SUBJECT: SECRET LIFE FILE: UFO3161 =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-14-93 (01:33) Number: 826 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: NONE To: MARTY WADE Recvd: NO Subj: Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON "ET" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marty: "Secret Life" is disinformation from the falsified "research" of David Jacobs. His M.O. strongly points to his being a conscious asset of the Intelligence's PSYWAR disinformation campaign about extraterrestrial presence. Reputable researchers develop quite different findings. - Rich Boylan of Sacramento, CA, USA. --- Cut Here --- =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-14-93 (15:52) Number: 895 From: DON ALLEN Refer#: NONE To: RICH BOYLAN Recvd: YES Subj: Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON "ET" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [quote is from 1st message RE:#826] Hi Rich, That's pretty strong words. Have you seen evidence of his disinformation efforts? Don =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-15-93 (17:34) Number: 978 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: 826 To: DON ALLEN Recvd: NO Subj: Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON "ET" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don: But, of course! Just reading "Secret Life" in comparison to serious, unbiased CE-IV research disaplays the prejudiced nature of his findings. Even "internal criticism" of his book shows its faulty construction. I am a serious, published Ph.D. researcher, who presented at M.I.T. a clinical paper on close extraterrestrial encounters, which was well received. I will have a book out in September from Wild Flower Press, "Close Extraterrestrial Encounters: First-Hand Personal Accounts and Research Findings". Watch for it. David Jacobs declined to debate me at the November UFO Congress, and Budd Hopkins refused to debate me at the San Francisco Whiole Life Expo. Why? Because I am doing serious scientific research, and am exposing their shoddy disinformation, not to mention their close association with a Las Vegas casinos operator who bankrolls their efforts, and is probably a money-conduit for Agency financing of these two rogues. Enough said. - Rich Boylan, IFCI. --- Cut Here --- =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-17-93 (08:22) Number: 1091 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: 978 To: DON ALLEN Recvd: NO Subj: Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON "ET" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don: The name of the M.I.T. paper I presented is: "research On Close Extraterrestrial Exposure with Positive Mental Health Outcomes Prompts Revision of Attitude and Diagnostic Category". The "proof" of the association of Budd Hopkins & David Jacobs with Casinos Bob Bigelow of Las Vegas is not hard to find. Besides their fawning association with him at M.I.T.'s Abduction Study Coference (June, 1992), he features prominently as financial angel (along with Prince Hans Adam of Lichenstein) of the Abduction Study Conference, and the Roeper Poll of prevalence of extraterrestrial contacts in America, and no doubt, is behind ( financially) Hopkins' "Intruders Foundation". While I cannot provide the documents (if any exist) that Casinos Bob is the money-laundry for the agency on the Hopkins-Jacobs Ce-IV Disinformation Project, the number of spooks present at Casino Bob's Abduction Study Conference, and the way the agenda was tilted to give the Dark Side presenters about abductions the bestand the bulk of the time, strongly point to an Intelligence front operation. The fact that Casinos Bob felt he had top lie about bankrolling the Abduction Study Conference, and about how he makes his money, further provide indication of an operation which tries to remain covert. The "M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference Proceedings" should be published (finally!) in the next month or two. With that, the cover-up will end: because either 150 ofthe best minds in America on CE-IV are all crazy, or the Phenomenon is real! At The S.F. Wholew Life Expo, I challenged Budd and David to debate me, after Budd chickened out, and offered $50.00 to either if they would. So far, my money is safe. To the UFOlogical community: wake up! These clowns are palpably false, with their monolithic portrayal of a complex, multi-racial phenomenon that extraterrestrial contacts with humans represents. Besides my research and that of John Carpenter, just a cursory reading of the CE-IV accounts in the past few years shows a varity of races and methods of operation, unlike the single style (terrorist) that Budd & Dave would have you believe. Watch for future (oon) coming events. - Rich Boylan, I.F. CounterIntelligence. --- Cut Here --- =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-17-93 (08:26) Number: 1092 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: 1091 To: DON ALLEN Recvd: NO Subj: Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON "ET" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don: Yes, I've read "The Controllers" by Martin non. Seems to hit pretty close to the mark. MK Ultra is alive and well, and elements of it are probably going to be used in the DIA's disinformation pseudo-uncoverup of Alien Presence; watch for it at a news stand near you. As for the Aviary, add the name of Colonel John Alexander, who confessed to me his membership, while we dined at the Abduction Study Conference. - Rich Boylan, I.F. CounterIntelligence. --- Cut Here --- =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-18-93 (21:48) Number: 1277 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: 1092 To: TIM HAMEWKA Recvd: NO Subj: Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON "ET" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim: I refer to Bob Bigelow, of Robert Bigelow Enterprises, AKA Bob Bigelow Holding Corporation of New Mexico. His corporate address is in Las Vegas, where he principally operates, and also manages properties. -Rich Boylan, Interstellar Federation CounterIntelligence. --- Cut Here --- =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-21-93 (09:22) Number: 1519 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: 1277 To: TIM HAMEWKA Recvd: NO Subj: Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON "ET" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim: Tobe clear, the disinformation is contained in the whole of the book, "Secret Life", by David Jacobs, whose appearances and soime of his publication activities appear to be financed by Bob Bigelow, possibly fronting cash from "other" sources. - Rich Boylan --- Cut Here --- =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-19-93 (08:04) Number: 1295 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: NONE To: MIKE SULLIVAN Recvd: NO Subj: Ufos, The Eschatological Conf: (53) MUFON PUB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MikE: I presume you have read the current issue of (California) UFO Magazine, with several articles on PSI-Tech, the extraterrestrialmanifestation of presence here that will occur in New Mexico allegedly by August, on remote viewing, by Army iuntelligence types (INSCOM) posing as civilians, etc. Eschatological enough? - Rich Boylan, Sacramento, CA --- Cut Here --- =========================================================================== BBS: GATES OF DELIRIUM Date: 05-21-93 (09:26) Number: 1520 From: RICH BOYLAN Refer#: 1295 To: TIM HAMEWKA Recvd: NO Subj: Ufos, The Eschatological Conf: (53) MUFON PUB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim: The term "eschatalogical" refers to the End Times, and, in Christian tradition, to the second Coming of Christ and the End of the World. The term has been borrowed by certain UFO writers to refer to the Open Manifestation of the Extraterrestrials among the people of Earth, and the World-changing implicationsof that event. You can read my mail elsewhere, particularly a piece to John Komar dated today, May 21, on PSI-Tech's disinformational twist and intrusion into the Extraterrestrial Manifestation event. - Rich Boylan, Sacramento, CA ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************