SUBJECT: CHRISTOPHER YOUNG - ABDUCTED FILE: UFO2680 OK, we're live, and you are Christopher Young of San Francisco, and you were abducted, when? First i believe when i was four years old I take it you don't have conscious recall of that particular experience, or do you? I recall that something unusual happened when i was in the mountains on an outing with my parents and the girl scout troop that my mother was leader of. I remember the day But that wasn't the experience that actually led you to seek help in finding out whether or not you were an abductee, right? That is correct. Can you tell me about the one that made you think you had experienced something really bizarre? Yes,it was when i was twenty .i was living in jamestown ca. at the time with three other young people in an old house outside of town. one night i returned to my bedroom after getting up to use the bathroom .i turned off the light ,got in my bed and laid on my left side. as soon as i layed down i "knew" there was something in the room with me.i could "feel" it thinking.i immediatley became aware of something moving to me from across the room and it stood on the foam pad right in front of my face and made a depression there that my hands which were up by my face started to roll into.then suddenly there was a weight on top of my body that pushed me down through the support of my pad in to the floor and held me there paralyzed.there also was a loud sound in my upturned right ear which sounded as though something where yelling or shouting or exhaling right againest my ear. it was one long sound though there was no variation in timbre ,freqeuncy or pitch and it continued for the entire time that i could not move. Do you recall this part of the event without hypnosis? yes most definitely!!!! i didn't sleep for a year or two afterwards without a light on in my room or a light shining into my room from another And that was the end of that part of the experience, that you recall consciously or was there more to it? there was more.a few days before i moved out of that place in fear of whatever it was that had happened ,i was watching t.v. in the living room in broad day light when i felt as if something were touching the insides of my thighs , like there was something invisible there trying to push them apart. i now do not believe that there was actually some time there at the moment but that it was a strong subliminal memory of having been touched there. also when i was moving back down to college i had a similar sensation across my upper abdomen while i was driving a car. How old are you now? 32 yrs old When it first happened to you (in your bed), what did you think had happened? while it was happening i thought first that this isn't possible, this can't be happening,although i didn't know what was happening.the next thing i thought was that i was dead meat to whatever was holding me down.i struggled to move but there was no motor coordination at all! i was so terrified at this that i felt as if i were beginning to leave my body involuntarily to escape the experiance ,this scared me even more so i focused on one word, the word"no" and kept repeating it in hopes it would stop.when it did stop i moved immediately ,actually jumped up from bed and turned on the light. it was five minutes after 3 am. when i had layed down it was just after midnight.but pls believe me this was no "dream" i have never had any concious memory of any thing like this or the way it made me feel before or since. at the time i thought it was perhaps a "ghost?'" or poltergeist?" i had no explanation for it although something strange did happen at the house a few weeks earlier that we all atributed to a poltergeist. My girlfriend often has the experience (and I have had it once or twice myself) of just drifting off to sleep when she feels as if something is pushing on her and she tries to move and scream and can't do either one...then she has the sensation of trying to "wake up" and its a physical ordeal...she also feels as if she's being smothered...this is actually a common experience, some call it "being ridden by the old hag." I don't suppose there's any possibility that that could be an answer to that experience (also called a hypnopompic dream)? i don't believe that this ,was one of those. it happened while i was still quite aware,the feeling of "knowing"there was a presence in the room with me that it was physically standing next to my face and made a deppression on my foam pad down to the floor and the fact that it didn't feel as if i were just unable to move but being pHysically pushed,hard,down through the support of my bed into the floor so hard it knocked the air out of me! What made you finally seek help or answers? this wasn't the end of my experiance . it followed me to where i moved and ten months later i had a u.f.o. sighting over modesto,cal. at very close range which by the way i didn't associate with my prior experiances.there was also a vivid "dream" i had where something had gone into my conciousness made me feel euphoric and made my life pass before my eyes while they re- experianced it with me as if they were looking for something(this was also associated with a sighting in the dream.they also did something to the back of my head. the memory of these things persisted in bothering me for the time i moved away from rural areas thinking that these things would stop.i didn't know what was happing to me. i began having panic attaks after the one experiance in jamestown and i had never had them before .all of this was quite unsettling and i could'nt figure out why when i was having one on the best times of my life that something so strange would start plaguing me.moving to s.f. seemed to do the trick for a number of years .i didn't always think about these things everyday i found plenty to distract myself,however they re emerged and i started having a strong feeling that there was something very important about these things and was compelled to examine them further i still did not really re-late these things together but they seemed like un-correlated events.i got in touch with m.u.f.o.n. and reported my sighting to dr.haines back in 81 i think and also told him of these other strange events ,i don't know why i even relayed them to him at the same time but in felt some how as if they were important.he listened ut did not know at the time what to make f any of them but the sighting which he told me that two other people on the coast saw the same object during the same time period.i didn't get any answers at the time and went away feeling really weird. How would you rate your "UFO IQ" at the time? How aware were you of the subject in general and of abductions in particular, and had you seen the movie "Interrupted Journey" about the Betty and Barney Hill incident? Zilch Did Dr. Haines recommend you to any other researchers? no,unfortunatley ,i don't think at the time he was involved as much in abductions as he seems to be now Since then, you have been hypnotically regressed, right? Yes By who? By kathy mccampbell the daughther of Mr. James McCampbell And what came out of those sessions that you did not know before? Where do you want me to begin? Well, from the first experience you had when you were small, but just kind of basic overview of events, if you could... just the facts ,mam. o.k. i do go on. i was with the group of girls and then i remember being away from them,then i became very dizzy,i remember being carried then seeing something come down from above the tree line.iwas handed up into something(it was on the ground)it looked round and silver kind of like a diving bell and was not that large.i opened my eyes,there were three of them on either side of me looking down at me.the next thing i know is that i'm sitting up but i am leaning againest on eof them who is at my side.he is holding something on top and at the back of my head Can you describe them, real quick? they were small,about the size i was.their heads were quite large compared to their bodies.the head was round (not like pictures i have seen) almost like a compressed egg shape ,the eyes were quite large and i believe they have something of an iris or iris like at the bottom inside their eyes which is large and feathery not tight like ours,they seem to have some sort of boney protrusion from their forehead at eyebrow level they were very thin and delicate What color? Not sure ,some sort of neutral color ,grayish -beige Were you afraid of them? i was at first sort of in shock i guess but i think that i was less afraid of them during this exeperiance than the ones when i was older.i got up and ran around inside this place and went into another room and they ran after me and pulled me back into the exam room Any other details about the exam room you can remember? sure lots and also what they did to me. the entire place seemed to be black and shiney like gun metal and everything was made out of it,even some of the instruments they used on me What did they do to you? the first one put some object on the top and back of my head that was round and flat and seemed sort of soft ,it was about the size of a "yamika" i guess but it was made of this black metal stuff and was about a 1/4-1/2 inch took it off and walked over and showed it to the others,one came over to me and put a small round black metal again,object that fit in the palm of my hand into my left hand and he backed up as i was surroundee by a light which originated from above ny head,they then had me lay down on this table whose edge i was sitting on and a large flat surface(black metal) came down from above me and slowly i began to see intense colors in the surface that seemed to be like neon coming through dark glass and these colors undulated.then one came over and introduced himself after they talked for a minute.he didn't say what his or their names were but merely stated that "we're the ones who have you now"this i hought under hypnosis was sort of redundent.i got away from these ones and ran into another room that had a round wall a chairs or seats rather facing a panel which extended off the wall i stuck my head in between two of the seats and saw that there were what "appeared " to be open books in front of them and there were beings in the seats on either side of me who turned and looked at that moment the ones who had been examining me grabbed me by my right shoulder and calf and started to pull me back away into the other put it's face right up againest mine and asked if i were a boy,(some friends of mine say well if their intelligent they shouldn't have to ask )any way they put me back up on the table without my clothes and examined my genitalia rather closely but this was not sexuall,the last thing i remember them doing is then putting some sort of metallic cover which fitted to the table and covered my feet and ankles then they brought another piece which covered my calfs and knees and so on and so on until i was completely covered them i came out of trance spontaeniously and couldn't shake this scary feeling for a couple of days Its getting late, but I want to ask you one more question...Budd says he;s writing a book called "Aftermath"...what was the aftermath of your entire experience for you, and what does the experience mean to you? it has changed the way i look at the world for one,since realizing what i now believe to be the truth of my experiances(and i don't expect that everyone should just accecpt all this )but i know what it has done to me to remember this now.i feel as if a great load has been taken off my shoulders,i have become much more centered,i have recently lost 55 lbs and now work out again . i believe that this is not over ,that it is an evolving process in my conciousness and that more is coming soon,what i am not sure but i tell you one thing since i have come out there are plenty of people who are willing to tell me what it is and i don't buy much of it! Do you agree with Whitley Strieber's stance that it MIGHT be real aliens, then again it might be something different altogether? it's possible,i don't know where they are from and i can't remember them ever telling me,this extra-dimensional thing is interesting although i don't see how being extra-dim. and extra-terrs. have to be mutually exclusive. My main objective was to use this as a starting point for discussion on our board, as obviously we can't cover everything in your experience online. I think we've got a lot to go on, and I hope you'll be able to answer some questions from some of the other users. Thanks a lot for your time! Thank you,i enjoy sharing with those who are interested And believe me, we are interested. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************