SUBJECT: THE HILL ABDUCTION CASE FILE: UFO2712 PART 11 Date: 06-24-91 13:22 From: Bryce Eckstein Subj: Re: CBC Documentary Hello Rick! In a msg of <20 Jun 91>, Rick Graham writes to Bryce Eckstein: > What was the result of the documentary on Betty and Barney Hill? What > conclusion was reached? The documentary contains commentary and opinion from two reputable astronomers and three equally reputable researchers. 1. Astronomer Terry Dickenson, who's article about the Hill abduction in Astronomy Magazine in 1974, first brought the incident to the attention of the scientific community. 2. Amateur Astronomer Marjorie Fisch, found a real three-dimensional distribution of stars that perfectly matched Betty Hill's map, first published in John Fuller's book, "Interrupted Journey". 3. Dr. David Jacobs, Assistant Professor of History at Temple University in Philadelphia, the only Prof teaching a course in UFO's at any major university in the U.S. or Canada, has spent his research time for the past five years, exclusively on alien abductions. He's interviewed 51 subjects from whom he has collected over 300 abduction stories. 4. Dr. David Gottlieb, a Psychotherapist in Toronto. 5. Dr. Michael Persinger, a Psychologist and Neuro-Scientist at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. With the exception of Dr. Persinger, who examined the Hill incident and compared it to similar cases from a neurological viewpoint, all guests on the program objectively ruled out hoax and supported the Hill's experience as being valid. Bottom lines: Dr. Gottlieb .. "Beats me!" Dr, Jacobs .. (And I paraphrase here) "The whole incident disturbs me greatly. I wish the scientific community had not heard of the Hill case and other's that I have researched. But now that we have, we must come to grips with the fact that ET activity is a reality and make an effort to remove the blinders as to what is really going on". Dr. Persinger .. goes into how the experiences are likely manifestations of neurological activity. Sorry, that's as far as I can take his theories - far too deep for my understanding {grin}. Marjorie Fisch .. is convinced the Hill star map is valid. Terry Dickenson... feels his role in the investigation is that of an astronomical referee. Here is a quote from Dickenson, taken from the tape: "We've got something that can be studied completely from an astronomical point of view. It seems to hold up from that angle". "Also, Betty Hill drew the map before the star atlases were available to interpret it, so there is no possibility of any kind of confusion or faking in that regard". "But I back off completely when we start talking about the bizarre circumstances that led to the original drawing of the map, the abduction scenario, the hypnosis and all the rest of it". "I feel totally unqualified to talk about it. I don't know where it all stands right now. All I can say is that the map works. Nobody else come up with any other interpretation that works, and I have to leave it at that". I'm personally convinced Betty and Barney Hill had a bona fide CEIII... and I too, will leave it at that. Cheers Bryce ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************