SUBJECT: THE SSE FILE: UFO3224 The following is information about the Society for Scientific Exploration, it's journal, and the upcoming annual SSE meeting (Jun 24-26) in Santa Fe, New Mexico. ======================================================================== The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) was founded in 1980 to advance the understanding of anomalous phenomena and provide a forum where scientists with differing belief systems can meet to exchange ideas concerning phenomena that appear to contradict existing scientific knowledge. The Reverend Ian Stand in his "High Weirdness by Mail" describes the SSE as "repulsively academic ... just what eggheads, long-hairs and career college students have been looking for." But in reality, the SSE is a dynamic organization of almost 400 members that publishes the peer-reviewed quarterly Journal of Scientific Exploration and holds an annual meeting. The group is definitely NO CSICOP. Many SSEers belong to the Parapsychological Association and the American Society for Psychical Research, as well as mainstream organizations like the American Statistical Association, the American Chemical Society, etc. It is a forum where all kinds of views can be heard without censorship. Mike Epstein (CompuServe: 76640,1540) (Internet: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPCOMING MEETING OF SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION The Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration will be held at the Best Western Inn at Loretto in Santa Fe, New Mexico June 24 - 26, 1993. Local arrangements have been made by SSE members Dr. John Alexander and Dr. Larry Dossey. Any Associate or Member of SSE is entitled to present a paper at this meeting. The Program Committee for this year's meeting consists of Henry Bauer, Brenda Dunne, Michael Epstein, Beverly Rubik, and Michael Swords (chair). The Committee has structured this meeting to be both educational and entertaining. We plan to cover two areas of great current interest. One is the so-called Mind-Body interactions with implications for health, placebo effects, psychoneuroimmunology, and bio-electromagnetism. The other comprises UFO phenomena, especially concrete evidence, physical effects, and abductions. These subjects will be the twin themes of the conference, with talks on these topics dominating two of the three days. A tentative list of invited speakers includes: Robert Ader, Larry Dossey, Beverly Rubik, Harry Rubin, and Jan Walleczek for mind-body topics, and John Alexander, Richard Haines, Donald Johnson, Mark Rodeghier, and Don Schmitt for UFO topics. To encourage in-depth discussion, the talks and panel discussions will have significant amounts of question time. To allow other SSE members to present papers on their own research, the Program Committee has decided to create what they hope will prove an attractive format for a poster session, to be held in concert with a wine-and-cheese reception. An excursion to an "exotic" setting will be scheduled: either the Los Alamos Supercomputer facility or the ancient Anasazi Pueblo ruins near Santa Fe. Cocktails and a banquet are scheduled for Friday evening. SSE Associates and Members are encouraged to contribute papers for possible oral or poster presentation. Please submit an abstract (of 200 words or less, to be received by April 24) to the Program Committee Chair: Dr. Michael Swords; Department of Science Studies; Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. To obtain your registration material please contact Professor Larry Frederick at Society for Scientific Exploration, P.O. Box 3818, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-0818. Please note that there will be a late registration fee after May 15. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Inn at Loretto at the special conferences rates of $98 per night for a single room, and $108 per night for a double room. The address is: Inn at Loretto, 211 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87504, USA, Telephone: 505-988-5531, FAX 505-984-7988. Please make your own reservations directly with the hotel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION: The JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION publishes peer-reviewed research articles and invited essays in areas that do not fit neatly into the matrix of present-day science. Now in it's 6th year of publication, this quarterly journal provides a professional forum for the presentation, scrutiny and criticism of topics falling outside the established scientific disciplines. JSE publishes articles both "pro" and "con", the only criteria being quality and scholarship. It is the official publication of the international Society for Scientific Exploration (founded in 1982). For information contact: JSE Editorial Office ERL 306 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 FAX: 415-725-2333 ============================================================================= ********************************************************************* * -------->>> THE U.F.O. BBS - <<<------- * *********************************************************************