SUBJECT: MORE ON THE KRILL PAPERS FROM BILL ENGLISH FILE: UFO2695 Filename: Fakekril.Reb Type : Rebuttal/Reply Author : Bill English Date : 03/21/91 Desc : Bill English on the Story behind the Krill Papers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- During the past several weeks there have been a number of questions concerning the infamous "Krill Papers". At the advise of John Hicks (363/29) I am posting this information concerning the documents in question. 1) The "Krill Papers" were and are a fraud. John Lear and John Grace of Nevada authored these papers and uploaded them to a Paranet Board originally to see just how guliable the UFO investigative community really was. Much to the credit of Paranet and Mike Corbin, it was quickly determined that the documents were in fact fraudulent. As a result of this both John Lear and John Grace were barred from Paranet and several other UFO related Echos. While I don't agree with the methods employed by John, I do understand his reasoning for this. 2) In one respect the fraud perpetrated by John Lear and John Grace had the effect of proving that at least one so called researcher of of some renoun was in fact a fraud himself. I am of course refering to William Cooper. John was listening to Cooper give and interview to one of the local news media when he over heard Cooper state that while serving in the Navy he in fact viewed the Krill Papers. John approached and questioned Cooper about this knowing that the Krill Papers and the information in them was faked. Cooper stuck to his story and decided that John was his enemy. Especially after John pointed out to him that the Krill Papers were faked. As a result of this Cooper went on a rampage and did everything that he could to discredit Lear and several others. 3) For those of you just coming onto the UFO scene, it is imparitive that you understand that one of the many problems that are inherent to UFO research field is that information sometimes get spread out so quickly without proper disemination. As a result of this it becomes factual without basis. PLEASE... PLEASE... don't take everything you read on these databases as being the absolute truth without first checking with others and most importantly checking your sources...We all get burned from time to time... including myself as evidenced by the SS433 fiasco. But we are the ones who some day may be looked upon as the true heros of our time. At least I hope so... A lot of us have lost so much because of what we do here... Bill English ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************