SUBJECT: ATAR SPEAKS OUT FILE: UFO2658 Date: 05-25-91 13:11 From: Sandy Barbre Subj: ATAR This is a communication between myself and Atar that occured approximately 2315 hours on May 18, 1991 SANDY: I'm glad you decided to come tonight, I couldn't get to sleep. ATAR : Could it be that you couldn't sleep because you knew of my coming? SANDY: Yeah, that could be it. ATAR : It's about time we did some more talking. SANDY: I know and I just want to start this out by saying that I'm really sorry that I didn't make it to the ship when I was told to. ATAR : You still don't seem to understand parallel times yet. The ship will be there when YOU decide to go. SANDY: You mean that I don't have to go on a specific date and time? ATAR : Only you require time as you know it, but so that you may understand, it will be there when you decide to go. Now that we have the pelimanaries (SP) out of the road we can move on to other things. I understand that you have many questions, so begin. SANDY: Why don't I smoke when I'm around you? ATAR : Look around you. Do you see your cigarettes? SANDY: Yes. ATAR : Then get one. I try reaching for my cigarettes and lighter that are on the coffee table and seem to kinda go right thru them. Can't pick them up. But yet I see them. I look at him questioningly. ATAR : That is what I have been trying to explain to you the last few visits. Yes, you APPEAR to be in your place of residences and everything around you appears to be where it should, however you are in another dimension of time and space. You are there and not there at the same time. This is your vibrations. SANDY: Are you trying to say that I raise my vibrational level up to meet yours? ATAR : Yes and no. You raise your vibrations up to meet me and I also lower mine to met you. If I were to meet you in my natural state you would not be able to see me. My movements would be much faster than your conscious mind could comprehend. SANDY: Then what is your "natural" form? ATAR : What you've considered "energy" beings would be my natural state, however for your peace of mind I come to you as you see me now. NOTE: My description of Atar, right now, right then.... Approx 5'8 inches tall (I'm sitting down, but have stood next to him before). No body or facial hair. Eyes almond shaped but with pupils (pupils green, almost snake like) approximately 9 or 10 bumps on his forehead, similar to that of "Star Treks" Kilgon's. Body, extremely skinny. No nose, slit type mouth. NOTE : Also for those of you who do not know, Atar is from a planet called Barconia. ATAR : Is that all of your questions? SANDY: You know well that it's not but knowing you you have something you want to tell me. ATAR : I have already learned patience, you have not. I can wait. SANDY: Smarty. Ok. I know we've been over this before but I'm going to ask it again..... Why are you here? NOTE:If he knew how to sigh I'm sure he would be doing it right now. ATAR : Since we have discussed this previously we are going to go back in your mind a little bit differently. When is the first time you remember seeing me specifically? SANDY: Wellllll, I would have to say when I was about 26 or 27 years old. ATAR : You do know extend your memory far enough. Go back farther in time. SANDY: No, that's definately the first time. ATAR : Since you are so sure of your time, let me ask you about the evening that you camped out under the stars when you were about 11 years old. There was a group of other children you were with. Three females and two males. SANDY: ATAR : You were taking a walk with another female and talking about ow the stars were so bright and then you saw a light shinning thru the trees. You remembered thinking about how the moon must have been full and then you saw me. SANDY: I was walking out to a stream with Sally Jones (her real name) when we saw this light coming thru the trees and were talking about how pretty bright the moon must be to sending shimmers of lights down thru the trees. Yeah, I remember but I don't remember you being there. Is this one of these mind tricks? Are you MAKING me remember this? ATAR : Why would I want to trick your mind? Is this not a real memory? SANDY: Yes, but...... ATAR : Have no fear, this is recall from your own memory banks, nothing that I have done or am doing. Just relax and let that night come to you and remember. SANDY: (remembering the walk to the stream and camping out and the people that were was summer vacation and we had all rode our horses with backpacks up into the woods on dad's property and planned on spending the night out camping under the stars . We had brought food and had forgotten the water and that is why Sally and I are walking to the stream. We wanted to hurry and get back to sit around the campfire and tell ghost stories. I remember looking at the light and seeing a light blue shimmer of light coming down thru the trees and remember talking to Sally about the light and how pretty it was......then I remember a moment off to the right of me and looked and it moved so fast that I relooked as it was just going behind a tree. I said something to Sally about one of the guys was hiding behind the tree and was probably planning on scaring us and told her what I had seen. She just told me we ought to be prepared for the scare but also to hurry up and get back and be with the others. I remember going back to camp with the water and all the rest of the crew asking where in the hell we had been and what took us so long to get the water, that the stream was not that far away... ATAR : I see you remember more now. SANDY: Yes and I also just realized that I was missing time.... ATAR : You only missed approximately 20 minutes of your time. That was only part of your memory, you can go back and recall the rest if you wish. SANDY: Do you have time? I'd really like to. ATAR : You are the only one that deals with "time". Go ahead. SANDY: Ok, thanks... I felt myself walking again in the woods. I looked over at the tree just as the shape was disappearing behind it. I squinted to get a better look and saw a figure come out from behind the tree and with a hand, it motioned us toward it. Sally told me to look (at the figure) and I replied, "I'm looking, I'm just wondering who it is." We both head over toward the figure and as we get closer I notice a guy in a silver skin suit, with an emblem on his right shoulder. Sally and I walked closer and then all of a sudden we were surrounded by the blue/white light. I get this sudden feeling of spinning, up and up, like I was caught in the middle of a hurricane. As soon as the feeling is gone, I look around and am inside a ship. Sally is nowhere around me and I'm looking around and am in a circular type room, similar but not like the ship of Foob's, (my first contact) There are chairs there that are similar like those in a planetarium, but not like them. A door slides open and in walks this man, who I now know as Atar. SANDY: Who are you and where am I? ATAR : I am Atar. And you are aboard a fascimile of a spaceship hovering above your planet. SANDY: Alright, I've been in one before, this is neat. Why am I here? ATAR : Because we need your assistance. SANDY: But how can I help you? ATAR : Just by being you. SANDY: I don't understand. ATAR : You have been contacted before. SANDY: Yes, so? ATAR : In your lifetime you will have the opportunity to met many humans who will need your assistance. All we ask is that you be there when needed. SANDY: That's easy. Ok. Where's Sally? Did she come up here too? ATAR : No, she is waiting for you and she will not remember this. SANDY: Oh? Will I remember? I remember my other visits? ATAR : Only if you wish to remember. SANDY: I do, this is neat. But I can't tell anyone, no one believes me. ATAR : It is not necessary. We will be here, if you wish. SANDY: Oh, yes. ATAR : Now, you remember. SANDY: Boy that was a long time ago. But why didn't I remember that? ATAR : Because you didn't wish to remember it. You knew that you wouldn't be believed so you didn't bother to recall it. You can now go back and remember the entire episode whenever you wish. SANDY: But how can I do that? Didn't you help me go back? ATAR : No, you went back on your own. Remember the studies we did on memory recall? SANDY: Yes, can we go into it again? ATAR : I know this is not for you because I see that you recall it well. SANDY: I know you know, so let's just do it anyway. It is for the others that read my echo about you. ATAR : Alright, but that is something that we will also discuss. The others. Humans deal strickly with emotions, and knowing that, and knowing that the brain is like a recorder, you can recall anything that you wish to. The easiest things for you to recall are emotional things and this is a good thing to practice with. Lay back and try to think of the happiest time in your life. Feel the sensation and go with it, don't let any other thoughts interrupt the feeling. Now picture in your mind what you were doing at the time. Look around you and see what it is that made you feel that way. Try and use all of your senses. Smell, hear, taste, whatever fits the emotion. Experience all of it to it's fullest. And the key to all of this is 'practice'... the more you practice the better you get at recalling. Now, go to a crowded place, somewhere in time where you are in the middle of a conversation yet there are others around you that are not in your conversation...recall the time, recall what you were discussing and with who and then branch out, look at your surroundings, listen to music in the background, try and listen to the other conversations that you never paid attention to the first time you were there. Also branch out with the other senses.... SANDY: So what you are trying to tell me is that I can do this with ANYTHING? ATAR : Anything that you WISH to remember. First you have to 'want' to remember. SANDY: But how would I be able to recall things I don't know I want to remember. Like how was I able to recall the first time I met you. ATAR : All I did was trigger your memory by REMINDING you of a certain place you were at, you did the rest. By practicing, which you don't do as often as you need to, you would recall quite a few things. You have no problems with these conversations that we have. SANDY: I think that's because you implant them so firmly in my mind that I have no choice. ATAR : Wrong, you ALWAYS have a choice. It's whether you chose to remember. SANDY: I stand corrected. Now what about the others? ATAR : There are several that you talk with (showing me a picture of my computer) that are indeed others that also have had experiences with my species and a few other species. They need to recall the experiences. For their own purposes. They don't have to talk about it and you shouldn't push them to talk about it. But be there when they need to ask questions. ALWAYS be there. You have a couple of ones that have no idea that they have ever had contact with us before. They REFUSE to believe that we in fact exist, but they need to remember because they are having emotional difficulties because of it. They need to practice the recall techinque. SANDY: Interesting. Can I put this on the echo? ATAR : Yes. SANDY: Can I say who they are? ATAR : NO. SANDY: Why? ATAR : Because one would not want it made open until he deals with it himself and the other is very well known and it would ruin him. That's all you need to know. They know who they are. This will be enough for them. SANDY: Ok. ATAR : We will now talk about the underwater bases that you have on your planet. SANDY: This was something we've talked about and suspected by there is no way to prove it. ATAR : You have 12 underground/water bases that "we" know of. Five of them are located in the Atlantic Ocean, Four of them in the Pacific Ocean, Two in the Gulf of Mexico and one in the Persian Gulf. You also have a split in the governing body of your country, with one side in cohorts with the greys and the other side with the species of underwater origin. One's that you would call Repotids. Eventually there will be a war between the two species with your governing bodies in the middle of it. As far as we are concerned, that is totally between those two species, both outcasted by their own planets, both very much in a power/control mode, much like your people. It would be advisable for you to take neither side. However because your country being involved you need to learn to take care of yourself in a totally primitive environment as the world you know today will no longer be valid. These are things you have been shown in the past and it would do well for you to recall ALL that you have been told in detail and pass it along to those you feel need the information. SANDY: But I don't understand why we/humans have to be involved in anyway alien type war. ATAR : It isn't a matter of involvement, it's a matter of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time as you would say. And not only that you would be involved BECAUSE you let the governing bodies rule your thoughts and actions instead of being free thinking individuals. SANDY: So how did we get involved in the first place? ATAR : As long as you have had governing bodies controlling others like yourselves, way back in a time frame before yours, you have had humans controlling other humans. Humans that only desired "power". This power they seek has always be the power, over others. The dark powers prevailed. SANDY: But what has that got to do with aliens? ATAR : Because other species also have the same ultimate goal and they made pacts, all throughout your planets existance with humans in control. You have asked several times what your governing body is trying to hide and my answer to that is that you have been told already, you need to recall that communication between us. And you need to seek this information soon, as it will be the cause of your planets shift and destruction of many humans. SANDY: Save me the time, please, and tell me again, now. ATAR : No. It was a long communication then and if you desire to know of it, then do the recall. We have much more that need communicating BEFORE ending this communication. SANDY: Oh, alright..... what else is so important? Or more important than this? ATAR : I believe you will find that human kind in itself is important. Things that you need to think about and turn over and change. You live very much in a world that lives only for yourselves. It is NOW time for you to assist others. You need to STOP being like other humans and taking all you can and give. You have many starving children in your world and yet you throw away food that you have not eaten. You organize bodies of humans to take care of these children but the funds are ate up in paying for the governing bodies and not the children. It is up to you as individuals to seek out other humans in need in your areas and feed them, or clothe them. This is not something you can do by yourself, it must be all humans that must participate. Ones who wish to survive the holocaust. Instead you take your funds and gain other items that are not necessary, you build giant buildings that funds could be used to built shelters for the less fortunate of your kind. This also has been a fairly large communication between you and I. But this is something that you need to look at NOW. Those of you who think you have everything will have nothing. Those of you that help will be rewarded many times over from the love of those you help. SANDY: Why do you teach me these things? Why do you care? ATAR : You are all children of the universe and we are all inner related in one way or other. Parallel worlds are not that difficult to imagaine. The best example that I can give you is to have you look back upon your life and see where you have made major decisions. These are "paths" and each time you choose a path you've opened up another avenue that your "self" can and is living both lives at one time. This would be the you now, in this world, and the childless you in one of the other worlds. I understand that it's easier for you to except that with us rather than you, but there are also other worlds where the "other" you exists. And because we are indirectly involved. We stand to lose our world if things go wrong on your planet. That is why we are here. We will only help between the war of the species from the other planets. We will help aide your growth in developing a peaceful nation, but we cannot interfere because of your "free will". You have brought this upon yourselves and is something that you need to deal with. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************