SUBJECT: KEN CARYL RESIDENTS REPORT "UFO" FILE: UFO3175 ------------------------------------------------------------ This file was provided by ParaNet(sm) Information Service and its network of international affiliates. You may freely distribute this file as long as this header remains intact. ParaNet UFO Newsclipping Service Date Prepared: February 15, 1993. Source: Mike Keithly, Columbine Community Courier. Date: Article date February 3, 1993 Location: Ken Caryl Ranch, Southwest Jefferson County Colorado. ============================================================ For further information on ParaNet(sm), contact: Michael Corbin ParaNet Information Service P.O. Box 172 Wheatridge, CO 80034-0172 or FidoNet 1:104/422 Internet ============================================================ This article was Submitted from the Columbine Community Courier dated Wednesday Feb 3, 1993. It is rewritten without permission by Mike Kei thly on Feb 15, 1993. Article name Article1.txt. Ken Caryl Residents report "UFO" Deputy Mike Sensano doesn't know what he saw on Jan 24. but he's positive that it wasn't from a helicopter, or an airplane, or a spotlight. Sensano was among four Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputies that saw a strange cluster of lights appear over the Ken Caryl Valley two Sundays ago. And the Deputies weren't alone. Between 7:45pm and 9:00pm the Jefferson County Sherr if's Department recieved 10 calls from residents of the Ken Caryl Ranch area who also observed a bright white light and a group of yelow ones hovering over the air. "When people ask me to describe the lights, I tell them I've never seen this kind of light before, so I have nothing to compare it to." Sensano said. " If I saw some men coming out of saucers, I'd say so." Sensano was dispatched to the location after an anonymous citizen reported the sighting from his car. The citizen called JCSD from a cellular phone. When Sensano looked west from the Diamond/Shamrock gasoline station on Chat field Avenue, he saw the lights above the mountain where the Ken Caryl West Ranch subdivision is located. According to a Sheriff's report filed by Sensano, the yellow cluster appeared to be suspended in the air and not traveling in any direction. Sensano said he could not hear any engine sounds. One deputy called officials at Staple ton International Airport, who confirmed that they had seen the lights, but showed nothing on there radar screen. The lights abruptly dissapeared from the sky around 8:00pm, but reappeared in a triangular form about ten minutes later in the same area as seen before. Sensano said the hovering beams luminated the car of a man traveling on U.S 285 by the hogback. He said the driver ws momentarily blinded by the bright ness of the lights. Since the incident, Sensano says he's heard numerous theories explaining the phenomenon. One theory is that the lights were mere ly fiber optics created by the airwaves. Another theory is that there was some king of mirage reflecting heat waves. Others claim that the lights were the result of a secret military experiment. Sensano himself offers no theories on what he saw. In his sherrif's report, the deputy classified the case as a "Suspicious incident." End of Article. ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************