SUBJECT: ASSORTED AP REPORTS FILE: UFO3077 PART 6 ============================================================================ Article #: 15 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-19-1986 Subject: 1973 P.CARTER REPORTS UFO SOURCE: FLEETWOOD, PA ( AP ) DATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 1973 SYSTEM: CUFON Governor Jimmy Carter on UFOs A dispatch from Statesboro, GA quoted Governor Jimmy Carter on UFO's "I've seen one myself." Mr. Carter said: he saw the shining, saucer-shaped object before he became governor. He did not specify the date or place, but noted that he had been with friends after a business dinner. The dispatch said: there have been a number of UFO sightings in the South recently but did not specify how many of them had been after business dinners. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article #: 16 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-19-1986 Subject: 1977 CARTER,ASKED NASA SOURCE: WASHINGTON D.C. ( AP ) DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 1977 SYSTEM: CUFON Carter Asked Space Agency to Investigate UFO's President Carter had asked NASA to establish a panel of inquiry to investigate UFO's. Dave Williamsom, NASA's assistant for special projects, answered on friday that NASA was "not anxious" to get into the controversy because it's not wise to do research on something that is not a measurable phenomenon. There is no measurable UFO evidence such as a piece of metal, flesh or cloth. We don't even have any radio signals. A photograph is not a measurement. But he added that a group of technical experts he headed would recommend by the end of the year what NASA's response should be to the white house request. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article #: 17 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-19-1986 Subject: 1977 NASA REFUSES CARTER SOURCE: WASHINGTON D.C. ( AP ) DATE: DECEMBER 28, 1977 SYSTEM: CUFON NASA Refuses To Reopen Investigation of UFO's NASA administrator Robert Frosch, in a letter last week to Pres. Carter's science advisor Dr. Frank Press, rejected a White House request to investigate UFO's saying that such an inquiry would be "wasteful and probably unproductive." Dr. Press said: he accepted NASA's conclusions and did not plan to pursue the matter further. NASA said: that it stood ready to analyze any "bona fide physical evidence from credible sources," but such evidence has never been found. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article #: 18 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-19-1986 Subject: 1977 UN TO SET UP AGENCY SOURCE: NEW YORK ( AP ) DATE: OCTOBER 08, 1977 SYSTEM: CUFON Computer UFO Network UN Urged To Set Up An Agency For UFO's Mr.Wellington Friday, a delegate from Grenada, spoke before the UN General Assembly Special Political Committee yesterday at the start of a debate on how the UN could contribute to UFO research. He said: the UN should establish an agency to study the sightings of physical alien objects, contact with such objects and the exchanges with alien creatures occupying UFO's. Grenada's Prime Minister Sir Eric M. Gairy has for many years asked the UN to establish a UFO agency; delegates agreed that they needed time to prepare for a debate on the issue later this week. --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Article #: 19 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 07-19-1986 Subject: 1978 UN HEARS CASE - UFO SOURCE: NEW YORK ( AP ) DATE: OCTOBER 15, 1978 SYSTEM: CUFON Computer UFO Network United Nations Hears Case For UFO's For the second time in two years, the Prime Minister of the West Indies island of Grenada, Sin Eric Gairy, is campaigning to get the UN to set up an agency to "collate, coordinate and corroborate information" on UFO's. In 1977, Gairy succeeded in getting UFO's on the General Assembly's agenda which resulted in an agreement that any country with information or ideas on the subject could send them to UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim; however, in the year since Waldhein has made no public mention of co-operation from member nations. Earlier this week, Gairy was at the UN making his case again: "We've passed the stage now whether or not these things exist. I think it is accepted that these things do exist. I think we now want to know the nature, the origin and the intent of these saucers. Some people think they have come to do good. Some think they have come to dominate human beings." He cited reported that aircraft have been put out of commission, but not destroyed, after attacking saucers. "That comfirms my thought on their positive intent. I believe they are coming here to help mankind because man is so self- destructive... It would be very conceited for man to think that he is the most intelligent of God's creatures. "Sir Eric says he hes seen two UFO's in the last three years; the second time earlier this year from a hotel room in Grenada. "The time is going to come when everybody on Earth will have to pay attention to the UFO phenomenon." ============================================================================= ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************