SUBJECT: I REMEMBER WAY BACK IN MID 1971 FILE: UFO3129 by Bob Dawson dated 3 Mar 1993, 15:32 I am new to this echo, and reading some of the messages here has caused me to remember an incident that took place way back in mid 1971. I have no explanation, and thought someone else may have experienced something similar... It was a dark and starry night, but with no moon. I was on the navy destroyer Dennis J. Buckley DD-808, and we were heading west at about 27 knots somewhere between Hawaii and Guam. We were eventually to be on a six-month tour of duty that included floating off the coast of Viet Nam. I was 22 and excited about getting the opportunity to see the Orient, a part of the world that has always fascintated me. It was just after midnight and I was sitting on the fan- tail of the ship, smoking a cigaret (I did strange things in those years, when I thought I was immortal), and talking with a couple of buddies. Although there was no moon, it was pretty bright out from the light of the zillions of stars that were sprayed across the dark sky. It's AMAZING how many more stars you see when at sea, with no city lights, smog, etc., etc., to block them out. Anyway, at 27 knots, which is a little over 30 mph, a destroyer makes a pretty good sized rooster tail from the backwash of the props. We were watching that rooster tail and talking about things in general, when one of the guys shouted, "Hey! Look over there!" and pointed way back behind us and to the port side. There was a noticable glow underneath the ocean. It was relatively bright, but looked like it was preety deep, from our vantage point. Now we knew it wasn't the moon reflecting on the water, because there wasn't any moon out. And it had a definite oblong shape. As we watched, the light got closer to the surface. It seemed to be following us. We continued to watch, and as we did, the glow got even closer to the surface, and came closer to the ship, until it was just about 15 yards off the stern, and about 30 yards to port. The object was half as long as the ship, or about 50 yds., and was going just as fast as we were. Although it varied its depth, it never broke surface. There was never any sound from it; we heard nothing but the slosh of the rooster tail, which isn't really that loud. It paralleled our course for about two miles, then quickly dove to the depths until the glow disappeared. I've never seen, or heard, of anything like it before, or since. I don't know what it was. We never reported it to anybody, for fear we'd be rediculed. By the way, one of the guys out there smoking with us was a "lifer" who had been in for over 20 years at the time, and he said he had seen some strange things at sea, but never anything like that. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************