SUBJECT: DALLAS LANDING PAD WELCOMES UFOs FILE: UFO2487 He's built it, so will they come? Dallas landing pad welcomes UFOs 12/21/92 The Dallas Morning News If, by chance, any extraterrestrials have the desire to land a spaceship in Dallas, there is a concrete landing pad waiting for them. "U-F-O LANDING BASE 1," scream the red 2-foot-tall letters painted on the concrete. Really. Wesley Nunley, 73, recently had the $10,000 slab built to invite all space aliens to steer straight to Dallas, Texas, USA, Earth. "I tell you, this could be a big thing," he said, walking on the concrete octagon in the middle of his sand and gravel pit. "This welcomes the UFO to land, which has never been done before." It also welcomes someone else - whether or not the journey is by ship. "WELCOME LORD JESUS," say other red letters that Nunley spray-painted with stencils onto the concrete. (The stencils cost him $204.) Nunley said he has dreamed for decades of allowing aliens to alight on his 120-acre pit, off Interstate 45. He has never spotted a UFO himself, but he believes they travel the night sky. Oh, Nunley knows what people will call him. Crazy. Nuts. Wacko. Even Sid Hammett, Nunley's best friend, shakes his head and calls Nunley "a little off." Hammett, 72, said Nunley "is a smart man, but I can't say what I thought about how smart this was." He gestured toward the 100-foot-wide concrete slab. Vinnie Hammett, 80, does not share her husband's skepticism. "Anything can happen," she said. "We didn't ever think anybody could go to the moon, and we can do it." Vinnie Hammett hopes a spacecraft does touch down on Nunley's land. She and her husband own 25 acres nearby, and she believes a publicized UFO landing could help them sell it for a good price. If any creatures do maneuver their spaceship to Nunley's creation, they may form a horrible first impression of Earth. A muddy road leads to the pad, which sits in the middle of a quarry filled with murky water. Across the lake, red, blue and green truck trailers for 18-wheelers are stacked on top of each other. A white shack with sagging plywood walls sits on another edge of the water. Other vistas open to a rusted dredging machine, a barge, the light-blue shell of a school bus, waist-high weeds, and a 10-foot-tall embankment of rocks, pipes and other debris. Welcome to Earth. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************