SUBJECT: GOLDEN EARS MOUNTAIN UFO UPDATE FILE: UFO3167 Canadian Information Golden Ears Mountain UFO Update On Sept. 5/93 there was a rescue operation on top of the Golden Ears mountain between 9-10.30 pm. During that period of time there were flares released and a helicopter as well as an airplane present from the Canadian Armed Forces out of Comox. I spoke with those people the next day after receiving numerous reports of UFO's. At that time I was convinced that the public was witnessing flares and we had a classic case of mis-identification. However, after receiving many more reports due to newspaper articles we discovered many independent sets of witnesses and crowds of witnesses who claimed that two separate events were taking place over the area, ie; the flares were being released at a lower elevation and other anomalous activity was taking place at a higher elevation. Witnesses were reporting that the flares were gradually descending and giving off a yellowish glow and other higher altitude objects were stationary for great lengths of time, were making 'square, triangular, straight line formations and playing tag'. So many witnesses reported this phenomenon that we were forced to reassess our conclusions, particularly in light of the fact that we were still receiving reports of the unidentified phenomenon up to 02.30 am. long after the rescue operation ceased and before it had been made public. We also received reports of lights over the Golden Ears mountains on August 31st and September 2nd. Reports coming in from Coquitlam (where the mountain is located) since the rescue operation describes a brilliant light which has rotating green & red flashing lights, quite different from the reports we received both before & during the search & rescue operation. the names and telephone numbers of the witnesses are on file with our Institute and some of them have been made public. many of the witnesses of reports called into our organization were not aware of previous events reported. If this were not enough, another mass sighting occurred on September 10th 1993 in the city of Surrey which is very close to Coquitlam. A number of witnesses poured out into the street to watch a very large circular object the size of three passenger planes hover over their apartment complex. It made no noise, had a circumference of fast strobing red lights and was seen at dusk while there was still light. It appeared made of solid grey metal and was too thin for a human to stand fully erect inside of. The geographical location is fairly isolated but there are many living quarters in the specific area. the object was seen after 10-15 seconds to tilt on it's side and to shoot away at a high speed. At it's closest point the vehicle was no more than 100 feet above the witnesses. Source. UFO Research Institute of Canada. Date: 13th September 1993. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************