SUBJECT: SPACE ALIENS SEND EARTH WONDER CURES FILE: UFO2795 Astonishing claim by top scientist. Amazing cures for all human ailments - including old age - are being sent to Earth by alien doctors but greedy medical authorities here want them kept secret. The cures are so simple that there would be no need for doctors or medicines, according to three insiders who have seen the incredible transmissions from space and tested them. "The money machine for doctors and huge pharmaceutical companies would be shut down overnight if the information was ever released," says Dr. William Kellogg, who used to work for NASA. Secret base Kellogg claims NASA has been receiving alien medical information for the past 25 years at a secret base known only to a handful of top government and business leaders. "When the signals first came in, we thought someone was putting us on," says Dr. James Rushing, a medical consultant with the space agency during the late 1960s and early 1970s. "Their approach was so weird. Then, a few of us tried some and they worked." Kelloggg claims he cured himself of liver disease, while another scientist repaired his own damaged kidney. Rushing says he grew a full head of hair after being bald for 20 years. After more testing, Dr. Kellogg, Dr. Rushing and other medical experts were convinced the claims were legitimate. "Their approach is totally different from ours," says Rushing. "It's difficult to explain because some of us were not allowed to see everything after the top brass found out we were against suppressing the information. Stop aging "But basically, the aliens claim the mind can be easily trained to beat diseases from the common cold and acne to cancer and AIDS. The mind can even stop the aging process. "In fact, the mind can be trained to protect the body from ever getting sick in the first place. We can will ourselves to live and to die. It's all in the mind." Several Russian scientists and medical experts reported their space experts were picking up the same medical advice as the Americans, but they too had been silenced by the former Soviet bureaucracy. "The Soviet big shots said it was all a lot of religious nonsense," recalls Peter Oganavich, a top level Soviet medical expert for 30 years. "They didn't like the idea that the mind might have control over the rest of the body." Mind control Like Kellogg and Rushing, Oganavich and a select group of Russian medical specialists learned the alien technique of mind control and found it worked. "I lost a foot in an accident when I was a child," says Oganavich. "I grew one back in three hours." Another Russian, cured himself of terminal lung cancer in less than a week. "None of us has been sick in 10 years," Oganavich says. "We haven't aged either." The Russians have ended their link with the aliens, but the Americans still communicate with them, according to Kellogg and Rushing. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************