SUBJECT: GOVERNMENT EXPLANATION OF UFO CRASH FILE: UFO2762 ATT: NEWS (Print. TV. Radio); FM MORNING SHOWS; AM TALK *** FLASH *** PRESS RELEASE *** FLASH *** Date: Friday, September 9, 1994 From BILL KNELL 718-591-1854, 16422 77RD, FLUSHING NY 11365 Subject: Response to Government Explanation of UFO Crash Title: 50 YEARS OF LIES: THE AIR FORCE AND UFOs! From USA TODAY (9/9/94): THIS TIME UFO MYSTERY NUMBER ONE IS REALLY SOLVED. THE AIR FORCE, AFTER 47 YEARS OF SILENCE, FINALLY ADUITTED THURSDAY IT WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FAMOUS FLYING SAUCER OF ROSWELL, NM. BEHIND THE MYSTERY: WRECKAGE FOUND IN A RANCHER'S FIELD IN 1947. THE AIR FORCE SAYS IT LIED WHEN IT ORIGINALLY EXPLAINED THE WRECKAGE AWAY AS A "WEATHER" BALLON. THE 1994 VERSION: THE BALLOON WAS PART OF "PROJECT MOGUL," A SECRET EFFORT TO USE LONG-RANGE BALLOONS TO MONITOR SOVIET NUCLEAR TESTS. THE 23-PAGE REPORT DENIES THE MILITARY COVERED UP THE RECOVERY OF A CRASH (sic) SPACESHIP AND FOUR DEAD ALIENS. THE AIR FORCE SAYS IT LIED. But, how many times? In July of 1947 Roswell Army Air Force Base Information Officer WALTER HAUT put out a Press Release titled: ROSWELL ARMY AIR FORCE CAPTURES FLYING SAUCER IN ROSWELL REGION. The Roswell Base was the home of 9 Atomic Bombs according to Air Force records. The Base was filled with TECHNICIANS, SCIENTISTS and ENGINEERS. It was they, according to former Information Officer WALTER HAUT, that said the object recovered was a FLYING DISC. The chief Air Force Investigator of the case, the late MAJOR JESSE MARCEL, said before his death that the object was "not a weather balloon or secret project..." Marcel was the Base Intelligence Officer, highly briefed and familiar with any and all secret projects on-going in the region. He was also a Physicist in civilian life. Marcel indicated that bodies of small, non-human creatures were recovered from the crash. Former Chaves County Coroner and Mortician GLENN DENNIS backed up the stories of the bodies. He said that the Air Force called him to purchase all the child-size coffins he had on hand and requested information about embalming procedures for bodies that had been exposed to the open desert. Dennis also states that a nurse working at the base hospital confided in him that the non-human bodies were autopsied at the Base Hospital. Both DENNIS and HAUT still live in Roswell. I have interviewed them on many of my trips to the area over the past 20 years. I have also spoken to other witnesses who were at the UFO crash site. These interviews are part of a video cassette release called ROSWELL: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?, a 120 minute prcsentation which includes video interviews with over 20 witnesses. The tape costs $30 (including shipping anywhere. and is available at my lectures or by mall from: BILL KNELL 164-22 77RD, FLUSHING, NY 11365. CONTRADICTORY STATEMENTS Last year Dayton TV Reporter CARL DAY produced a 30 minute special called ALIEN ENCOUNTERS: THE WRIGHT-PATTERSON CONNECTION. He interviewed the Information Officer for Wright-Pattcrson A.F.B. in Fairborn-Dayton, Ohio because the original Roswell Base press release said the WRECKAGE was brought to Wright-Patterson for further study. The Information Officer stated that "NO RECORDS EXIST ABOUT THE ROSWELL MATERIAL..." He said he had carefully studied the matter and made high-level inquiries. I travel to the Dayton area (or through it) 5 or more times yearly. I am regularly a guest on top-rated talk and music stations (just today on WLW in Cincinnati, heard in Dayton and six states clearly during the day). I have stated, many times, that I believe Alien Spacecraft have been kept at Wright-Patterson as early as 1947 and as late as 1989. Many Callers to the radio shows agreed. NOT ONE CALLER HAS EVER SAID I AM LYING OR THAT THE STORY ISN'T TRUE (there are over 8000 employees at Wright-Patterson, surely one would call and say I was full of hot air!). THE AIR FORCE REGULARLY LIES ABOUT UFO CASES The NEW A.F. Statement about Roswell is a result of an inquiry by Congressman STEVE SHIFF from New Mexico who was concerned the Air Force was lying. But, it's just a re-hash of older statements. When MAJOR MARCEL first told his story about Roswell saying the A.F. had lied (he was interviewed and filmed as early as 1978), the Air Force said what crashed on the ranch was 'radar reflecting material connected to a weather balloon..." that was part of a top secret radar test. MARCEL knew about the tests and said that twice before material had, indeed, crashed in the same area. But, the radar-reflecting material was totally different from the suspicious wreckage that caused the famous FLYING SAUCER press release. In 1965 a strange object crashed near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Although described as what we might think of as a UFO, the Air Force said first it was a meteorite. Then news leaked that NOMAD had tracked the object which changed course completely over Ohio and headed towards Kecksburg. Meteorites normally do not do this. Then, they said it was space junk. According to SKY AND TELESCOPE magazine, no known or secret spy satellites came down at that time. The Air Force took over the small town, threatened local residents and officials and carted away whatever crashed. In 1989, according to former South African Air Force Colonel JAMES VAN GRUNEN and documents he has made available to me, an Extra-Terrestrial Spacecraft was brought to Wrlght- Patterson from South Africa. In May of 1989 NORAD tracked several objects of unknown origin heading toward Africa. South African Air Force Command was alerted and a Mirage Fighter was sent up to intercept the Objects. One of these crafts was shot down. The S.A.A.F. later recovered a disc-shaped object with strange markings on it, three non-human creatures (1 dead, 1 severely injured and 1 in perfect shape) and removed this material to Praetoria A.F.B. Unable to cope with the creatures or material, these were later traded to the U.S. Government for two nucluar devices (unspecified) and brought, through a third nation, to Wright- Patterson AFB. Sources there have said the story is true. I have transcribed interviews with Van Grunen and others involved including the SAAF Pilot who shot the object dnwn. The Air Forces of the U.S. and S.A. have had NO COMMENT on this case except to say that "No objects of unknown origin were tracked by NORAD at that time..." But, NORAD says they tracked over 10.000 objects of unknown origin during 1989 and many during that time. The latest statement by the Air Force is just another government attempt to elude the Public into believing that no CREDIBLE case or evidence exists to support the belief that UFOs are of Extra-Terrestrial origin or something other then explainable objects. As in previous cases, this statement is self-serving, misleading and contradictory. Last year an Air Force Colonel was interviewed for a tabloid TV show about AREA 51 (a secret installation in the Nevada desert where former employees claim real, captured UFOs are tested and back- engineered). The Colonel said that what people were seeing and videotaping out there was a new, secret plane called the Aurora. But, on 2/8/94 CIA Director JAMES WOOLSEY sald that there is no Aurora and, in fact, no current replacement for the aging SR71. SR71's were seen being used in Saudia Arabia during the Gulf War. The Air Force says all SR71s were retired by 1989! BILL KNELL is a veteran UFO investigator, popular media yuest and consultant. Last year he i m estimated UFO cases and presented 120 slide shows in 49 States and Canada. Bill is available for guest spots and interviews. Call BILL or CATHIE KNELL (24 hrs) at (718) 591-1854. (End of File) ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************