SUBJECT: Dermatoligist Abductee FILE: UFO2275 Tonight's "Inside Sedition" had a story about a Dr. Steven Kurzweil, a dermatologist in NYC, who believes he has been abducted by aliens. For this reason, it seems, the State Medical Board tried to lift his license. The implication of the story was that he believed himself to have contacted aliens, therefore he was crazy, therefore he shouldn't be allowed to practice medicine. In all fairness, the man did seem to be unstable, and even Budd Hopkins (according to the story) said that Dr. Kurzweil used to call him at all hours of the night with paranoid fantasies, but one got the impression from the story that ANYONE claiming to be an abductee would be automatically unfit to practice medicine, almost as if it went without saying. Does anyone know any more about this Kurzweil story? Is this the start of a dangerous trend? ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************