SUBJECT: HAVE ALIENS NABBED YOU ? FILE: UFO2670 Thu 7 May 92 19:38 By: Lj Murphy To: All Re: Article on abductions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIZONA DAILY SUN, Volume 46, No. 266, May 7, 1992 Headline: HAVE ALIENS NABBED YOU? FOR $75, YOU MAY FIND OUT By: Karin Schill, Sun staff reporter SEDONA - Being abducted by space aliens can change your life, says Sandra Bowen. People who were bought on board spaceships may not remember afterwards what transpired; they're just left with feelings of fear and confusion. That's why people like herself are on a mission of mercy, the 49 year-old Sedona psychic consultant syas. "I have an agreement to teach people," she says. A year and a half ago, Bowen moved from the San Francisco area to settle into a comfortable home in Sedona, surrounded by the red rocks that have made the town famous. To Bowen those racks are more than just a pleasure to the eye, however. They also attract a large number of Unidentified Flying Objects to the area, she says. This is where she can remain in daily contact with those she calls her extraterrestrial friends. People who suspect they've had an encounter with a spaceship pay Bowen $75 per hour for a reading in Bowen't living room. A reading may consist of regression, or hypnosis, during which Bowen says abductees are able to remember what they think are visits to UFOs. About a year ago, Bowen also ran support groups for people with space ship experiences. People would get together to compare sotries and feel tonnected to one another. Some who consult Bowen are tourists who find her flier in the Chamber of Commerce or local hotels. Others are members of the crystal-clad New Age crowd that has taken to Sedona in recent years. And some are just people with unusual experiences, like businessmen. "The businessmen often have problems with thier digestion. They come in and say they have these strange feelings they can't understand," Bowen says. They all come to Sedona, drawn by the town's magic aura, she says. "Everybody in Sedona opens up to it. Dreams, for instance, are more vivid here." Bowen's realization that she can communicate with extraterrestrials beings came when she did a regression in 1980. She syas it helped her remember how, a week earlier, two aliens had taken her away, up to their spacecraft. She describes a ramp leading up to a podium on the ship. There they made her lie down on an examination table. She said the aliens were "very tall and iridescent and vibrated. They had long arms, their eyes were large and round, but they didn't have much of a mouth or nose." Another thing she says she noticed was that the aliens had no feet, but floated a few inches above the floor. "Then they said they would put light into me," she says. The light, Bowen says, is the ability to communicate with the many spaceships that hover up in the sky, though not always visibly. Crystals and crystal skulls, supposedly planted on Earth by the aliens, also play an intricate part, Bowen says. She has many in her home and one in a ring on her finger. It grounds her to the Earth, she says. In 1988, Bowen co-authored a book entitled "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed." Crystals are important because they indicate what's going to happen to the Earth, Bowen says. And that's where the UFOs come in. "They've come to help us because we're destroying the Earth," Bowen says. At the Fund for UFO research in Washington, a non-profit group, Don Berliner takes such a conclusion with a grain of salt. Space aliens are interested in humans solely for their research, he says. Their project is extensive, though nobody knows exactly what they're after. "Bizarre abductions are popping up all over the place," he claims. "It's been estimated that over 2 million Americans have had experiences with spaceships already." Whatever the motives of such encounters are, and whether or not they really happen at all, the interest in visitors from other planets seems to be picking up. CBS has scheduled a four-hour prime-time mini-series on the topic. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************