SUBJECT: NATIONAL SIGHTING RESEARCH CENTER REPORT FILE: UFO2358 MUFONET-BBS GROUP - MUFONET-BBS NETWORK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coordinated Information Exchange provided by; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NEW JERSEY CHRONICLE - Volume 2, Number 4 - March/April 1992 - Page 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1992 by The New Jersey Mutual UFO Network NATIONAL SIGHTING RESEARCH CENTER - UPDATE - by Paul Ferrughelli 1991: THE UFO YEAR IN REVIEW BACKGROUND ---------- 1991 was definitely a Year of Change. For the first time in five years, UFO reports described as "lights/illuminations" out numbered the reports of "objects/shapes". Lights and Illuminations represented 57.4% of 201 reported sightings. Another changed characteristic for 1991 was the Peak Month of UFO sighting activity. January became the peak month of UFO sightings, comprising 15% of the total for the whole year. For the past two years, October had been the Peak Month for UFO reports, but in 1991, October ranked LAST. The summer months were more active than in 1990. STATE SIGHTING BREAKDOWN ------------------------ Florida was the leader by a Substantial margin, Florida reported 54 sightings for 1991...83% (45) of these sighiings were described as "lights/illuminiations". Of the Florida total, Gulf Breeze reported 63% (34) of the Florida total. Indiana led the nation (7) in reporting Close Encounter UFO sightings. A usually quiet state, North Carolina ranked 4th in 1991 with 14 UFO reports and 5 Close Encounter Sightings (CES). Other States with higher than normal averages were, Oregon and New Hampshire. New Jersey ranked 9th in 1991 with 4 UFO Sightings. All four reports were of "Objects/Shapes" and were observed during night time visibility. Two of the four reports were CES. TIME OF DAY ----------- A surprise for 1991 was the Peak Time of Day for UFO reports. The mode (peak) time is clearly 8:00 P.M. represents 21% sightings and the normal lull activity time was between 6:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M were only 9.3% of the sightings occurred. A consistent pattern over the past five years has been to observe UFO sighting activity in the LATE HOURS of the evening. RECURRING SIGHTING LOCATIONS ---------------------------- In 1991 there were 20 towns or cities in 13 states reporting a total of 96 UFO sightings. Those twenty towns reported two or more sightings within the 12 month period of 1991. Those 96 sightings represent 48% of the total reports for 1991. This is higher than normal but not unusual due to Gulf Breeze, Florida, reporting 34 sightings. HYNEK CLASS BREAKDOWN --------------------- Nocturnal Lights accounted for 74.5% of the total reports, this is higher than the five year average of 67%. Daylight Disc reports for 1991 were 5.5%, which is lower than the five years average or 8.3%. The Close Encounter Sightings (CES) were also lower representing only 18% of the total, the five year average is 22% OBSERVATIONS ------------ Although 1991 was a year of change in some aspects of the UFO phenomena, there were no significant events that occurred. The fact that 57.5% of the total sightings were of lights/illuminations (15% higher than the five year average) may be significant in that it may be related to the 8:00 P.M. Peak Time for sightings (this has not occurred in the past 5 years). The quality of sightings occurring at 8:00 P.M. was actually higher than the five year average for the Combined Peak Times. There were 14 reports of Trace Cases of Crop Circies in the USA in 1991 (these were not included in the UFO data and are only considered applicable if a UFO was observed before or after the event). There were several odd "probability" sighting cases in 1991. There were two Deltoid sightings in North Carolina which occurred during the day in two separate towns at the SAME time of day, 11:45 A.M. These two reports occurred within 2 months of each other. The duration of these Deltoid reports were 3 seconds and 4 seconds in length. What is the probability of two Deltoid reports to occur at the same time, and have a duration almost exactly the same? There were three reports of "Rectangular" shaped objects in Pennsyvania, two on the same day and both with five weeks of each other. Gulf Breeze, Florida is still reporting high numbers of UFO reports in 1991. Several of these sightings have been documented of video tape. Many of the Gulf Breeze reports were that of a single "red light". When looking at the sighting data over the past five years of with respect to COLOR ONLY, Red was the leading color. To be continued............ 1991 SUMMARY RECAP DATA -------------------------------------------------------- Annual Total............................... 201 Reports Peak Month........................ January 15% of Total Geographical Span........................... 66% of USA Leading State.................... Florida 26.8% of Total Peak Distribution Month)............ 21st to 31st 34.4% Peak Time of Day.................. 8-9 P.M. 21% ot Total Lull Time of Day..... 6 A.M - 5 P.M..... 9.3% of Total Peak Day of Week.............. Wednesday 18.1% of Total Lull Day of Week................. Monday 11.7% of Total Peak Reports by Shape Class........ Lights/Illuminations...... 57.4% of Total Lull Reports by Shape Class........ Rectangular .............. 2.6% of Total Peak Reports by Hynek Class........ Nocturnal Lights.......... 74.4% of Total Peak Duration of Report................. 3 to 9 Minutes Sightings Reporting Sound............... 8.3% of Total Sightings Reporting No Sound............ 91.7% of Total Sightings During Daytime Visibility..... 9.2% of Total Sightings During Twilight Visibility.... 4.6% of Total Sightings During Nighttime Visibility... 86.2% of Total Reports Described as Objects/Shapes ......................... 42.6% of Total Reports Described as Lights llluminations. ......................... 57.4% of Total Multiple Witness Reports ............... 68.8% of Total Signal Witness Reports.................. 31.2% of Total Most Common Sound Reported......................... HUM Leading Single UFO Description................... LIGHT Top Five Ranking States............. FL, IN, CA, NC, PA Recurring Sighting Locations........ 20 Towns/13 States -------------------------------------------------------- FIVE YEAR SUMMARY DATA ON 1000 UFO REPORTS 1986 THRU 1990 An important aspect of the UFO Data Base is to compare Annual Data to the cumulative average data compiled over time. With 1000 UFO reports in the data base, it is now possible to compare the 1991 data and look for any significant changes in the data. Below is the five year recap data on those 1000 sightings. 1986 - 1990 SUMMARY DATA BREAKDOWN -------------------------------------------------------- Peak year for UFO reports................. 1988 with 291 Peak year/Month of reports........ October 1989 with 47 Combined Peak Month over 5 years .............. October.. 13% of total Combined Lull Month................. June. 4.3% of total Peak State Reporting over 5 years ............ Indiana.. 21.5% of total Combined Peak Time of Day..........9 PM.... 17% of total Combined Lull Time of Day......... 8 AM... 0.4% of total Combined Peak day of Week .....Wednesday..17.1% of total Combined Lull Day of Week......Saturday...10.6% of total Combined Peak Reports by Shape Class Lights/llluminations..... 35.7% of total Combined Lull Reports by Shape Class Rectangular........... 3.0% of total Combined Hynek Class...Nocturnal Lights.. 66.7% of total Peak Duration of Reports..1 to 5 minutes. 20.6% of total Combined Sightings Reporting Sounds...... 12.5% of total Comblned Sightings Reporting No Sound.... 87.5% of total Reports During Daytime Visibility........ 9.5% of total Reports During Twilight Visibillty....... 5.6% of total Reports During Night Time Visibility..... 84.9% of total Reports Described as Objects/Shapes...... 60.0% of total Reports Described as Lights/llluminations.40.0% of total Combined Multiple Witness Reports........ 36.6% of total Most Common Sound Reported............... HUM Top 5 Ranking States over 5 Years........ IN,FL,PA,CA,MI ----------------------------------------------------------- END OF FILE ----------------------------------------------------------- =END=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************