SUBJECT: THE PSYCHIC PROJECTION THEORY FILE: UFO2757 From UFOs and the Limits of Science by Ronald D. Storey c.1981 Reproduced for educational purposes. The Psychic Projection Theory The Psychic Projection Theory represents a modern school of thought in UFO circles, which like the Ultraterrestial Theory, developed as a reaction to the Extraterrestial Hypothesis. The theory was first outlined by Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman in the mid-1970s, based on Carl Jung's concept of the collective unconscious. The authors, however, have gone beyond Jungian psychology and postulate that the collective inconscious can psychically project material forms, represented in modern times by the UFO, and that "...the UFO phenomanon has absorbed many of the ancient archetypal forms in which human beings have traditionally needed to believe and which they have sought to complete their world. Clark and Coleman saa a danger in the modern world of science's disrupting man's close bond nature, to mysticism, and to the elements, bringing him to "the brink of catastrophe." The message they see in the UFO myth is that the collective unconscious "...too long repressed, will burst free, overwhelm the world, and usher in an era of madness, superstition, and terror - with all the sociopolitical accounterments; war, anarchy fascism," and that "...when the unconscious can no longer be contained, its liberated contents will destroy all that the conscious mind has produced; the fruits of science and technology, civilized order, and the very process of reason itself. Under the new imbalance a spiritual dark age will blanket the earth." UFOs, then, are merely "planetary poltergeists," which are generated by the "psychic energy" of the collective unconscious (and sometimes by an individual unconscious), as were fairies, flying saucer "spacemen," and apparitions of the Virign Mary. In some respects, The Psychic Projection Theory relies on the same kinds of evidence as the Ultraterrestial Theory, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the writings of authorities in the two schools. The Psychic projection Theory would have to depend, at the very least, on both the reality of Jung's collective unconscious and the reality of extrasensory perception (ESP). Jung's writings have had wide popular appeal, but experimental work has failed to demonstrate empiracally that man possesses a collective unconscious. Future research may shed more light on the validity of Jung's theory. ESP research is a continuing and active area of research by numerous psychologists, biologists, and physicists. A very bitter and emotional debate has ensued over the years concerning the validity of ESP. Some believe that the whole subject is nonsense and should not be given any serious consideration. Others claim that ESP effects have been conclusively demonstrated in repeated laboratory experiments and that efforts should be directed more toward understanding the effects than toward attempting to convince the skeptics. Until the matter is resolved, the Psychic Projection Theory must remain as simply a fascinating idea. Even if ESP effects (precognition, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.) were ultimately demonstrated to be authentic phenomena, bringing parapsychology into the mainstream of "normal" science, there has been no indication that such "psychic energy" could actually materialize (i.e., project) objects, whether they be fairies or flying saucers. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************