SUBJECT: OBJECT ENTERING SOLAR SYSTEM ? FILE: UFO2289 I would like some of your comments on this 19 July, 1991 radio broadcast 'For The People'. Since the item is from an old article, what happened to 8-13A? The host read the following from a 6 Oct 77 article from the NY Times: Government Scientists call newly discovered heavenly object a stray asteroid. Astronomers worldwide in disagreement with official explanation call the phenomena an intelligently guided object. Washington, Oct 6. United States Government astronomers at the national radio astronomy observatory have identified an uncatalogued object near Jupiter as an asteroid from outside the solar system. Their conclusions have been contested by leading astronomers across the world who believe the object is not a natural phenomena. The object, designated 8-13A, was discovered on Monday by Dr. Leo Moffet at the Green Bank Radio Astronomy center in West Virginia. Dr. Moffet made the discovery while searching for evidence of an atmosphere on Io, a moon of Jupiter. His instruments detected a small object not previously recorded just outside Io's orbital path. The existence of the object has been verified by scientists worldwide. Dr. Moffet initially believed that the object was a tiny moon of Jupiter, but its course and velocity persuaded him otherwise. He then assumed it was an errant asteroid on an extremely elongated, elliptical orbit around the Sun. He named it asteroid 8-13A in accordance with the observatory's classification system. When the discovery was announced to the scientific community on Tuesday, astronomers throughout the world focused their attention on 8-13A. Its size was approximated to be 7 kilometers, about 4 miles, in diameter. Scientists had expressed surprise that the object had hitherto escaped detection and focused their attention on plotting its course. No trace of an orbital curve could be found. The object is apparently on a straight trajectory that will take it very close to Earth. According to calculations, there is no danger of collision. But if 8-13A's rate of deceleration remains constant, it should take up orbit around Earth just inside that of the moon on or about Oct 25. In light of the discoveries concerning 8-13A's trajectory, Dr. Moffet modified his original statement and described the object as a cometary body from interstellar space which was making its first and only visit to this solar system. Not all scientists agree with this explanation, however. Dr. Lawrence Rude of the British Interplanetary Society stated 'the facts surrounding 8-13A effectually discount the possibility of a natural origin for the object. First, the object is on a perfectly straight path toward Earth. Second, it is traveling at just the right speed to enable it to enter into a stable orbit around Earth. If it were traveling any slower it would be pulled into Earth by gravity with catastrophic results. If it were any faster, it would pass by our planet and move on out of the solar system. Finally, the fact is that 8-13A is DECELERATING as it approaches implies guidance. Natural celestial bodies do not decelerate of their own accord. It is my belief that 8-13A is neither an asteroid nor a comet, but an intelligently guided vehicle from beyond the solar system.' Other announcements similar to Dr. Rude's have been released by independent astronomers and research centers across the country. Scientists at Lincoln Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts have been observing the object's light curve in order to estimate its shape by measuring the different amounts of sunlight it reflects as it rotates. If 8-13A were to show no change or a regular cycle in its light curve, evidence would suggest that it was entirely smooth and thus of artificial origin. However, the data shows an irregular light curve. To the undaunted supporters of the artificial origin explanation, this fact merely means that 8- 13A must have a complex design. The United States Government is sticking to its natural object theory despite the evidence presented by leading authorities. At a news conference here yesterday, a spokesman for the national radio astronomy observatory stated that 8-13A is an asteroid or cometary body which originated in another star system and has traveled here through the emptiness of interstellar space. The apparent deceleration of 8-13A is a natural affect brought about by its passage close to the strong gravitational fields of other planets. The possibility of its entering Earth orbit should be regarded by all members of the scientific community as a unique opportunity to study matter from beyond the solar system. This matter, it should be emphasized, will prove to be entirely natural. 8-13A is not, as some radical scientists would like to believe, a spaceship from another world. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************