SUBJECT: EARTHQUAKE MAN MADE FILE: UFO3100 PART 2 PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 10/04/92 10:41 AM HOMELIFE TOPIC: HOBBIES TIME: 10/04 8:26 AM TO: ALL FROM: BETH HUGHES (CPTG05A) SUBJECT: EARTHQUAKE MAN MADE #3 CONTINUED. From AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY May 11, 1992 p 62,63 "New Evidence Bolsters Reports of Secret, High-Speed Aircraft" by William R. Scott....... " - other military aircraft. P/ "Both supersonic and subsonic overflights were recorded. Correlating overflight date, time and apparent aircraft direction, one team member developed a map depicting four suspected flight tracks the vehicles appear to use. P/ "The team member, a former Marine Corps aircraft specialist, described the unknown vehicles' distinctive engine noise, heard on a subsonic overflight at 11:46 p.m. on Mar. 26: "The engine noise was audible for approximately 1.5 min. At its maximum [volume] it was as loud as an F-4 (Phantom Fighter) with full burners [operating] about 2 mi away. It was very low-pitched with a hollow, "windy" sound....continuous but oscellating. There was a continuous undertone, very low, very powerful," he reported. "There was a high frequency oscillating overtone, much like a strong wind blowing over the mouth of an enormous bottle. The overtone oscillated only slightly in frequency (less than one-eighth octave) and varied greatly in amplitude (say roughly 75%) It was totally unlike anything I have ever heard before, and I have spent many years of my life working with military aircraft," he said. P/ His description closely matched that of observers who saw and heard an aircraft depart from Beale AFB, CA, the night of Feb. 26 and join up with a MC-35 tanker. "Displaying a triangular lighting pattern, the aircraft's engine noise was described a 'low rumble, like air rushing through a big tube," one witness said. Others living near Beale AFB also reported hearing a series of 'booms' that they described as 'like artillery firing' late at night on Feb. 26. Detonations were heard at 2 - 3 sec intervals for approximately 30 min., and were characterized as 'deep bass sounds, not like sonic booms.' The sounds were emanating from the Air Force Base, not passing overhead. ******I wonder if that is what I am hearing off-shore instead of the ships. I have listened to the navy practice for over fifty years and never have I heard the ships fire so rapidly and for a thirty minute period and then quit.......from the apparent location of the EQ most recently experienced WSW of Oceanside. (beth*****) "Researchers familiar with pulse-detonation wave engines said the noise and low pulse frequency would be consistent PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 10/04/92 10:41 AM with 'light-off' tests of a PDWE, the mechanism by which a detonation cycle is initiated. P/ "'Light-off' of a PDWE is considered a difficult phase to control. They speculated that technicians may have been 'trimming' an engine during a drownd run at Beale AFB." End of Article. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************