SUBJECT: FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE FILE: UFO2686 Wed 15 Jan 92 8:37 By: Don Allen Re: Contact story ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Article 3463 of alt.alien.visitors: Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Path: bilver!tous!tarpit!fang!att!att!cbnewsj!dwn From: (david.nodes) Subject: firsthand experience Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1992 08:46:39 GMT Message-ID: <> Keywords: true Lines: 87 I am somewhat reluctant to post. I know how skeptical people can be. Rightly so I geuss. There seems so much fooling around in this group. Thanks to those who take this seriously. In sept. 1985 while camping up over high point n.j. I was abducted by what I believe had to have been extraterrestrials. I was awaken sometime after midnight, I felt myself rising, tent, all my gear, everything, floating up, it was not at all that unpleasant, smooth rising. I was slow to react. I can have vivid dreams, it really took me a few minutes to know I was actually awake. I was not frightened. I knew something extraordinary was happening. When I finally stopped, I felt cool metal beneath the floor of my tent. I crept to the opening of my tent and started to undo the zippers and ties. Peeking out all I saw was a uniform grey. Floors, ceilings, walls? I couldn't tell. I could sense depth, it wasn't fog but fog like. By then, not scared, but very excited, I sat and waited. Who am I? Nobody, this, I knew was the most important thing that could ever happen to me. Some time passed (i had no clocks of any kind), nobody came to get me. Figured I'd be summoned or something. I had to pee. I stepped out of my tent. I looked out in the gray blankness, it was all I could see, me and my stuff were all there was. I pissed. I was embarrassed for myself. I felt I should just do what I had too. I walked maybe 100 yrds out. I sensed nothing new, just my stuff getting smaller behind me. Alot of time passed. I was now a bit worried the food I had with me would not last too long. Finally a wind whipped up. My stuff went sliding away from me. I laid flat to the floor, with this wind ripping over me, the pads of my finger tips were the only things holding me in place, and I felt my grip beginning to slide, til finally I flew off in the direction of my stuff at the mercy of this wind (force?). When I came to rest I began to hear explosions. Looking around I saw what appeared a battlefield. A tattered chainlink fence topped with razor wire was in front of me (the direction I slid from). The explosions seemed far off. I could see flashes in the darkened (nightime?) sky. There was asphalt under me, it felt very real, there air was cool, much cooler than the grey place, helicopters were in the sky shining lights, looking for something. I got to my knees, keeping low, I looked around, spotting a lit door in back of me. I crawled to it, crawled in the door way, slamming it shut behind me. It was a hotel room. An average looking place. I heard none of the sounds of war I had left behind. There was a hot meal on a tray, some kind of meat, in a red tomato sauce, with pasta, or something like pasta, it was bland stuff really, maybe not quite right. I ate it all. I felt relieved, it seemed a normal enough hotel room. I took a shower. I laid on the bed and slept for awhile after that. I was exhausted alot of time had past. I woke in the very same room. An urgent thought was 'pressed' into my mind. See I, David was given a very important decision. I could end everything, not just my life, all life, that was clear, all I had to do was press the tip of my pinky, to the center of the wall. I decided to do it. I am not sure why, at this point, I felt I was being tested, like the rat in the maze and I didn't know if I would ever see the world I knew again anyway, maybe I was ready to end it all. I approached the wall, and slowly applied my pinky tip to the doomsday spot. Thru the walls I felt the searing heat coming. The whitest hot wall of light replaced the wall of the room and advanced slowly towards me. As it got to me I felt it consume me, it was the strangest thing, as it was working my way across my body towards the pinky tip that was still on the wall, I was aware of the non-existance of the parts of my body the light was passing thru. As the light consumed my head, I was still 'watching' it work down consuming my arm to the pinky on the wall. Before it consumed the last of my pinky tip, I released, the tip from the spot, and all was as it was before I touched the spot. It was remarkable. I tried it several times. Always releasing the tip from the spot before it was totally consumed. I feared what might happen if I didn't. I spent seemingly weeks in this room, facing similiar strange situations. At the end of it, I awoke, stiff, sleeping on the ground where my tent had been pitched, the knees of my jeans where worn from crawling and stuff I did, in the seeming weeks, when I was wherever I was. I hiked back to my car and drove home. I did not report it to any authorities. I told some of my closest friends. They came up with lots of rationals. The experience was quite real, and I could really write hundreds of pages of what I experienced in the 'hotel room'. My life goes on today. I don't care if anyone believes. I was not mis-treated physically, I can recall none of the medical type tests other people report. I am not sure whether I would care for the experience again. I think I would. I feel privileged in a way. There are forces in the universe greater than ourselves. Capable of collecting us like bugs, and running us thru mazes like rats. Skeptics go rot. I really don't care if anyone believes, I wouldn't if I hadn't gone thru it firsthand. I will post more of my experiences in the 'hotel' if anyone is interested. -dave ---End of Article--- ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************