SUBJECT: A MAJESTIC DECEPTION FILE: UFO3181 DATE OF UPLOAD: September 25, 1989 ORIGIN OF UPLOAD: ParaNet Administration/Denver, Colorado CONTRIBUTED BY: Barry Greenwood/Editor: Just Cause Magazine ======================================================== (C) Copyright 1989 ParaNet Information Service All Rights Reserved unless copyrighted by author. THIS FILE WAS PREPARED BY PARANET ALPHA -- PARANET INFORMATION SERVICE 1-303-232-6115 9600 BAUD DENVER, COLORADO NOTE: THESE FILES ARE NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION OUTSIDE OF THE PARANET INFORMATION SERVICE NETWORK ======================================================== This is a reprint of the September, 1989 issue of Just Cause. JUST CAUSE Publisher: Lawrence Fawcett Editor: Barry Greenwood Address: P.O. Box 218 Coventry, Conneticut 06238 Subscription: 4 issues-$10.00 ($15.00 foreign) ================================================================ Number 20 NEW SERIES September 1989 (C) Copyright 1989 A MAJESTIC DECEPTION THE BOSTON GLOBE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 Q. What is the origin of the term 'big lie'?--W.E., Newton Upper Falls A. Writing in "Newspeak: A Dictionary of Jargon," Jonathan Green asserts that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler coined the phrase in his book, "Mein Kampf." Hitler advanced the premise that the greater and more audacious the lie, the more chance there is of the masses believing it. According to Green, the big lie is "a popular philosophy of dictators and demagogues, and indeed, on a more subtle level, of supposedly 'democratic' governments, who tend to gild the process by explaining that 'what you don't know won't hurt you' when it comes to concealing affairs of state from those who elect them." July 1, 1989, may well be remembered in the history of UFO research as the day when the "Majestic 12" story came crashing to Earth in a heap of rubble. Cause of death: Suicide! In a long speech at the MUFON annual symposium in Las Vegas, William Moore, one of the chief promoters of the MJ-12 tale, gave the latest version of the "facts;" a part-sympathy plea, part- confession, part-assault on critics. CAUS has explored this information in great detail over the past several years. Briefly, for new readers, MJ-12 is purported to be a panel of distinguished scientists and political and military leaders assembled in the late 1940s to study reports of crashed flying saucers, in particular the famous "Roswell Incident" of 1947. The alleged panel is said by some to be functioning even today. A variety of official-looking documents have been released to the UFO community by William Moore, Jaime Shandera and Stanton Friedman as evidence of the reality of MJ- 12. CAUS has been strongly critical of the story for a large number of reasons already on the record. The MSF team have angrily defended the story, despite a recent public posture of being objective and undecided about the truth, or lack of truth, in the reported information. Moore's speech at Las Vegas was an attempt to explain his involvement in MJ-12 since the early 1980s and to answer cores of serious questions about his activities. Answers were given but the questions were not settled. Some of the more remarkable claims: 1) That Moore was recruited by government intelligence people to aid in an effort to change official UFO policy. One of his "duties" was to observe and report on a disinformation campaign against Paul Bennewitz, a key figure in the sightings at Kirtland AFB, N.M., in August 1980 (see Clear Intent, Epilog). Comment: Moore stated emphatically in a December 10, 1988 "Open Letter" that, "Rumors circulating to the effect that I am some sort of government agent or 'disinformation' expert are totally false." Assuming that this scenario Moore paints is true, whether he likes it or not this makes Moore an agent of the U.S. government. Funk and Wagnalls Dictionary defines an agent as "One who or that which acts for another." If Moore received instructions from what he believed to be a government source, and reported on the effects of official disinformation on Bennewitz, he is acting as an agent of the government, whether paid or unpaid. 2) That Moore was to supply information to the government through Richard Doty, an Air Force OSI agent, on the activities of Bennewitz, APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization of Tucson, Arizona, of which Moore was an active member), and "several other individuals." Boasting that being a small part of this operation gave him an advantage for all the information I could get out of it." Comment: The outrageousness of this cannot be described. Moore, one of the major critics of government secrecy on UFOs, had covertly informed on people who thought he was their friend and colleague. Knowing full well that the government people with whom he was dealing were active disinformants, Moore pursued a relationship with them and observed the deterioration of Paul Bennewitz' physical and mental health. Rather than help the man he stood by and did nothing. Moore reported the effects of the false information regularly to "some of the very same people who were 'doing it' to Paul." And Moore boasted in his speech as to how effective it was. He said he watched Paul become systematically more paranoid and emotionally unstable as he tried to understand what was happening to him. Such scurrilous behavior can in no way be excused. Moore claimed that this was the only way to get to the core of the operation, to "play the disinformation game." All the while, he played games with UFO researchers, feeding false leads and information, doing nothing to correct the situation, and wasting a lot of people's time and money laying a trail of sugar cubes for UFOlogists, hungry for information, to lap up. What is most curious is what made Moore think that as one of the main critics of government UFO policy, he thought he could get very high up into an intelligence operation against UFOlogists? Moore is a professional writer. Intelligence operatives knew this and were certainly aware that Moore could be a great danger in exposing such an operation. Didn't Moore believe that he could have been a disinformation target as well? Apparently not, as MSF have quite readily distributed known- disinformant's information through the UFO field and have found no problems with them. "EVERYTHING THAT DECEIVES MAY BE SAID TO ENCHANT" (Plato) Moore in 1987 (Focus, September 15) said, (Debunkers) "charges of 'Hoax,' 'Forgery,' and 'Deception' are not only premature but, in my opinion, constitute an unscientific, highly emotional approach which seems completely unwarranted at this time." Yet in his Las Vegas speech on July 1, Moore said that in June, 1982, he brought Shandera and Friedman into his project, that both knew Moore was in contact with intelligence people and both were aware that at least some of the information was disinformation! So by the words of one of the team players, MSF were aware of false information from Moore's sources as early as 1982. This explains why CAUS has never been able to get a comment or explanation from MSF regarding a number of questions raised, for example, the "MJ-5 CIA document" that Moore published in 1987 as evidence of MJ-12 (see Just Cause, September 1987). The document was given to Moore (allegedly) by his sources. It is exceedingly flawed but, despite the opinion by Friedman, expressed to CAUS in 1987, that it was genuine, MSF have not discussed this document's credibility anywhere. In essence, it seems that MSF simply pick and choose what looks good and ignore the rest. For good reason! The association of clearly false material from the same sources as the selected "prime" documents being promoted will taint the whole story. In light of Moore's remark that his partners were aware of false information, we invite comparison to repeated remarks by MSF that not a single question has been raised that would cast doubt on the documents, which they endorse as strong evidence of MJ-12. If a source feeds information, at least part of which is known to be false, how can good researchers possibly declare the story as decidedly free of any doubt? 3) That Moore and his contacts were responsible for "dropping subtle hints" that Doty was the mysterious "Falcon" to draw attention away from the real Falcon. Comment: "Falcon" and "Condor" were two of Moore's sources appearing on the UFO Cover-Up-Live! TV show in October 1987. CAUS was the first source to draw a connection between Richard Doty and Falcon, based on Doty's connection to past false documents. Moore and his "hints" has nothing to do with this decision. Our reasons were clearly defined in the September 1987 issue of Just Cause. Since Doty was exposed as a source, Moore has demoted him from a Falcon to a "Sparrow" and has introduced another unknown character as Falcon. We've seen no evidence that such an individual exists. We do recall that when Doty's name came into the controversy an absurd tale was concocted that there were two Richard Dotys to take the heat off of Doty. Both Moore and Doty played this game into the background when the sham wore thin. 4) That MSF's position on the documents has always been one of neutrality and that they don't know whether or not the papers are authentic (see page 10, Vegas speech). Comment: From Focus, 9-15-87, "There is also compelling evidence that...(the Eisenhower Briefing Paper) may well be authentic." From MUFON UFO Journal, July 1987, (page 11 article by Moore), " is our considered opinion...that the document and it's contents appear to be genuine." From the same article, "Indeed, one document was uncovered at the National Archives which *unquestionably* verifies the existence of an MJ-12 group in 1954 and *definitely* links both the National Security Council and the President of the United States to it." (Emphasis added) From Moore's own Vegas speech, "We have been able to confirm that there is in fact a group known as MJ-12 which operates at the White House/National Security Council level." From the Vegas speech (on Cutler/Twining memo), "...I can state with reasonable certainty that it is an authentic document." Who are MSF trying to kid? They have been the major promoters of the existence of MJ-12 since the story first broke. They refuse to lend any weight to even the smallest flaw in the tale, never mind the major ones, and they continue to heap abuse on those who raise serious questions about it. If MSF are truly neutral now, let us see a paper by their chief spokesman, Stanton Friedman, detailing what he perceives as the weaknesses in the story. A good scientist would be glad to do this in the interest of balance and fairness. However, we don't expect such to happen. What is clear in this recent claim of neutrality is that MSF are trying to leave a back door open, much like the one Moore was said to have slipped through to avoid a question and answer session at the Vegas symposium after his speech. They may then claim that if the story does seriously collapse in their eyes, they can say that they never really supported it whole-heartedly in the first place. "THE BRIGHTEST FLASHES IN THE WORLD OF THOUGHT ARE INCOMPLETE UNTIL THEY HAVE BEEN PROVED TO HAVE THEIR COUNTERPARTS IN THE WORLD OF FACT." (John Tyndall) 5) That the testimony given on the UFO Cover-Up - Live! TV show last October by "Falcon" and "Condor" was at least partial, and possibly substantial, disinformation. Comment: In the rare situation where two hours of prime time television are given over to a favorable presentation of UFOs, here we have a fair portion of the last hour wasted in presenting what Moore admits to be false data. He knew in advance what the testimony would be from Falcon and Condor since the interviews were taped. Yet he saw fit to go ahead and carry on a charade, making UFO research look ridiculous in the process. Remarks by Falcon and Condor about the aliens' lifestyle and preference for Tibetan music and strawberry ice cream were laughable. Friedman has agreed that the TV show was a disaster but will not acknowledge that much of the blame lies with the MSF team for supplying the show with the raw material for this fiasco. Where was the careful research here? What is really galling is that prominent UFO researchers who should know better completely squandered this chance to present UFOs in the best possible light to millions of viewers. Moore, instead, excuses this gaffe by saying that *regardless of whether or not it's true*, it must be important as government informants risked going on TV to tell their story. Incredible!!! The truthfulness of the issue *is* the whole story, not to be blithely brushed off as Moore does in his Vegas speech. And, we are informed by Moore in Vegas, the same individuals who were presented on the show, and who fed disinformation by Moore's own testimony, are in the process of arranging a meeting with one or more members of Congress to tell their stories! Moore seems to delight in the prospect that this meeting will take place and actively supports it. How will this make UFO research look in the eyes of Congress? We will probably come off looking like a bunch of flaky, lying SOBs to those Congressmen who even sit down and take the time to listen. And MSF can take full blame for such a development. 6) That Richard Doty was, according to Moore, almost certainly a part of the Ellsworth AFB document fake (see MUFON UFO Journal, January 1984), but not in a capacity to be responsible for creating the documents. And that Doty faked the "Craig Weitzel letter" (see our Exhibit 1, this issue) in 1980, saying it was "bait" sent to APRO to recruit an informant. Comment: We would like to know how Moore *knows* that Doty did not create the Ellsworth document? Did Doty say so and that was good enough? Moore has already acknowledged Doty as a disinformant and as being involved in false document cases. Doty's involvement in both of the above-mentioned cases served as much of the basis for CAUS' conclusion that he is behind much of the MJ-12 disinformation. Moore's revelations in this area were no surprise at all to us. Also not surprising was the lack of comment on our conclusions about Doty by MSF, except for the two-Doty story which few believed. Indeed, when Moore said in his speech that people contacting Doty for more information were making nuisances of themselves, he was correct. But neither would they get any truth from Moore's source. 7) That the "Aquarius Document" of 17 November 1980, is not a genuine government document. Comment: This is the first piece of paper mentioning an MJ- 12 by name. Moore claims it is a re-typed version of a genuine document with false information added. Since Moore has admitted that Doty, as "Sparrow," was his liaison man to Falcon, and since Moore says that it was "apparently created by AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations)" and handed to him in February 1981, we must conclude that Doty was the source of this as well. Moore didn't name his source in the Vegas speech probably for the reason that naming Doty as a source of another false paper would compound an already bad situation. (see CAUS bulletin, December 1985, for a copy of the Aquarius paper) We have no "real" Aquarius document to which we can refer, so Moore's indications in his speech as to what is or is not authentic information in the document does nothing for his case. 8) That the AFOSI documents describing UFO sightings at Kirtland AFB, N.M. in 1980 are authentic. Comment: Moore qualifies this statement by saying that to the best of his knowledge they are genuine. Considering Doty's connection to the previously-mentioned false documents, we must question the accuracy of the information as given in the OSI Complaint Form dated 2-9 September, 1980 (see CLEAR INTENT, pgs. 224-25). We acknowledge that this document, along with other documents on Paul Bennewitz, were officially filed and officially released under the Freedom of Information Act. Thus, they are genuine government documents in that they were produced as official records. However, evidence of Doty's false statements are already on record, acknowledged by Moore in his speech and through other documented materials. Since the OSI Complaint Form was the only document in the Kirtland group that was authored by Doty, and since we have no reason as yet to question the other documents in the group regarding Bennewitz, his visit to Kirtland, and subsequent interest by Senator Domenici, we must consider that the Complaint Form contains distortions of fact in it's description of UFO sightings. In the case of the Craig Weitzel letter, Doty took a rather ordinary sighting by a real Craig Weitzel and dramatized it beyond all reality, according to later interviews with Weitzel himself. As such, we have reason to suspect a similar scenario with Kirtland. "HUMANKIND CANNOT BEAR VERY MUCH REALITY." (T.S. Eliot) An additional curiosity surfaced upon re-examination of the video tape of the KPIX-TV San Francisco documentary "The UFO Experience," produced in 1982. The tape reveals that a copy of the OSI Complaint Form shown is different from the subsequent release to CAUS of the Kirtland files discussed in CLEAR INTENT. This TV copy was stamped "Secret" and the title and date of the incident were typed differently. Our copy is stamped "For Official Use Only." There is no evidence that our copy was ever downgraded from a higher level. The TV copy is said to have been leaked to Bill Moore by a "source" in Washington, D.C. in January 1982 (see "UFO Landing near Kirtland AFB, or Welcome to the Cosmic Watergate" by Bruce Maccabee with comments by Bill Moore). While not apparent at the time, we now consider this alteration suspicious. When these files were circulating, another document was making the rounds of the UFO grapevine. Known as the "Radar Jamming Document" (see our Exhibit 2 this issue), this was an identical OSI Complaint Form to the original Kirtland sighting form, and, we feel, it came from the same typewriter as that used with the sighting form. Similar magic- marker deletions (non-government) appear as well. This document has not been verified through FOIA and is considered highly suspicious. Yet, one may find a "Secret" stamp on it identical to the one used on the "leaked" Kirtland OSI Complaint Form that was given to the TV show by Moore, and later obtained in a different form, via FOIA. We feel that the document was produced by Doty. An interesting scenario is suggested here. A document is leaked to Moore to impress him. But it will not likely be taken seriously because it wasn't officially released, appearing as it did under mysterious circumstances. So, hoping that in his status as a public figure Moore will soon make the document openly available, the leaker prepares another copy and uses his position to file it with OSI. Official attention may have arisen about a "Secret" paper being filed, so the use of the classification "For Official Use Only" would be less conspicuous. The leaker rubber-stamps the new copy to this level. Upon public discussion of the TV broadcast, the leaker would hope that someone files an FOIA request and discovers the paper planted at OSI. In fact the leaker could expect a great likelihood of this happening since CAUS was very actively seeking out government UFO documents. A question arises: Why didn't Moore attempt to confirm his leaked document through FOIA prior to a TV airing of it's image? Why allow an independent source (CAUS) to obtain "proof" that the document was genuine? Perhaps the intention was to allow an independent to do the confirmation and have the document accepted as authentic without question so it would not look like an "in-house" job by a small collective of disinformants. Larry Fawcett had checked with sources in the Kirtland case with whom we could get inside information -- the New Mexico State Police. Page two of the OSI Complaint Form about the sightings makes reference to a sighting by a New Mexico State Patrolman. The sighting was not treated with high security as a statement was given to the Patrolman through the *Public Information Office* at Kirtland and he was advised to report the sighting through his own agency. However, a check by Fawcett with insiders at the State Police revealed that no one could recall such an incident ever occurring, no record of a sighting or statements by the Air Force, and no other records of the Patrolman's report, aside from Doty's brief description in the Air Force's files. When have we suggested before that an effective way to get a false document accepted would be to have it planted in an official source for later discovery, under FOIA or whatever? Correct! In our September 1987 issue of Just Cause regarding the Cutler/Twining memo. The suggestion of a plant in this case was first angrily resisted by MSF, but later they too accepted it. Friedman acknowledges a plant as the most likely explanation for the C/T memo's appearance at the National Archives but insists that it is still genuine, planted by sources in the government to get the facts about UFOs out. In the Kirtland file a document dated July 30, 1981, reports on inquiries by Senator Peter Domenici and an aide, a Mr. Tijeros, into the Bennewitz affair (see CLEAR INTENT, pg. 228). The Senator's interest in the case was to determine whether Bennewitz was the subject of a formal investigation by AFOSI. According to the document, "no formal investigation of Bennewitz was conducted by AFOSI." But according to Bill Moore an active disinformation operation was in effect against Bennewitz, involving, among others, AFOSI agent Richard Doty. This began in September 1980 and continued for a number of years. So one may add to the list of "credits" accumulated by Moore's contacts: Giving deliberately false and misleading information to a United States Senator inquiring into a constituent's difficulties. "TRUTH EXISTS, ONLY FALSEHOOD HAS TO BE INVENTED." (Georges Braque) 9) That on one hand "There is no compelling reason to believe (that the Eisenhower Briefing Paper) is anything but authentic," but on the other hand, "It's authenticity remains far from proved." (Vegas speech) Comment: This is the convoluted thinking we are now getting from MSF. If there is *no* reason to doubt the document, why does it remain far from proved? We see this because MSF have been clear advocates of MJ-12 and have not been neutral, objective and, especially, scientific as they paint themselves to be. In light of the many serious questions raised about the story, they wish to leave their options open now. Though not admitting any flaws in MJ-12 documents at present, the above contradictory comments will allow MSF to play both sides of the fence as this tale further unfolds. 10) That the so-called Truman "Executive Order" of September 24, 1947, "though not yet disproved...presents the weakest case of the three." (meaning the Eisenhower Briefing Paper, the Cutler/Twining memo and the Truman E.O.) Comment: Moore considers the document with some question, mentioning the unspecified "mixed results" of analysts whom he seems to take quite seriously. Yet, Moore also describes this very paper as being the *final page of the Eisenhower Briefing Paper*, about which MSF have repeatedly asserted that there is *not a single question raised* which would cast any doubt on it. Moore has stated that a number of questioned-documents experts have examined the MJ-12 papers. Where are the results of these expert analyses? A July/August 1987 issue of the "International UFO Reporter" quotes editor Jerome Clark as saying, "Moreover, a related document, which Klass and Kurtz have called fraudulent, is now *known* to be almost certainly authentic, *according to the results of an investigation conducted by one of America's major document-analysis firms*. These results have not been revealed in the two years since. Furthermore, from an issue of Moore's newsletter (Focus, 2- 88): "The previously Top Secret 1952 briefing document...has been declared authentic following examination by a world-reknown professor of linguistics." As a note of interest, when the above mentioned professor backed away from endorsement of the Briefing Paper (see Just Cause, December 1988), there was no reporting of this at all from MSF. It has not been mentioned since. "WE KNOW WHAT A PERSON THINKS NOT WHEN HE TELLS WHAT HE THINKS, BUT BY HIS ACTIONS." (Isaac Singer) The end of Moore's talk launched into an attack on much of the UFO community for it's petty bickering, rumors, personal and political grudges and power plays. The fact is that the MSF team have been largely responsible for many of the wild rumors of the last five + years. To scourge the UFO community, after admitting to and encouraging false information, is the height of hypocrisy. Moore advocates a "Society of Professional UFOlogists" which will establish a "rigorous set of ethics" and limits it's membership to "an elite few" whose abilities have been demonstrated. Presumably this society would incorporate the standards and techniques, and ethical concerns, that Moore describes in his Vegas speech: withholding of information, deliberate deception, indifference to the health and welfare of friends and colleagues, alteration and falsification of government documents. Add to this the list an unmitigated arrogance as the UFO community has been warned that Moore and colleagues, "will continue to proceed in the way which we feel best suits our purposes." (page 10, Vegas speech) We note that early in the speech Moore claimed a very modest lifestyle. He stated that he was not in this for the money and is "not looking for a handout." But later in the talk the audience is urged to "make a donation to the effort." The UFO community has responded to money requests by MSF in sizable amounts, $16,000.00 going to Stanton Friedman, for example, for a study of MJ-12. Unfortunately, judging from Moore's speech, all the UFO community is getting is a slap in the face. ALTERNATIVE MOTIVES? All of what we have said in this report assumes that Moore's Vegas speech is the truth. We do not rule out other possible explanations and motivations for the things said and done on MJ- 12 during this entire decade. Is the motivation nothing more simple than trying to make money off the UFO field? It's a possibility that we have resisted as it is much too pat an explanation. We have often heard members of the public say about UFO books, "Oh, they're in it for the buck!" We now entertain this explanation. Consider: -A copy of Moore's speech was not made available to MUFON prior to the symposium in Las Vegas. Customarily, all speeches are collected and published under one cover for the benefit of the host organization. Instead, Moore withheld his paper and sold the 18-page presentation for ten dollars a copy, forcing MUFON to require that in the future a speaker may not deliver a speech without prior submission of a paper. -"William L. Moore Publications" offerings were removed from the listings of the Arcturus Book Service in June 1989 (see Arcturus Book Service, BOOKLIST 1989-6) due to exceedingly late, or even non-fulfilled paid orders. Arcturus is one of the very few specialist UFO book sellers in existence and very serious problems must be evident to be thrown off to the catalog. -Moore has offered for sale copies of a 20-minute video tape featuring Richard Doty, explaining his involvement in the Kirtland sightings of 1980. A $29.95 price tag was put on the tape, excessive for only a 20-minute segment. An advertising brochure stated, "You can hear his voice and decide whether or not he is telling the truth. *We know he is*. See for yourself." (Emphasis added) Among the "truths" told on this tape was that Linda Howe, producer of the cattle mutilation film "A Strange Harvest," contacted Doty to ask questions about UFOs, cattle mutilations; etc. Doty said he couldn't answer the questions she asked but invited her onto Kirtland for a visit. Doty said on the tape, "I know nothing about Project Aquarius and nothing about UFO investigations," except, of course, for the Kirtland sightings. However, Moore, in his Vegas speech (page 11), tells how a disinformation "game" was played out with Howe, whereby Doty deliberately fed her false information at the meeting she described in a sworn affidavit (see CAUS Bulletin, December 1987). Moore boasted as to what a "very effective deception" it was. Howe told the truth about what she was told at the Kirtland meeting, Doty lied on Moore's tape, and Moore advertised this tape as the "truth" at nearly $30.00 a copy! The tape itself was extremely hard to get from WLM Publications. We are aware of numerous complaints of late or unfulfilled orders. CAUS finally did get a copy and found the technical quality very lacking, with numerous "rolls" and "dropouts." A CAUS associate, Rick Giordano, borrowed a copy from us for viewing. On what amounted to only the third running of the tape, it broke inside Giordano's machine. He brought the tape to a repair shop and was told that it was a bottom-of-the- barrel quality video cassette. The tape spool simply came apart. We've patched it back together and hope it doesn't disintegrate on the shelf! $29.95 per copy! -Moore tried to pass this story across as a fiction novel (see Just Cause, March 1989) in 1982. -Moore once told Larry Fawcett, after an attempt to get together to work on the MJ-12 problem early in the story, that he refused any cooperation because he "had to put bread on his table." -In what seemed to be an out-of-place statement in his speech, Moore made reference to Whitley Strieber and his opinions of him. Referring to an initial feeling of being skeptical and jealous of Whitley, Moore then praised him, saying Whitley's experience "gives every appearance of being a real situation." What Moore doesn't say here is that a fiction novel called "MAJESTIC" is due very shortly from Whitley Strieber, with the full participation of William Moore. Credit must be give. Moore has managed to parlay this story to the extent of convincing an author of mega-best-sellers to throw his weight behind it. However, it seems strange to us that the efforts of MSF to convince the public that there is something to this story culminates in the first book-length treatment of it being *fiction*! FINAL WORD In Stanton Friedman's speech at Las Vegas he makes the following comment, "Members of *Just Cause* have been constantly harping against the documents. Their motivation is not clear, and their methodology is less clear." Members of *CAUS*, NOT *JUST CAUSE*, have been quite crystal clear with regard to motivation and methodology. But we will help Friedman understand this once again: We are convinced that the documents originate from suspicious sources. Our motivation is to save the UFO community time and money, and bad publicity, on a hopelessly flawed story. We, and others, have gone into great detail to explain why we see it like this. Professional jealousy and "sour grapes," as Moore has said, have no bearing on the matter. If MSF would at least admit that there are severe problems with the MJ-12 tale, we would lay off. But is has been pushed, promoted and marketed and big money has entered the picture. A perfectly respectable area of research, the study of unexplained aerial phenomena, is being made to look foolish in all of this controversy. We perceive an immense credibility damage to this subject at present. Not many even seem to care anymore. However, we will continue to put our point of view on record. In closing his speech, Moore says about his activities that one may climb aboard and hang on or get off the tracks. If one likes to be taken for a ride, then by all means climb aboard. NEXT ISSUE: Back to normal! ================================================================= EXHIBIT 1 Dear Sir: On July 16, 1980, at between 10:30 - 10:45 AM, Craig R. Weitzel, 644 Wind Glove Rd, Marietta, Georgia, a Civil Air Patrrol Cadet from Dobbins AFB, Ga, visiting Kirtland AFB, NM, observed a dull metallic colored UFO flying from South to North near Pecos New Mexico. Pecos has a secret training site for the 1550th Aircrew Training and Testing Wing, Kirtland AFB, NM. WEITZEL was with ten other individuals, including USAF active duty airmen, all witnessed the sightings. WEITZEL took some pictures of the object. WEITZEL went closer to the UFO and observed the UFO land in a clearing approximately 250 yds, NNW of the training area. WEITZEL observed an individual dressed in a metallic suit depart the craft and walk a few feet away. The individual was outside the craft for just a few minutes. When the individual returned the craft took off towards the NW. On July 17, 1980, at about 2210hrs., Weitzel was in his temporary billets on Kirtland AFB, NM, when an individual dressed in a dark suit, came to his door. The individual was described by Weitzel as being: 6'3" tall, weight, 170lbs, slender built, dark black hair, dark eyes, wearing sunglasses, narrow shaped face. The individual identified himself as a Mr. Huck from Sandia Laboratories, a secret Depart of Energy Contractor on Kirtland AFB. Mr. Weitzel, not being from the Albuquerque area, did not know what Sandia was. After obraining an explanation from the individual, Weitzel allowed the individual in. The individual told Weitzel that he saw something yesterday near Pecos that he shouldn't have seen. The individual stated the craft was a secret craft from Los Alamos, NM. The individual demanded all the photographs. Mr Weitzel explained that he didn't have any photographs, that all the photographs were with a USAF airman and Weitzel didn't know the individuals name. The individual warned Weitzel not to mention the sighting to anyone or Weitzel would be in serious trouble. After the individual left Weitzels room, Weitzel wondered how the individual knew of the sighting because Weitzel didn't report the sighting to anyone. Weitzel became scared after thinking of the threat the individual made. Weitzel call the Kirtland AFB Security Police and reported the incident to them. They referred the incident to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), which investigates these matters according to the security police. A Mr. Dody, a special agent with OSI, spoke with Weitzel and took a report. Mr. Dody also obtained all the photographs of the UFO. Dody told Weitzel he would look into the matter. That was the last anyone heard of the incident. I am a USAF Airman assigned to the 1550th Aircrew Training and Testing Wing at Kirtland AFB, NM. I was with Weitzel during the sighting, however, I did not see the craft land. I spoke with Weitzel after this Mr. Huck visited him. Weitzel was very upset and wanted something done about it. But after Weitzel spoke with OSI, Weitzel changed his attitude. Weitzel didn't want to talk about the matter anymore. I called and spoke with Mr. Dody. He disavowed any knowledge of the photographs and stated Weitzel decided not to make a report of the sighting. I have every reason to beleive the USAF is covering up something. I spent a lot of time looking into this matter and I know there is more to it than the USAF will say. I have heard rumors, but serious rumors here at Kirtland that the USAF has a crashed UFO stored in the Manzano Storage area, which is located in a remote area of Kirtland AFB. This area is heavily guarded by USAF Security. I have spoke with two employees of Sandia Laboratories, who also store classified objects in Manzano, and they told me that Sandia has examined several UFO's during the last 20 years. One that crashed near Roswell NM in the late 50's was examined by Sandia scientists. That craft is still being store in Manzano. I have reason to beleive OSI is conducting a very secret investigation into UFO sightings. OSI took over when Project Blue Book was closed. I was told this by my commander, COL Bruce Purvine. COL Purvine also told me that the investigation was so secret that most employees of OSI doesn't even know it. But COL Purvine told me that Kirtland AFB, AFOSI District 17 has a special secret detachment that investigates sightings around this area. They have also investigated the cattle mutations in New Mexico. I don't expect you people can do anything about this, but I thought I'd let you know. I must remain anonymous because I am a career ariman with time remaining on active duty. I feel I would be threatened if I disclosed my name. I know that you people can't guarantee my anonymity. ================================================================= EXHIBIT 2 COMPLAINT FORM ADMINISTRATIVE DATA KIRTLAND AFB, NM, 13 Aug 80, Possible Hostile Intelligence Intercept Incident, Frequency Jamming. Date Time 14 Aug 80 0730 Place AFOSI District 17 BID, KIRTLAND AFB, NM HOW RECEIVED IN PERSON SOURCE AND EVALUATION 1960th Communication Officer RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS ADDRESS PHONE 1960 COMMSq KAFB, NM 4-5098 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Remarks 1. On 13 Aug 80, 1960 COMMSq Maintenance Officer reported Radar Approach Control equipment and scanner radar inoperative due to high frequency jamming from an unknown cause. Total blackout of entire radar approach system to include Albuquerque Airport was in effect between1630-2215hrs. Radar Approach Control back up systems also were inoperative. 2. On 13 Aug 80, Defense Nuclear Agency Radio Frequency Monitors determined, by vector analysis, the interference was being sent from an area (V-90 degrees or due East) on DAF Map coordinates E- 28.6. The area was located NW of Coyote Canyon Test area. It was first thought that Sandia Laboratory, which utilizes the test range was responsible. However, after careful check, it was later determined that no tests were being conducted in the canyon area. Department of Energy, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and DNA were contacted but assured that their agencies were not responsible. 3. On 13 Aug 80, Base Security Police conducted a physical check of the area but because of the mountainous terrain, a thorough check could not be completed at that time. A later foot search failed to disclosed anything that could have caused the interference. 4. On 13 Aug 80, at 2216hrs., all radar equipment returned to normal operation without further incident. 5. CONCLUSION: The presence of hostile intelligent jamming cannot be ruled out. Although no evidence would suggest this, the method has been used in the past. Communication maintenance specialists cannot explain how such interference could cause the radar equipment to become totally inoperative. Neither could they suggest the type or range of the interference signal. DNA frequency monitors reported the interference beam was wide spread and a type unknown to their electronic equipment. Further check of the area was being conducted by Technical Services, AFOSI. 6. High command interest item. Briefings requested IAW AFOSIR 124.4 be completed at HQ AFOSI,IVOE. HQ CR44 and 51 items. ================================================================= NOTE: OTHER EXHIBITS WERE OMITTED FROM THIS FILE. ================================================================= END OF DOCUMENT ================================================================= 9/89 ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************