SUBJECT: THE UNDERGROUND CITY NEAR CADIZ FILE: UFO2676 The Underground City Near Cadiz. I have been asked to put down some information about the city that is underground just outside of Barstow and Needles, Calif. Many years ago I communicated by letter to an ex-service man in San Diego, Calif. by the name of Earl Gambrel. I can speak freely of him because both he and his wife are now dead. He was in World War II and told me about a time when he was sleeping in his camper beside the left hand side of the road about 5 miles outside of Barstow about one half mile over towards the railroad tracks. While he was in his pickup camper asleep he was transported by a space craft over 40 miles and put down in an area just 2 miles NW of Bonanza Springs which is about 13 miles from Cadiz, Calif. This area was just south of the Clipper Mountains. His camper was put down in an area that didn't have any roads going to the spot and he even had to get out and move large stones so he could get his truck out of the area. He finally made it back to San Diego but it took him quite a while to recover his health. After that time he started to communicate with the people in the UFOs by ESP. They directed him back out into the area and he walked over in the Clipper Mountain area to a place where he found a cave or tunnel entrance into the ground in the side of a hill. The area is near the same spot where you can see a needle (an area where the earth makes a sort of a natural bridge that you can walk through like you see in some other states except this one is just big enough for a normal person to walk through). There is also a mountain peak in the area that looks like it has a black stone railroad car on top of it. As he walked into this cave he noticed that it went down at about a 30 degree angle. After quite a while he came into a city with houses and street. About the only thing of value was that in some of the houses there were stones of a high grade of crystal nearly as large and as pretty as diamonds. He felt that these cystals were made in the same was as the Jewels of the Gods as the American Indians of the area call the cystals that are found in the ground when a space craft comes over a piece of land, discharges it's electricity into the ground, heating up the soil and thus forming a sort of jewel from the heated soil and rock. The Indians of the region value them very much. After coming out of the area he found out that another person had found the area and had told the world about it and he was killed. The story then gets pretty far out by warning about what would happens to people who go into the area but I didn't put much value in that part of the thing End Part 1. John Winston. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************