here (on third-dimensional earth) and we're there (in the seventh dimension), as well. Indeed, we define "there" as our true home. Part of our Mission is to manifest the reality-base of home, here. Crash-ins, those beings who enter a human body after the body has a near-death experience, are Project-Ins. So are wake-ups (a.k.a., crawl-ins), masters who project into a baby body during the birth process. Because wake-ups bear the full brunt of socialization, it is they who have the most intense identification with the body. But regardless of their intensity, these identification - attachments - are hallucinations. There are millions of masters here, all sourcing from the fifth dimension and above, shining their Light of Consciousness through human eyes. To round out this picture, how do humans get here? As we have said, ETs project their consciousness into human forms from their Light Bodies. Their Light Bodies exist in another dimension: they are *sourcing* from another plane of reality. The human experience is more straightforward: Spirit projects it's consciousness directly into a fetus - there is no middleman. this doesn't imply that humans are not multidimensional beings; like everyone else, their spirit can simultaneously manifest a multitude of different bodies in as many different worlds. But the one that is projected directly into the human form is "human." when ETs project themselves into human forms, they become human, as well: they acquire "dual citizenship." this can cause great distress; they've just left a dimension where Limitation was not even a concept and victims no more than a myth. and now they are here, suffering. *but they wanted to be here.*; they really did. they knew how really exciting it would be to participate in this planetary awakening. (it becomes cool after they wake up [to their true identity]). and once they begin living as masters, they realize that *accepting the human aspect of self is of incredible importance to the Mission.* by integrating their humanity with their divinity, they elevate the former and serve the latter. from the book, "Live the Impossible" by starbuilders available for $8 + $2.50 s&h to: Starbuilders, 22-0964, hollywood, fl 33022-0964. for a free copy of Starbuilders' newsletter, "The Federation Flash" - Exploring the Frontiers of Miraculous Probability, e-mail: say: "subscribe" We Are One Mission! jal kae starbuilders ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************