SUBJECT: THE EVIDENCE FOR ALIEN ABDUCTIONS FILE: UFO3042 I have been reading a book called _The Evidence For ALien ABductions_ by John Rimmer C. 1984... I would like to summarize and\or quote an experiment and the results. The experiment was conducted by Alvin Lawson and William McCall. The concept was to be able to distinguish the abduction info given during hypnotic regression between a real abduction and a hoax(the reason for the hoax for this particular experiment was irrelevent). They wanted a database of info that could distinguish real data from imaginary data. "They began by locating a number of people who would be willing to participate in their experiments, but who knew little or nothing about UFOs - possibly a rather difficult task in Southern California where they operated...These...subjects were then 'led into' a UFO abduction scenario by means of a carefully designed series of leading questions, which suggested the bare outlines of the abduction but left the subject free to fill in the details. These details would come...from the witnesses' own imaginations. They would then be able to compare the imaginary abductions with th real events, and by a comparison of the differences between the two, would be able to gain valuable clues to use when trying to sort out any hoaxes in the cases that came to them as UFO researchers." One interjection here- how did they know that there supposed known- the so-called 'real' abductions were in fact, real abductions? Not saying the supposed real were not real, but no comment in the text mentioned this point. I took the assumption that their real database were witnesses who were not led into the abduction or prior cases, possibly by other researchers. "...But the experiments went spectacularly wrong...what happened was that the 'imaginary' stories were quite indistinguishable from the 'real' experiences, even down to tiny details..." The text then goes further into the stereotyped abductee, some of the stories the witnesses gave, etc...until the text leads into the researchers conclusion, "Birth Trauma Hypothesis." The point here is it is very difficult to distinguish between an actual abduction(if in fact they do occur) and the imagination. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************