SUBJECT: UFO Spotters Beware! FILE: UFO2267 I have been asked to resend this under debate. Thank you. Hello, I have been reading the UFO info that has been put on the my local bbs. I would like to make a few observations if I may. I have heard that the US has a hanger full of UFO's or at least one UFO. (1) I have great scepticism about UFO reportings. However, I have read enough and heard enough reports from truly credible witnesses, that I must confess to a certain respect for the possibility that they do exist. (2) From a totally different perspective, I wonder why people should find the idea of extra terrestrial beings so hard to accept? I believe that it is totally unreasonable to believe that beings do not or could not exist on other solar systems. (2) First off, the statistics would guarantee that there would be millions of suitable planets for life in our Galaxy alone. (3) Of all the scientific theories I have heard about the origin of man, the least "scientific" conclusion is that it all happened as an accident of Nature. Then things started to get a little complicated and beautifully integrated... all by accident! Mr Darwin was an astute in his observation of a grand organisation in nature. The whole idea of his origins of species, however, is so devoid of any shred of proof. He certainly provided none, that i can hardly believe the scientific community ever seriously considered it. That it is currently popularly accepted is a telling comment on the ability of people to believe the absurd in place of any original thought. This is, unfortunately, common in popular scientific thought (ie. it has been "proven" that the bumble bee cannot fly.) (4) Things are so beautifully integrated and complicated in the biological world alone; That any appeal to other than intelligent creation begs reason. If, then, man were placed on Earth intentionally by a benevolent man, being, God, or what ever, then why would he stop at Ear th? I firmly believe there are people that re-define the meaning of distant relatives. Could they possibly visit the Earth? Why not? Some say God did. That is assuming that God does exist of course. Why would they be benevolent? Why not? Would they mess with our human civilisation? I doubt it. Could they make mistakes and crash here? Why not, we do! Now let me say this about these UFO's that are supposed to be in this hangar in the US. Nothing has been said by any one, except the guesses made, and the stories that fly about mean nothing. There is nothing that can be kept so secret as a so called space craft from another world. Some one some where would leak this information to the world some how. It is too big a story for Christ sake! And sure as eggs is eggs these intelligent beings aint going to knock on the door of the White House or 10 Downing street, the Kremlin or what ever, and say "Would you look after us old man, our space craft has gone and broken down?" Being intelligent beings, would YOU trust a politician? I thank you for you're time in reading this, and would welcome you're views. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************