SUBJECT: UNKNOWN HAPPENINGS/PARANORMAL/PSYCHIC EVENTS FILE: UFO3120 PART 1 Odyssey News Wire-- *** Classification *** ÚÄ¿ ³ ³ Space/Astronomy/UFO/Astral Events ÃÄ´ ³ ³ Monsters/Strange Creatures ÃÄ´ ³*³ Unknown Happenings/Paranormal/Psychic Events ÀÄÙ * Odyssey Newsclippings may NOT be crossposted into non-Odyssey echos without permission of Odyssey Administration. ÚÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄ¿ ³o³ ³o³ ³o³ ALBERTVILLE- Doug Segers said he saw a helicopter ³o³ ³o³forcing his herd of 42 cattle into a corner in his ³o³ ³o³pasture. He said he felt the wind and heard the engine. ³o³ ³o³ "The copter was behind my back with a spotlight." Of ³o³ ³o³course, I had a 30-30 r@fle over my shoulder. They saw ³o³ ³o³me run to my truck " he said. ³o³ ³o³ "The cows were scared to death. One cow is real gentle ³o³ ³o³and we couldn't even get around her." ³o³ ³o³ A neighbor called the Marshall County Sheriff's ³o³ ³o³Department. The excitement scared the helicopter away, ³o³ ³o³Segers said. He said he saw what looked like red, ³o³ ³o³green, blue and white lights but couldn't make out the ³o³ ³o³color of the chopper. He said he also saw the sheriffs ³o³ ³o³helicopter much higher. The alleged mysterious ³o³ ³o³helicopter barely cleared power lines before getting ³o³ ³o³lower. ³o³ ³o³ "I wasn't scared, I was mad. They ³o³ ³o³would have gotten (a cow) that night" he said, ³o³ ³o³"The farmers, all of us, are going to have to pull ³o³ ³o³together and help one another out and do what we can to ³o³ ³o³help." ³o³ ³o³ Segers owns a slaughterhouse and said they kill ³o³ ³o³animals every day for people. ³o³ ³o³ "I don't see how in the world can they do it this ³o³ ³o³way," he said. ³o³ ³o³ Some farmers are using spotlights and patrolling ³o³ ³o³their land, he said. ³o³ ³o³ The animals weigh about 1,000 pounds and hold about 40 ³o³ ³o³pounds - or five gallons - of blood. Some residents say ³o³ ³o³helicopters make sense because it would give the killers ³o³ ³o³lifting abilities and would make it easier to take heavy ³o³ ³o³blood animal parts and cutting and pumping equipment ³o³ ³o³away from the scene. ³o³ ³o³ ³o³ ³o³ ³o³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÙ ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************