SUBJECT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT FROM A GENIE FORUM FILE: UFO2513 PART 16 Filename: Phoeni16.Edi Type : Editorial/Opinion Author : Ed Stewart Date : 12/02/92 Desc : Editorial on information sent by the Phoenix Project concerning the asteroid 1989FC to Steve Jones/Ed Stewart. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study in Discernment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 1 of 13 I have been interested in the UFO phenomenon for over four decades. All but four months of it, as a reader of books, a dreamer of thoughts, a wonderer of what-ifs, and a debater of hypotheses. One day I saw a message on a local BBS about a trip being organized to the Pilot Peak area to search for a purported "underground UFO base". I wondered what-if and said why not? I met with the Sacramento UFO Group and together with Steve Jones and three days later with John Pickens from Fresno, I ventured to investigate. Steve Jones and John Pickens both have written trip reports on our quests. I didn't. Their concerns were mine and their reports related what probablly I would have said. We found nothing. In September, Steve Jones, Mike Mace and myself met with Jack Mathias, the spokesman and Richard Miller, a friend of the Phoenix Group, We met for four hours at the "Ormsby" in Carson City, Nevada. We chatted, traded expectations, and discussed our lack of findings over the K-2 Phoenix Report. We were aware of the Paranet warning over the Phoenix Group and I was particularly concerned over the question. Why Now? Why wait three years to release the reports? We received two different answers. Jack Mathias said he had proded the group to release the information and Richard Miller said he thought the Group was concerned over some possible events that might be occurring "soon". He said he thought it had something to do with a similar incident involving asteroid 1989FC. As an avid amateur astronomer since my early youth, my curiosity was peaked. He would not elaborate and said he would need permission from the Phoenix Group to release the information. If he received the Okay, he would have Jack get us a copy of their findings. A couple of days later the material was downloaded to me. We read it, checked it out, sought assistance from various sources. Bottom line, it was less verifiable than the original material. At the time, I felt It would have been a dis-service to the UFO community to release it. I felt it was that bad and I still do. Since then, through the efforts of many on this echo including members of the Sacramento UFO Group that physically visited the site, John Pickens report, Joseph Harris work, and Michael Corbin's initial warning much doubt was placed on the K-2 Report. When Don Kirschner's findings that the K-2 tape was bogus became public, Paranet declared the report a hoax. I decided to release this part of the investigation that deals with the question why release the reports now? But instead of just releasing Phoenix Project material on 1989FC whole with a warning message to take it with a grain of salt, I have dissected and inserted editorial comments along the way. Hopefuly people will see it for what it is and also hopefully people will be able pick up a pointer here and there and use it in their future research efforts. I don't consider myself the author of the commentary. I have over sixty pages of typewritten commentary on the original material from many, many sources that have contributed. I thank the various members of the Sacramento UFO Group that have contributed and e-mail correspondents on GENIE with special thanks to Art Bozlee and the other Science Round Table sysops that contributed, many of which were never aware of the original Phoenix Project material. Ed Stewart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: Introductory Note and Header ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 2 of 13 THE PHOENIX PROJECT PRIVILEGED INFORMATION 09/13/92 To: Steve Jones From: Staff 1, The Phoenix Project Subject: Asteroid 1989FC -- Information requested per conversation of 09/12/92 "Ormsby" meeting. Note: You will find this information useful. It will reveal additional insights in regard to our concern re the Alien intentions toward Earth and Humanity. Thank you for meeting with our representatives. Their evaluation of that contact was favorable. They requested this information be forwarded to you. You may use this data at your discretion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Immediately we are faced with contradictions. The "Privileged Information" header accomplishes three goals: 1. It asserts an air of officialness where as we shall see later, none should be asserted. 2. Creates the idea that the information that follows is not easily obtained, or from classified sources. 3. It becomes an ego boost for the readers by having an important piece of "Privileged Information" personally addressed to them. The last sentence nullifies the "Privileged Information" designation. As of this point, all information becomes public release. This is out of character for anyone with a background in intelligence. So right off the bat we know that "Staff 1" in all probability is not an intelligence operative or ever was. The "From: Staff 1 Phoenix Project:" header accomplishes the following: 1. Polarization around a singular, mysterious and/or inaccessible leadership. Only select individuals may be granted access to this person known only as "Staff 1". 2. But since the mysterious "Staff 1" has taken the reader into his confidence by making him privy to "Privileged" documentation and establishing the fact that the reader can be trusted, why then is this mysterious leader referring to himself as "Staff 1"? 3. It is a psychological ego boost to have documentation addressed by the top authoritive figure of the group. Keep this in mind as we go through the documentation. The "Note:" paragraph accomplishes the following: 1. "Thank you for meeting with our representatives." a. This reaffirms the inaccessibility of "Staff 1". b. This reaffirms the authority and rank of "Staff 1", thereby putting the reader in the subjective and subordinate posture. 2. "Their evaluation of that contact was favorable." a. This is an ego boost...a pat in the back if you will. b. Also a subtle manipulation of the reader, but nonetheless a manipulation. c. The group has cracked the door open for the reader. They evaluated you and you have been found acceptable to them. 3. "You may use this data at your own discretion." a. As stated above, a contradiction. Information is no longer privileged. b. This also makes "Privileged Information" nothing but a ploy or tease. c. The reader now has to decide as to whether or not to accept the mission. Even though none is specifically stated this introductory material has been carefully constructed to imply dissimination. What would you do with the information that follows? Would you immediately re-broadcast it throughout the echoes? d. The seduction has been set. The bait is in place. Will you be pulled in? Just nibble? Or ignore it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: The Initial "Privileged Information" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 3 of 13 YEAR: 1989 DATE: CATEGORY: Launch & Mission Schedule TOPIC: SOURCE: NASA LOCATION: COMMENTS: 1989 3/13/89 Discovery: KSC, STS-29, TDRS-4 & Photo Recon of Earth 1989 4/29/89 Atlantis: KSC, STS-30, ABORT: Magellan Probe 1989 5/4/89 Atlantis: KSC, STS-30, Launch: Magellan Venus Probe 1989 5/20/89 DOD Launch, Vandenberg, Navigation Satellite 1989 6/10/89 DOD Launch, KSC, Nav-Sat., Delta 2 Rocket 1989 6/14/89 DOD Launch, KSC, Early Warning Sat., Thor Rocket 1989 8/8/89 DOD Launch, KSC, Columbia: Spy Sat & SDI 1989 8/14/89 DOD Launch, KSC, ABORTED: Delta-2 Rocket, Nav. Sat. 1989 8/18/89 DOD Launch, KSC, The above 8/14/89 DOD Sat launched. 1989 October Return of Asteroid 1989FC - Crossing Earth's orbit 1989 October Atlantis: Galileo Probe to Jupiter 1989 10/21/89 DOD Launch, KSC, Delta-1 Rocket, Navstar Sat. 1989 November Comm Satellite Launch 1990 Gamma Ray Observatory 1990 Space Telescope 1990 October - Sun Probe 1992 Mars Observer Mission: The United States plans to send up an orbiting satellite in 1992, called the Mars Observer. NASA also is making tentative plans for a 1998 mission that would send a land rover to explore the planet for a year, collecting rock and soil samples. A spacecraft would return the samples to Earth. EOF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart First of all, nothing is "Privileged" about the above information. It is simply a run of NASA launches that can be gotten by anyone that buys a paper, watches TV, has access to NASA-SELECT Cable, or uses a modem like you are right now to access one of the many echoes available to the public. A very subtle, even maybe subliminal manipulation of the reader though is attempted---blank categories up at the header information. "Necessary" informational categories have been left out. This is one of two things. It is either out of character and sloppy for someone, "Staff 1", that is supposed to have gleaned "Privileged Information" through unidentified field operatives from NASA, or it was purposely omitted thus making the "Privileged Information classification a "ploy", or "tease". Also, we have a very pertinent piece of information in the schedule missing: The discovery and original earth-orbit crossing of 1989 FC. Remember? That is why we are being fed all this privileged information. That date is important because later it will establish a major contradiction to the scenario presented by the "Phoenix Project". ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3: What You Read Might Not Be What You See ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 4 of 14 YEAR: 1989 CATEGORY: Asteroid TOPIC: 1989FC SOURCE: New York Times, AP News Service - and others LOCATION: Earth COMMENTS: In cosmic terms, it was a close call. The object, named 1989FC, presumed to be a large asteroid capable of wreaking widespread destruction in a collision with Earth passed within a half million miles of Earth, (a near-miss in cosmic terms) the closest approach of such an object in the last 50 years. The asteroid, a collection of rock and dust half a mile or more in diameter, crossed Earth's orbit undetected March 23, in what is presumed to be one of its annual passes near Earth. It was discovered by Dr. Henry Holt, the Northern Arizona University astrogeologist and astronomer, in photographs taken March 31, using the 18-inch Schmidt telescope at Mt. Palomar Observatory. Scientists later calculated that the asteroid, traveling at 46,000 miles and hour, is orbiting the Sun once a year on an erratic elliptical path that brings it back every seven months toward Earth. "It can come this close or closer in the future. When two objects are in overlapping orbits, the bigger one inevitably pulls the smaller one into its path. Sooner or later it will collide with the Earth, the moon or Mars," said Dr. Holt. Dr. Brevan French, an advanced program scientist with NASA, said that if 1989FC collides with the Earth, the impact would be equivalent to the explosion of 20,000 one-megaton hydrogen bombs. A megaton is the explosive power of one million tons of TNT. French, NASA's expert on large space objects in the solar system, said that such an impact would dig a crater a mile deep and five to 10 miles wide. "Landing in an ocean would be even more destructive," he said. "Depending on the depth of the water, angle of entry and size, and speed, it could create tidal waves several hundred meters high. Waves that large could sweep over coastal areas, causing wide-spread destruction." If 1989FC hits the Earth, the odds are that it will hit an ocean. EOF July 1989 Follow Up Story -- Popular Science: July 1989, P13. Subsequent observations by Holt and other astronomers pegged the asteroids speed at 46,000 mph and determined its orbit is highly elliptical and erratic. It will cross Earth's orbit again in October 1989, but at a greater distance than the 500,000 miles of its last encounter in March. This was the closest call of any Earth-crossing object since asteroid Hermes in 1937, which passed at about the same distance. Many scientists believe that periodic collisions with asteroids or comets have caused repeated mass extinctions on Earth, including one about 65 million years ago alleged to be responsible for the disappearance of the dinosaurs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Again, we are provided with information that has been gleamed, this time from the NY Times and Popular Mechanics---nothing "Privileged" about it. On the surface it looks inocuous, but we are again manipulated, gently, subtly and maybe even subliminally. Notice the header date, 3/23/89, the same date that the asteroid crossed Earth's orbit UNDETECTED. Obviously, it was not the date of the NY Times article. Also, notice that now we are also provided the "Privileged" information of the location of this source in the header: "Location: Earth" I point out these things because the reader's mind, subconsciously is picking all of this up, recording it and without the conscious mind awake, these subtle data points have no reference of true or false. This makes it easier for someone to convince the reader that the whole "scenario" makes sense and has validity. Be aware and pay attention to what you read and question it, before you accept the veracity of what is being told. Even in presenting a truth, someone with an agenda can manipulate a person's mind without them being aware unless you exercise critical analysis in your thinking. Also, ask why are these sources being presented? Why media sources and not the actual IAU circulars, or the scientist's press releases to the media? The media will edit, rewrite and sometimes leave out important information and sometimes even produce erroneous information. The NY Times article first tells us 1989FC makes a presumed pass every year. Two paragraphs later we are told once every seven months. So what is it then? Is the article reliable? Or was it just in a hurry to get to press? Does the Popular Mechanics article provide us with any new "Privileged" information? No. Its purpose here is to intensify the hype, placed here to manipulate the reader once again. Never take the media source for your prime source of information. Go to the actual source. Maybe what we are seeing here is the prime source for the "Phoenix Project", not the purported contacts they say they have within the intelligence community and inside "mysterious" government agencies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 4: The Seduction Continues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 5 of 13 At this point, in the Phoenix Project file received, was a copy of an article that appeared in Flying Saucer Review: "The End Of A Chapter?" FSR (Vol.34, No.3, Sept., 1989) by FSR Editor Gordon Creighton Due to the lenght of the article I am omitting most of it and only including that part which deals with 1989FC. For those that might be interested in the full article, it is available as ASTEROID.ZIP at your favorite BBS across the country that have UFO related files. In essence the article discusses catastrophism and our fragile existence as related to the geological record. End of commentary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From "The End of A Chapter?" material from received Phoenix Project file: But now (Daily Telegraph, April 21, 1989) we learn that our Earth has just narrowly escaped being struck by a fresh, totally unknown, asteroid (1989FC) weighing some 400,000,000 tons, which passed within half-a-million miles of us in March of this year! Dr. Henry Holt, the Northern Arizona University astronomer who discovered this "beastie", using the Mount Palomar Optical Telescope, says that the thing had come in from the direction of the Sun, so that the Sun's glare had prevented anyone from detecting its approach sooner, and that, "If it had appeared only a few hours earlier, it would have nailed us." "Half-a-million miles from Earth" mean that, as it passed us, the size of the gap separating the asteroid from us was only twice the distance from the Earth to the Moon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart By this time I am wondering what kind of hold that "Staff 1" has over Jack Mathias and Richard Miller? For Richard Miller to have to ask permission to release this kind of "Privileged" information? But most importantly, this article offers us a new piece of information that will in itself cast serious doubt on the scenario that the Phoenix Project will soon "reveal", the direction that 1989FC encountered earth's orbit. End of commentary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR: 1989 DATE: 4/29/89 CATEGORY: Magellan Venus Probe TOPIC: Launch abort, Mission STS-30 SOURCE: AP Wire LOCATION: KSC COMMENTS: The space shuttle Atlantis, which came within 31 seconds of liftoff Friday, could remain grounded until late next week, space officials said. Controllers scrubbed the launch when they detected an electrical surge in a main engine fuel pump. Launch director Bob Sieck said it will be at least Monday before a second launch can be tried, and he termed that timetable "optimistic" after saying NASA was also checking on an unexpected "vapor cloud" that emerged around a hydrogen fuel line. Note: Both of the above excuses were a cover story. The delay was needed to re-program Magellan's computers so it could track 1989FC when launched, and then continue on its Venus mission. NASA has a nice, long, launch window, until May 28 to get Magellan on its way. NASA personnel will inspect the Atlantis shuttle over the weekend. Liftoff could be delayed well into next week if the fuel pump or the fuel line has to be replaced. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart First we have a very not-so-subtle manipulation. A Note: inserted right in the middle of the AP story. Please note that it is not a "Staff 1 note" or a "Phoenix Project" note, but just a note. It is possible that a reader not paying attention, could mistake it for part of the AP story itself. But what of these claims the note makes? It is full of contradictions. First of all, there was no need to delay a launch to re-program Magellan's Computers. If "Staff 1" had simple access to NASA-SELECT Cable TV or if any of the Phoenix Project "Operatives" lightly followed NASA projects, they would know that Magellan's onboard computers could be easily programmed remotely whether on the ground or in flight. Also, notice that the launch was stopped 31 seconds before liftoff. This is April 29, 1989. Knowledge of 1989FC was known to science at least since the release of IAU Circular 4767 dated April 7, 1989 so we know that the actual discovery was made before April 7. But without any substantiation at all "Staff 1" wants us to believe that NASA would risk a one billion dollar project almost down to the wire, 31 seconds before lift-off to "reprogram" its computers---when it had the knowledge of 1989FCs existence and the time to do it for almost an entire month. Also, remember that all this time that Magellan is on the ground, 1989FC is zip-a-doing away at the speed of 46,000 miles an hour away from Magellan and the Earth going in the other direction---making the task of tracking it that much difficult if it could even do it. Well, we already suspected that "Staff 1" had very little knowledge or experience as an intelligence operative, now it appears that "Staff 1" also has very little knowledge of NASA operations, capabilities and programs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 5: "Staff 1's" Resume Gathers Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 6 of 13 YEAR: 1989 DATE: 4/28/89 CATEGORY: Magellan Venus Probe TOPIC: Shuttle Atlantis, Mission STS-30 SOURCE: AP Wire LOCATION: KSC COMMENTS: Lennard Fisk, NASA's chief scientist, said the launch of the explorer craft Magellan will mark "a resurgence of America's planetary program." The last American probe sent to deep space was the Pioneer-Venus dispatched in 1978. Magellan is to be released from Atlantis' cargo bay six hours after launch and sent streaking on a 15-month, 806-million mile trip of its own. Magellan will be carrying some of the most sophisticated remote mapping sensors ever sent to another planet. An imaging radar system will be able to detect features on the surface as small as 100 yards, about the size of a football field. The radar will be operated during almost 2,000 passes over the Venusian surface, each time viewing a slice of the planet and then sending the images back to Earth for computer enhancements. Magellan is expected to map about 90 percent of the surface while orbiting Venus for about 243 Earth days, equal to a single Venus day. EOF YEAR: 1989 DATE: 5/6/89 CATEGORY: Magellan Venus Probe TOPIC: Shuttle Atlantis, Mission STS-30 SOURCE: AP Wire LOCATION: KSC COMMENTS: Follow on story: The 7600-pound Magellan probe launched late Thursday, was more than 175,000 miles from the shuttle Atlantis by late Friday afternoon. Its initial speed of 25,000 mph has slowed gradually to a cruising speed of about 7,000 mph. As it nears its target in August 1990 the tug of the Venusian gravity will increase its speed to 25,000 mph again. NASA reported the Magellan was off course by a small amount, but this was not unexpected. On May 21, a ground station will send a signal to trigger a small motor firing to adjust the course. Note: It was "off course" because Magellan and its sophisticated radar capability was tracking 1989FC, in an attempt to determine its exact orbit so its return and possible collision with Earth could be predicted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart For those of you that follow NASA, you know that NASA issues daily reports and updates on all ongoing NASA projects. Here we have two hand picked reports 8 days apart. A warning bell should go off. Why these two reports and not others? Again, we have a very subtle deception in the above two pieces of "Privileged" information provided by "Staff 1". The first AP wire addresses the capabilities of the onboard Magellan computers and it certainly appears that they are capable of tremendous feats and that they are, manipulating the reader into believing that they can do anything. But there is one exception. They only work on Venus. The sensor, mapping and radar devices on Magellan were designed and calibrated to be used only on Venus and only a limited range of orbital altitutes were available for collection of mapping data. For Magellan to work and do its job, it had to be in close proximity to Venus. For the most part, this wonderful computer equipment had to wait until Magellan achieved a Venus orbit. In the 2nd AP wire story again we have the intrusion of the non- identity "note". But what about its claim? Do you recall the date of its closest approach to earth orbit? March 23, 1989. For 43 days now, 1989 FC has been streaking away from us at 46,000 miles per hour. By this time, it isn't even close anymore or for that matter, in the same part of the Solar System as Earth or Magellan. The "Phoenix Project operatives" and "Staff 1" also forget that Magellan slowed down to 7,000 mph. Each hour that goes by, 1989FC is getting further and further away making its tracking (if it was so) that more difficult if not impossible. Now wait a minute? What about the off-course claim? Yes, it was off course. But what "Staff 1" didn't know is that the booster used, the IUS, is solid fueled. With solid fuel you can not test the motor beforehand. Thus it isn't uncommon to have to tweak the trajectory to compensate for these slight variations. The total delta vee (an engineers shorthand way of saying the change of velocity) of the tweak was only a few feet per second, a very small value indeed. Which kind of puts the damper on "Staff 1" and the whole "off exploring the asteroid" caper. Again, it appears that the only things that "Staff 1" and the "Phoenix Project operatives" really know and understand about NASA operations, comes from a cursory look at what the AP wire puts out. Which leads me to wonder, if the information they say they have access to is not coming from the "inside", where is it coming from? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 6: "Staff 1" Re-asserts Himself ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 7 of 13 YEAR: 1989 DATE: 4/26/89 CATEGORY: Project Zeus - SDI TOPIC: Magellan Probe - Shuttle Atlantis, Mission STS-30 SOURCE: AP Wire: Cape Canaveral, FL. LOCATION: KSC COMMENTS: The Atlantis commander says his crew is "mighty proud" to be part of the first space shuttle planetary mission scheduled to blast- off this Friday. The countdown, which started Tuesday, continued toward a liftoff at 2:24 p.m. Friday. Six hours after launch, astronauts Mark Lee and Mary Cleave are to release the 7,600-pound Magellan probe and a rocket to propel it on a 468-day journey to Venus. Magellan is to reach its destination in August 1990, swooping into orbit around Venus to begin a 243-day period during which it is to map up to 90 percent of the cloud-shrouded planet's surface with the probe's high resolution radar system. "We're not really in charge of the deep space probe," said Commander David Walker. "We're fortunate enough to be part of the team that gets to send it up there. The rest of the NASA team will make sure that it gets to Venus and does its job." UPDATE: NASA, KSC Release # 24-89, March 1989 Magellan marks the first U.S. planetary mission since Pioneer Venus 12 in 1978. It also kicks off a core program of solar system exploration involving NASA and organizations from the United States and the international community. Project Zeus: One of the payload experiments includes the Mesoscale Lighting Experiment, a NASA sponsored effort involving several universities. Its objective is to study the visual characteristics of large scale lighting in the upper atmosphere. (part of the Project Zeus effort to study laser beam diffusion in the upper atmosphere). In addition, as another experiment, "The Shuttle Atlantis will act as a calibration point for a third experiment involving the Air Force Maui Optical System Facility in Hawaii." Phoenix Project Note: Project Zeus - SDI Experiment. Although unstated in this NASA Release, Atlantis is acting as an orbital mirror being tracked by the Air Force facility (SDI ground based laser facility) named in the above paragraph. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Here now for the first time we see "Phoenix Project Note", no longer "Note", no more need to pussy foot around, time to reaffirm(see commentary in Part 1). Ask yourself if your heart didn't pump a little bit faster when you read "Phoenix Project Note"? Why did it? Because even though you are being walked through this, your subconscious is reacting to the manipulative techniques exposed so far. We went from the initial strong manipulative Introduction which established the subordinate/authority relation between the reader and "Staff 1", through a series of non-identity notes and now we are coming back where the authority is once again emerging. But what about the Phoenix Project Note? What does it really mean? 1. "Staff 1" alludes that he is providing us with "Privileged Information", hidden knowledge that NASA is not telling the reader. 2. Also he introduces a new player in the game---SDI experiment. 3. "Staff 1" has raised the stakes! Another sinister element. But, is it really sinister? Is NASA not telling us something? Do we really have a new player in the game? First of all, the source we are being quoted is once again an AP wire. Doesn't "Staff 1" know that NASA releases detailed mission profiles on shuttle missions? Available to anyone that wants one. And if it indeed does have a classified DOD mission, it says so. This ladies and gentlemen, is a classified DOD mission or experiment. Each shuttle mission carries an array of experiments and projects. The shuttle is often used as a tracking target for a number of earth and space based photo recon and optical tracking systems as its orbit is VERY WELL known, and the optical characteristics of the spacecraft are well understood. Thus many systems use it as a passive target test. Nothing sinister here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 7: And Now For The Rest Of The Story The footnotes will be addressed later ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 8 of 13 Note: The following data was provided The Phoenix Project by (concerned) sources within the U.S. Intelligence community. See comments in numbered footnotes. Year: 1990 To: The Phoenix Project Excerpt: ...Start: a) "The Greys are actively engaged in a wide variety of attention diverting operations on a world-wide scale. Their operations are to delay the SDI program, and human counter-measures against them.(1) The operations are designed to re-direct and drain humanities resources in futile attempts to deal with an endless series of new, urgent, and continually developing problems. "Serious events will occur with overwhelming regularity with a projected peak in the latter half of 1992.(2) The problems confronting all humanity are rapidly reaching the saturation level. Their enormous quantity threatening to "overload" humanities ability to deal with them.(3) The inevitable result when this occurs, will be the collapse of civilized society -- a prime objective of the Greys. "Humanity is directly responsible for the greatest number of their overwhelming problems -- for all the reasons intelligent men have warned about. The Greys are using human greed, ambition and weakness, and lust for power, against humanity. This is an indication of "their" intelligence." b) "The alien beings from Zeta Reticulum (the Greys) have become aware that the U.S. and USSR are deploying a major weapons system for use against them. (The SDI, Star Wars system). "With the resumption of NASA's Shuttle Program, on September 29, 1988, after the lengthy delay caused by the "Challenger" disaster, the U.S. has made a frantic effort to launch secret SDI payloads into orbit. This increased activity has alarmed the Greys. "The Greys, know it is only a matter of time before SDI (Star Wars) becomes fully operational and can be used against them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Please note the added quotes, yet not one direct source cited. Also, this alleged information is provided by not just intelligence members, but "concerned" intelligence members. The quotes provide a subtle accent of authenticity where none exists. By differentiating and stating "concerned", "Staff 1" implies division within the ranks of intelligence. The good guys vrs. the bad guys. The good guys like "Staff 1" and his group the Phoenix Project. Somewhere along the line the "good intelligence guys" feel that "Staff 1" is somehow empowered to do something about this. But wait a minute! Why are they giving "Staff 1" the lowdown? If they are really "concerned", wouldn't they give this information to someone that could really take care of the "threat"? Not some obscure group no one ever heard of before? Could it be that "Staff 1" is somekind of powerhouse in disguise? We know he does not have a background in intelligence. We know he doesn't know anything about NASA. What is it that the "good intelligence guys" know that we don't? But what is it that "Staff 1" is really saying here? 1. That the grays are going to kick our ass. 2. That the world is going to come to an end. 3. That we are on the verge of not having a leader. 4. That it is our own fault. 5. That the grays know us real well and our human weaknesses. 6. And therefore the grays are "really" smart. 7. But wait! The grays have a fear. SDI But if the grays are "really" smart, capable of travelling all the way here from Zeta Reticuli, using technologies hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of us that we have no clues about, and not giving a hoot about all the nuclear armaments stockpiled & deployed over forty-five years, why would they fear something that is no more than a SMART SPEAR? Now, I am no Columbo. I really need some help on this one folks. But so far all we have seen is subtle posturing and manipulation coupled with doses of hysteria and paranoia with the hint that "Staff 1" might be some real "powerhouse" capable of taking us under his wing. Never mind that so far everything he has told us simply doesn't check out. That is not the point. The point is that there is no one else around. Now, I am no Columbo, but it seems to me that just maybe this "Staff 1" needs to be given a second look. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 8: There is help on the way ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 9 of 13 Note: The following data is known by MAJI and a select few in the Intelligence Community. Re: The Greys "To delay the SDI effort the Greys conceived a masterful plan. A plan to create the greatest delay possible. A delay that would insure their development of a counter weapon and also allow them to gain greater control over human society. "Their plan was to create a major catastrophe, seemingly natural in occurrence, which would require the full attention and resources of humanity to cope with. A diversionary tactic so vast, in scope, that the U.S. and USSR would have little time or the resources to deploy SDI. "This was their plan: "In early 1989, two of the Grey's spacecraft entered the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. There, they selected an asteroid (later named 1989FC) over a half-mile in diameter. They nudged this asteroid into position. Then, sent it hurtling on a collision course with Earth. "Their well-planned catastrophe would occur when it struck the Earth several months later. World governments would, then, divert their efforts to the immediate tragic events. The Greys would gain the additional delay they needed. "The nature and consequences of this remarkable and deadly event, are evidence that the Grey's feel seriously threatened by the SDI Weapons System and that they are capable of creating widespread destruction. The death of thousands of humans is of little consequence to them. They are determined to subjugate the Earth and enslave human society. Any act needed to accomplish this is acceptable to them. "The Greys are still wondering why their asteroid (1989FC) missed the Earth. They are unaware that it was diverted by (name deleted)."(4) End of Excerpt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Excuse me one moment "Staff 1". Did you say they nudged it into place and then sent it hurtling towards Earth? I am sorry. I knew I misunderstood. MAJI and select few within the intelligence community said that. That makes me feel much, much better. I have seen Mighty Mouse do that on Saturday Mornings. But you see, "Staff 1", there is something that you forgot about while you were trying to catch up on how intelligence operatives and NASA operations work. It is called orbital mechanics. To change the orbit of an object you have to consult Isaac Newton first. I also suspect that a spacefaring race like the grays, would also know all about orbital mechanics. Point and shove simply doesn't wash at all. Also, if I recall from the earlier factual AP wires you were so kind to provide me. Asteroid 1989FC approached Earth's orbit from the direction of the Sun. I know that is just a minor technicality but maybe it is worth noting. I am sorry. I didn't hear you. You say to read the last paragraph of the MAJI posting? (name deleted) diverted 1989FC? And the grays are scratching their heads? Trying to figure out what went wrong? But, now I am really confused. Didn't you just tell us that the grays were really "smart"? There is someone smarter? (name deleted) is smarter. And the grays with all their might, don't have a clue as to who (name deleted) is? But MAJI and a few select members of the intelligence community know who (name deleted) is. I assume that you,"Staff 1", also knows who (name deleted) is? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 9: Is Their a case of footpowder in the Echo-PLEASE? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 10 of 13 FOOTNOTES: 1. The Shuttle Challenger disaster. Grey directed sabotage -- to delay the deployment of the SDI weapons system by halting the space program. A two year delay was accomplished. This sabotage was revealed in the U.S. Senate Investigation of the Challenger Shuttle disaster. Expert testimony, revealed in the Senate investigation, disclosed the presence of tiny "knife-like" cuts in the rubber "O" Rings between booster sections. This damaging testimony was openly revealed in the televised Senate hearing. However, the source of the sabotage was not revealed and the subject was quickly changed. MAJI determined the sabotage was carried out by an inspector at Morton- Thiokol's Utah plant and by a contractor's worker at Kennedy Space Center. MAJI investigators, later, apprehended both individuals. Examination and interrogation revealed that both had "implants" and were under the Grey's mental control. Both men have disappeared from public view. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart I used to work on the STS program as well as Art Bozlee, the Aerospace Science SYSOPS on Genie where most of this information comes from. If the Challenger accident was an act of sabotage why are there NO records of the committee meetings? Even secret testimony has a public date. The dates are a matter of public record. Only the records would be secret. The fact the Senate met to investigate Challenger would be in the public record. All the meetings are known, and the record is in the public domain through the Congressional Record. There was no secret testimony. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. There were cuts in some of the SRB O-rings caused by hot gas erosion that look much like they were made with a blade, but they are the result of the lousy design of the system and the fact the cuts only showed up when the rings were cold. If the O-rings got cold and they were flexed as they would be when the Shuttle SRBs ignite the brittle O-ring material literally cracks with a hard, clean edge that looks to the naked eye as if it were made with a knife. Electron microscopy shows a quite different picture on the very small scale, thus we can tell if the O-ring was cut or was broken. The Challenger 0-rings were broken. There is no evidence that suggests, even for a milisecond, that sabotage was a factor in the accident. And yes, that aspect of it was investigated quite completely. Apparently what MAJI also doesn't know is that the O-rings are installed in Florida, not Utah. An inspector in Utah could not have done the deed if he wanted to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The recent "catastrophic" weather events (examples of the Grey's technological prowess) i.e., the two recent Hurricanes devastating Florida, Louisiana, and Hawaii. In addition, consider the recent diversionary and attention demanding events in Germany, the USSR, Yugoslavia, the Persian Gulf and Somalia. The Grey's timetable is on schedule. The number of controlled Humans exceeds one third of the Earth's population, based on current intelligence estimates. With this number of pawns, under their control, they can create diversions where ever they choose. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Excuse me "Staff-1", if what you say is true and the grays are in such control, why would they have to skip-a-doo to the barrios between Mars and Jupiter to nudge a rock our way that would only create a crater 10 miles wide? And whose current intelligence estimates? It wouldn't be MAJI by any chance, the same folks that don't know that O- rings are installed in Florida, not Utah? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Current relief efforts are being strained to existing limits. "Overload," is close at hand. The monetary expense to pay for same, could soon bankrupt the U.S. and the world economic community. Should one or more additional major disasters occur before the end of 1992 i.e., a major earthquake, 7.5 or greater, in a heavily populated area, another devastating hurricane, an asteroid strike, etc., economic and social collapse is foreseen. The Greys will have achieved their objectives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Did everyone pay close attention as to when "Staff-1" discourse turned from an appearance of presenting verifiable facts to wantom hysteria and paranoia? Did everyone notice a steady declining rate from the rational to the irrational? Staff-1? Who is doing the foreseeing? So far you have demonstrated a lack of knowledge of intelligence procedures, NASA operations, orbital mechanics, and you have an association with a group of people, MAJI, that purports to have investigated the Challenger disaster, but obviously doesn't even know where the O-rings were installed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 10: Hey! Where is the beef? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 11 of 13 4. MAJI, elements of the Intelligence Community, and the Phoenix Project, know that there are "other" extraterrestrials adamantly opposed to the Grey's plans. On occasion, these "others" have quietly interfered with certain of the Grey's operations. Thus far, the Greys are unaware that they have experienced such interference. The diversion of 1989FC is an example. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart We now see that we have a whole team in the huddle, a triad, that together are smarter than the grays. "Staff-1", you have me confused again. First you say the grays are smart, then you say they are not smart, then you say they are powerful, then you say they are not that powerful, then you say they are all powerful, and now we find out that they don't even know of these "others" that are spoiling their takeover, even though just a while back you emphatically suggest that they could do it anytime they so wished. Is it that they have been spending too much time out between Mars and Jupiter moving rocks around? You say the grays can hop on two spacecraft, position an asteroid and hurl it towards Earth, that they control the weather on Earth, and one third of the population, yet not see someone tip-toe in their own turf and reposition the asteroid? I am really impressed. I have never seen Mighty Mouse do that. Who are these "others"? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJI is fully aware of the Greys intentions. They have undertaken many covert operations against the Greys, without their knowledge, while maintaining a pretence of cooperation with them --still hoping they will obtain the Grey's technology. This dangerous charade has created a dissident element within MAJI that is "leaking" information to sympathetic and concerned individuals in the Intelligence Community. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Whoo now! You mean that not only the "others" but also MAJI tip-toes behind the grays without the grays knowing? And still play poker with them? A while back, I thought you said that MAJI couldn't handle the grays at all. So it isn't MAJI that leaks information to you, but the dissident MAJI. What is it? They don't know how to play poker? Which MAJI group investigated the shuttle disaster? I want to know who not to stack my chips behind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJI, to "hedge their gamble," is also trying to establish a liaison with those "other" extraterrestrials, in the hopes that "they" will "bail-them-out" if the Greys come too close to achieving their ultimate objectives. This duplicity has not gone un-noticed by the "others." To date, MAJI has not achieved any success in this endeavor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart These "others" sound like the ones I would want to bet on. Everybody else you have introduced me to seems to be loosing it somewhere along the way. Who are these "others"? I called Jack right after I first read these files and he wouldn't give me a direct answer. He did say though that if I read the prologue to Starwards, all my questions would be answered. The prologue would introduce me to the "others". But there was nothing in there that said "The 'others' are______." It was just one of your operatives, Richard Miller talking about Hatoon, the real Hatoon. Staff-1, just between you and I, we both know that the contactee scene of the fifties through seventies has for the most part fell out of favor with the UFO community. You don't suppose Richard Miller might be trying a comeback of somekind? Do you? You know. Something more palatable to the hopla that has taken investigators away from the real phenomena and stopped investigating sightings associated with physical trace evidence on the hope that somebody with the inside stuff would line their pockets. Something with more of a 80s-90s flavor. Something that... Naa, sorry. It was just a silly thought. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 11: Not Quite the End ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 12 of 13 In Summary: The Phoenix Project realizes that the foregoing has a strong resemblance to something that might have been created by Milton W. (Bill) Cooper. We regret any resemblance to such (Cooper sounding) sensational material and can assure you that it is not based on any Cooper material we are aware of. Cooper did not supply any of this information or have anything to do with our research or evaluation concerning it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart Thank you for the qualifier. "Staff-1", when you do become aware of whose material it is, I hope you will let us know. I am sure Cooper is happy not to be associated with you either. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Our only purpose in providing this material is to clarify a major reason for our concern -- regarding past, current and world-wide events, what we know concerning those events, and how those events are being orchestrated by the Greys. Another purpose, is to alert researchers to the presence of additional information, make it available to them for further research, and provide another insight into what is happening. It is not our intent to present this material for sensational purposes, gain recognition, or create public panic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart "Staff-1", your ONLY purpose counted out to six purposes. Maybe after you finish your refresher courses in basic intelligence, NASA operations, orbital mechanics, the Challenger disaster, and proper tape recording techniques, you might wish to refresh yourself in basic math. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The information is factual in our opinion with sources quoted, whenever possible, so its content can be validated. What you do with it, is up to you. However, we request that you use discernment if it is to receive further dissemination. Staff-1 The Phoenix Project ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary edited by Ed Stewart "Staff-1", a suggestion if I may? Less quotes, more and better sources. And what do we have here? "USE DISCERNMENT...". "Staff-1", a piece of advice that everyone on this echo should take to heart and practice, practice, practice. "Staff-1", you have made a worth-while contribution. I thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 12: Concluding Remarks---A Case Study in Discerment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Case Study Page 13 of 13 I hold that the UFO phenomenon is real, physical, interacts with the environment and as a corollary, humanity on a global scale. I also hold that no one today knows what the UFO phenomenon is all about. I know I don't. It appears to me that the best way to help unravel the UFO phenomenon is by investigating and analysing those sighting cases that have physical trace evidence associated with it in the hopes that new clues can be turned into information that will give us a better understanding of what the UFO phenomenon is all about. One thing that is clear, to me at least, is that for the last few years UFO researchers have been chasing "windmills" on the advice of "former intelligence officers", "unknown sources that can't be quoted", "members of unknown, mystical government agencies" and people (sometimes associated with cults) that profess to have one or more of "these inside sources". Please! Ask yourselves a simple question. What more do we REALLY know about the phenomenon today, than we did five years ago? or ten? When I ask that of myself, the answer comes back with a resounding NOTHING. Another thing that is apparent to me is that all the time UFO researchers have invested on the advice of these "mystical moles" is time that has not been used to verify, investigate and analyse UFO cases and reports that have physical trace EVIDENCE associated with them. Resources available to the UFO community are scarce at very best. If you consider yourself as a resource, invest it wisely, use DISCERNMENT and above all CRITICAL THINKING. You can't waste discernment or critical analysis, but you can sure waste your time. A common fallacy in reasoning is mistaking losses for investment. We all do it. A typical example is the lottery player, maybe your next door neighbor, maybe you, that views all the money spent previously on lottery tickets as an investment and that that somehow will increase the chances on the next lottery ticket purchased. A loss is not an investment. A loss of time is not an investment. Losing time on a hoax, misinformation, or disinformation is not an investment on coming closer to REAL ANSWERS to the UFO phenomenon. To paraphrase something that "Staff-1" said and change it slightly: Some people are using human greed, ambition and weakness, and lust for power against UFO researchers (and the UFO community). This is an indication of their intelligence. You and I want REAL ANSWERS. We are starving for real answers with substance. We are lusting for real clues. We have an ambition, the ambition to discover what the UFO phenomenon is all about. Don't let it become our weakness. Use discernment and critical thinking---our two best allies. Don't let some people con us out of our time---a resource we will never be able to replace. If your serious about real answers to the UFO phenomenon, as soon as you discover misinformation, disinformation, or hoaxes, call it for what it is---A LOSS. Not an investment. And take your resources---discernment, critical thinking, and time---and invest them productively, not with the same people that you already know will produce losses for you. Ed Stewart ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************